Wednesday, 2024-09-25

T42<edp_17> @elros34 : Now I know why I need your mousetracker. :) Without it, there is no cursor displayed when I am using S-Pen.07:45
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T42<elros34> maybe it could be fixed in jolla's code08:56
T42<elros34> mal: should we use old convention for subproject name on OBS: or new one 4.6 or for me more logical 4.6.0?08:58
T42<elros34> I guess 4.6 is right one09:35
mal@elros34 I think I didn't yet update community-adaptation package with new urls13:33
malwe need to do that13:33
T42<Mister_Magister> @NotKit are you updating the dummy-sailjail?15:03
T42<Mister_Magister> or is it @elros34 that manages it15:03
T42<NotKit> it was @elros3415:03
T42<Mister_Magister> well your fork is one commit ahead xd15:04
T42<Mister_Magister> then @elros34 sailfish-office doesn't work on my phone on 4.615:04
T42<edp_17> @TheVancedGamer : Could you please send me the commits (backport memfd) in your device repo?15:06
Mister_Magistermal: did you ever debug no camera flash while taking photo? While there is flash when camera is focusing i have no flash when camera is actually taking a photo lol and it sounds like nightmare to debug15:14
malnot that I can remember16:38
malMister_Magister: just a simple test, test when running camera app from terminal to rule out sandboxing issues, unlikely cause though16:39
rinigusThere is sync issues between camera and flash on Tama, aosp 10 base. It seems like blobs issue and will not be fixed. So, we are just living with it17:08
malyeah, usually those are blob issues, of course testing in android on the device tells what kind of issue it is17:20
Mister_Magistermal: the flash works on lineage but in unexpected way20:36
Mister_Magisternormally when you do flash it just flashes… like flash should do. in lineage it instead… turns on the torch for a second20:37
Mister_Magisteri wonder if its workaround xd20:38
malsounds like very buggy camera blobs20:42
malcheck the lineage device repo for example for anything related to that, some grep magic needed20:43
Mister_Magisterit does the same on stock20:44
Mister_Magisterit… does that in stock lmao20:44
Mister_Magisterhoo boi xd20:44
Mister_Magisterdon't see anything in the configs20:48
Mister_Magisteroh sorry my bad mal its broken on lineage xd20:54
T42<elros34> @edp_17 I guess playing with "available" or "opacity" property in compositor.qml L>1800 could make S-Pen working. ANyway I have updated the patch but didn't test it.21:32
T42<elros34> mind repo name is sailfishapps:4.621:33
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