Monday, 2024-10-07

malI still suspect that pulseaudio loads the original audio module not the hidl_compat pne00:00
T42<edp_17> strace:
malfaccessat(AT_FDCWD, "/vendor/lib64/hw/", R_OK) = 000:01
malwhich means pulseaudio loads that one, so your bind mount is wrong00:02
T42<edp_17> What it should be?00:02
malyou really need to ask that, didn't I just say it00:02
T42<edp_17> So, I'll need this one? mount -o bind /usr/libexec/droid-hybris/system/lib64/hw/ /vendor/lib64/hw/audio.primary.msm8953.so00:04
T42<edp_17> Let me try.00:04
T42<edp_17> Should I keep the other line?00:06
T42<edp_17> mount -o bind /usr/libexec/droid-hybris/system/lib/hw/ /vendor/lib/hw/audio.primary.default.so00:06
T42<edp_17> That was it! Now I have sound. :D00:08
T42<edp_17> Many thanks for your help! Have a good night.00:10
malno need to have the 32-bit mount00:11
T42<edp_17> Great! I'll remove it.00:16
T42<Umeaman> Have the patches for Android 14 been released yet?01:27
T42<TheVancedGamer> mal: ping for the USimAuthentication stuff02:27
rinigus@b100dian: good luck with the build05:45
T42<TheVancedGamer> mal: figured out binder-plugin had SIM authentication, tried to use UmtsAuthenticate and I get this in ofono logs:07:34
T42<TheVancedGamer> ```07:34
T42<TheVancedGamer> Oct 07 12:32:11 ubuntu-phablet ofonod[1479]: Open logical channel failure: NO_SUCH_ELEMENT```07:34
T42<TheVancedGamer> I'll try to see what aid ofono tries to use07:37
T42<edp_17> MTA mode doesn't work and usb-moded is reporting these errors:
T42<edp_17> Devide doesn have /config/usb_gadget/g1/configs/b.1  however, it does have /config/usb_gadget/g1/configs/c.1/11:41
T42<edp_17> Where there are these:
T42<edp_17> Question, how can I change to used c.1 config instead of b1 ?11:42
T42<edp_17> /config11:43
malrelevant parts from
T42<edp_17> Haha, thanks mal! I've found your fp4 example and it worked.11:45
T42<edp_17> Yeah, we posted at the same time. Thanks again. MTP works now.11:46
T42<edp_17> Hm, I was trying to disable time_daemon in /usr/libexec/droid-hybris/system/etc/init/disabled_services.rc12:05
T42<edp_17> Added a line: service time_daemon /vendor/bin/time_daemon_HYBRIS_DISABLED12:05
T42<edp_17> But after reboot, journal still says, it is running and crashing.12:06
T42<edp_17> Content of /vendor/etc/init/init.time_daemon.rc:
T42<edp_17> What did I do wrong?12:06
T42<edp_17> Hmm, I also found it in /vendor/etc/init/hw/init.qcom.rc, line 1050 here:
T42<edp_17> @elros34 : It seems not as easy to disable this time_daemon as I thought ^^. :)12:50
maladd override keyword12:53
malhopefully that helps12:54
T42<elros34> like here: if ot thenmaybe you need to get rid if this "start time_daemon"12:59
T42<edp_17> Thanks. I just added the word after the line but no effect.13:03
T42<elros34> how about mounting /dev/null to /vendor/etc/init/init.time_daemon13:04
T42<edp_17> The override worked! Thanks!13:05
T42<elros34> I confused, override keyword or mounting works?13:18
T42<edp_17> Sorry. The override keyword has worked.14:28
rinigus@b100dian: no luck in getting reply from Sony SODP devs. hopefully your tests will tell us what is the current state16:13
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T42<b100dian> Yeah, I did start the build ~now16:31
T42<b100dian> Funny error, an hour into `lunch aosp_xqcq54-userdebug` followed by make16:31
T42<b100dian> Conflicting major version: 2.5 (from device/sony/common/vintf/manifest.xml) vs. 2.5 (from device/sony/common/vintf/
T42<b100dian> The only difference between the two entries regarding camera is one has  <instance>legacy/0</instance>16:32
T42<b100dian> and one <instance>external/0</instance>16:32
T42<b100dian> Looking up what's the meaning of that rn16:32
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T42<b100dian> Hmm
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T42<b100dian> TARGET_USES_QTI_CAMERA is only true for yodo device (1 V)16:54
T42<b100dian> I'm just gonna add legacy/0 back to manifest.xml and see how that goes16:55
rinigus@b100dian: good luck!17:03
rinigusregardless on how it will work out, file an issue at
rinigus@b100dian: which aosp you ended going for? 13 or 14?17:13
T42<b100dian> wait, you can file bugs at sony? :) Tell that to asus and xiaomi :p17:13
T42<b100dian> I followed the a13 steps
T42<b100dian> I had to revert that commit, going to file something next17:24
T42<b100dian> filed
T42<b100dian> changing topic a bit: mal, when is it that this test image show up in camera?
T42<b100dian> The context is: a forum user tried to run the tucana port on toco. After fixing the mountpoints, it runs (screen is on etc.) but the main difference between the devices is exactly the camera hardware17:45
T42<b100dian> changing topic one more time: @elros34 we're in the process of moving to a new host (basically getting a backup from Oskar and installing that on a sailmates server). I guess I could just re-do some very recent changes if that's happening, but just letting you know this is in flux right now17:53
T42<edp_17> @adampigg : Hi Adam, I'd like to try to make fingerprint work on my port. Could you please give me some info/links/notes/guides/whatever-else where I should start? :) Thanks in advance.17:58
T42<b100dian> Isn't the readme enough? Which step is not clear, I could probably fill in18:17
malusually test image in camera means gst-droid might be blacklisted, due to crash or something, remove the gst cache18:30
T42<b100dian> Ok. I'll instruct them to remove cache and grab logs. Thanks18:34
T42<edp_17> Thanks @b100dian . I'll read that and ping you if have any question.18:46
T42<elros34> @b100dian thx for info and keeping wiki alive19:05
T42<b100dian> No worries, thanks for keeping the hadk "hot" ;)19:08

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