Tuesday, 2024-10-01

*** Gooberpatrol_66 is now known as Gooberpatrol6604:54
T42<edp_17> @elros34 : Well, it is interesting. Seemingly there is no common folder where all those five  lib{dl,,dl_android,c,m}.so libs are located. There are a few paths where four of them are there except libdl_android.so and there are other locations where libdl_android.so is there but none of the others. It seems for this lib I need to add an extra line to copy.07:27
T42<edp_17> It is even more interesting.07:36
T42<edp_17> That line in dhd is %{android_root}/out/target/product/%{device}/system/lib6407:37
T42<edp_17> Which is in my development environment: ./out/target/product/ocean/system/lib6407:37
T42<edp_17> And in this path there is libdl_android.so07:37
T42<edp_17> I think the relevant line is not what you gave me (L736) but this (L730): https://github.com/mer-hybris/droid-hal-device/blob/master/droid-hal-device.inc#L73007:48
T42<edp_17> And yes, indeed in that path (/out/soong/.intermediates/art/build/apex/com.android.runtime.release/android_common_com.android.runtime.release/image.apex/lib64/bionic/) there are lib{c,dl,m).so but there is no libdl_android.so.07:54
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T42<edp_17> Well, my solution wasn't elegant (at all). I ended up manually copy the libdl_android.so into $ANDROID_ROOT/installroot/usr/libexec/droid-hybris/system/lib64/ then build has completed.10:16
T42<edp_17> Hmm, I've uploaded all droid-hal* and droidmedia* packages to OBS but all other builds now Unresolvable.10:48
mal@edp_17 you had wrong arch in the 4.6 target, fixed it for you11:25
malthat arch line in https://build.sailfishos.org/project/meta/nemo:testing:hw:motorola:ocean11:26
malalso changed the version to which is the latets11:26
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T42<edp_17> Thanks mal!15:01
mal@edp_17 you have some accidentally removed # in the config spec15:08
malline 2315:09
T42<edp_17> Thank you. My keyboard is playing up sometimes :(15:35
T42<edp_17> mal: Interesting. I've checked my local development environment and github too. That # was there in both. I just simply triggered the build of droid-config on OBS and now it's built.15:49
malhmm, odd15:50
T42<edp_17> Indeed.15:55
T42<edp_17> Hmm, the build works well on device. Seems everything work except one thing. There is no system sound.17:40
T42<edp_17> And no sound in calls either.17:41
malis pulseaudio running?18:06
T42<edp_17> mal: according to ps ax, yes.18:42
malanything in journal?18:44
T42<elros34> you forget about  4.5 stop release during OTA or you build new image?18:44
T42<edp_17> I OTA updated it from 4.519:28
T42<elros34> ok then , I asked because there is no 4.5 in your device repos19:29
T42<edp_17> I'll get journalls but we didn't see much in there last time either. (That was on 4.4 or 4.5, can't remember which.)19:29
T42<edp_17> @elros34 : I was also  surprised of that, but I did have a 4.5 image & twrp backup.19:31
T42<elros34> 32bit audio lib on 64 bit port right?19:31
T42<edp_17> Idk. How can I check?19:33
T42<elros34> its your port, you should know:P I remember this was the issue19:35
T42<elros34> you used hidl_compat19:35
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