Wednesday, 2024-10-09

T42<edp_17> @b100dian : There is nothing disabled in disabled_services.rc:
T42<edp_17> How do you mean any version of services?08:10
T42<edp_17> This is the result for searching for *iometri* and *ingerp* :
T42<edp_17> I think I get it. I have to copy or symlink /system/lib64/ to /usr/libexec/droid-hybris/system/lib64/android.hardware.biometrics.fingerprint@2.1.so08:29
T42<edp_17> Let me try08:29
T42<b100dian> I was gonna say, you need to figure out why it isn't running09:04
T42<edp_17> Well, I symlinked and then copied that library but when restarted Fingerprint daemon: "Start operation timed out. Terminating."09:13
T42<edp_17> So, the "openat(AT_FDCWD, "/usr/libexec/droid-hybris/system/lib64/", O_RDONLY|O_CLOEXEC) = -1 ENOENT (No such file or directory)" error is gone now:
T42<edp_17> Hah, there is another one missing: /usr/libexec/droid-hybris/system/lib64/", 0x7fdfff7508, AT_SYMLINK_NOFOLLOW) = -1 ENOENT (No such file or directory)09:17
T42<edp_17> I've found four .so libraries that I copied from /system/lib64/ to /usr/libexec/droid-hybris/system/lib64/. The daemon still times out.09:30
T42<edp_17> Now, the strace shows some other missing files like "usr/share/qt5/qtlogging.ini" and some others. Are these really missing or just red herring and I should ignore these? Strace:
T42<b100dian> Instead of copying you could link them in /odm/lib64 if you don't have that mount09:54
T42<b100dian> What are you stracing? Which service?09:54
T42<edp_17> I've deleted the copied libraries and instead I symlinked them into /usr/libexec/droid-hybris/system/lib64/10:17
T42<edp_17> The strace command is at the top, it is : strace /usr/bin/sailfish-fpd-community10:18
T42<edp_17> Why should I link those libraries into /odm/lib64 ?10:18
T42<edp_17> Isn't symlinking them into /usr/libexec/droid-hybris/system/lib64/ not enough?10:19
T42<edp_17> The strace says the process is trying to access them in /usr/libexec/droid-hybris/system/lib64 rather than /odm/lib6410:20
T42<edp_17> It seems there is an issue with gatekeeper as /data/misc/gatekeeper is missing. It's in logcat at line 2000 :
T42<edp_17> Also this looks like a problem: E fpc_tac : Unable to open '/sys/devices/platform/soc/619d000.etm/modalias'10:22
T42<edp_17> and there are more similar10:22
T42<edp_17> "E fpc_tac : Unable to open '/sys/devices/platform/soc/6019000.cti/modalias'"10:24
T42<edp_17> On my device there is no '/sys/devices/platform/soc/6019000.cti' but I do have '/sys/devices/platform/soc/6019000.jtagmm' where there is 'modalias'10:24
T42<b100dian> Hmm hard to believe that that is burned unto an executable or library, but you voukd try strings command on them10:39
T42<b100dian> Maybe there's a config file that doesn't match the device your kernel is creating10:39
T42<b100dian> Or a softlink  maybe `find / -lname` would find it10:40
T42<b100dian> Not sure what is jtagmm or cti, maybe your kernel sources or dts fikes have something in them10:41
T42<edp_17> "Strings command" what's that? and how to do that?10:44
T42<b100dian> Ok, here's what jtagmm
T42<b100dian> `strings | less` would allow you to see if there's that file path burned into the library10:46
T42<b100dian> Or | grep 601900010:46
T42<b100dian> Or `find /path -type f -iname \*.so -exec grep -q 6019000 {} \; -print`10:48
T42<b100dian> Path being vendor or system lib or wherever you found those libs10:48
T42<edp_17> So the path should be /system/lib64/ where I found Right?10:50
T42<edp_17> I am sorry but really I have no idea what am doing here.10:51
T42<edp_17> Output of 'strings /system/lib64/' :
T42<edp_17> The 'find /system/lib64/ -type f -iname \*.so -exec grep -q 6019000 {} \; -print' didn't find nothing.10:55
T42<edp_17> When I did a "strings /system/lib64/ | less | grep IBiometricsFingerprint/default", it didn't find nothing. So the correspondent error in logcat is true: "droid-hal-init: Could not find 'android.hardware.biometrics.fingerprint@2.1::IBiometricsFingerprint/default' for ctl.interface_start"11:00
T42<b100dian> So that path is not hatdcoded into an executable12:31
T42<b100dian> *hardcoded12:31
T42<edp_17> Which path? The /system/lib64/ ?12:56
rinigus@b100dian: could you please add "logcat -b radio" to the issue
T42<b100dian> In about an hour yes14:07
rinigus@b100dian: thanks!14:07
T42<b100dian> @edp_17 that soc path14:08
T42<b100dian> @edp_17 I nitice you have camera recording issues on L17.1. Did you apply all recent patches, dhd submodule update and other submodule updates?14:10
T42<edp_17> @b100dian : No, I haven't applied them yet. I was planning to come back to the video-recording issue after the Fingerprint. However, I'll try this if it helps.14:19
T42<edp_17> I need to remember what device that was back in 2022. :)14:21
T42<edp_17> I've just checked and can confirm, I have applied all those patches.14:27
T42<edp_17> Also, before started building 4.6, I've deleted/recreated sdk, target & tooling and updated all submodules.14:28
T42<edp_17> The only issue I have with camera is when trying to record a video with the main camera, the app freezes and it only creates an empty *.mp4 file.14:29
malanything about waiting in logcat?14:30
T42<edp_17> mal, Hi there. Yes, Waiting for service 'media.audio_flinger' : logcat:
malare you sure dummy af is installed?14:35
maland working14:35
T42<edp_17> @b100dian : Ahhhhhh, now I understand why you asked that. After I cloned libhybris, I did not applied the patches. (However, at the end didn't need to build libhybris locally as I built in OBS and installed it from from there.14:40
T42<edp_17> mal: are you referring to audiosystem-passthrough-dummy-af ? No, that is not installed.14:41
T42<edp_17> I only have audiosystem-passthrough installed.14:42
malinstall dummy af14:42
malit's usually needed for camera14:43
T42<edp_17> I thought that was for audio.14:43
malvideo recording uses audio :)14:43
T42<edp_17> Yeah. :)14:43
T42<edp_17> How should I know when it is working?14:43
malif the waiting is gone, also checking binder-list for hwbinder or binder to see if audio flinger is there14:44
T42<edp_17> Rebooting now.14:44
T42<edp_17> The "logcat | grep media.audio_flinger" doesn't give me nothing back. Good sign.14:46
T42<edp_17> How to check binder-list?14:46
malit starts to wait only once you use camera14:46
T42<edp_17> Oh, okay.14:46
malI think only after trying to record a video14:48
T42<edp_17> Yeah, that was it. Video-recording is working now. Many thanks! (again)14:49
T42<b100dian> rinigus:
rinigus@b100dian: thanks! let's see if sodp devs can help14:58
T42<b100dian> looks like a missing so file15:00
rinigus@b100dian: maybe that the one needed in fresher blob. will try to look through latest changes, maybe there was some config that worked.15:03
T42<b100dian> I'll look into a less recent odm sometime later today15:06
rinigus@b100dian: it is also possible that they made changes on open source side that have not been covered by older blobs. so, its possible that blobs follow some older version of aosp. in this respect, testing older sources against current blobs could make sense15:38
rinigusits "just" finding a right combination is very hard. pity that they don't post use this+that and it will wortk15:39
rinigus@b100dian: looks like the work on audio updates for nagara started at the end of august ( and ). as local manifests are not tagged, tags would have to be added to get older configs.18:18
rinigusbut it is some work to start changing the build to follow its state around april-may (or at least before end of aug).18:19
riniguswhether it will work with blobs from the end of april - hard to say18:20
rinigusproblem of course would be to deviate from the current build as bug reports for such case should be probably ignored18:21
T42<b100dian> the two repos seem to be tagged as
T42<b100dian> (nagara and pdx224 I mean use branches t-mr1)18:38
T42<b100dian> rinigus: not sure I follow why are we looking for e.g. end of april. Since you mention audio updates from august. Do you think that is breaking changes?18:39
rinigus@b100dian: problem that these branches are changing. btw the same branches were used for _r30 which seemed to have 5.10 kernel.18:40
rinigusbased on the commit comments, 5.15 is using new audio system. whether it used it earlier in april, I am not sure18:41
rinigusit is also possible that it did use it already and nagara + yodo devices had non-functioning audio with 5.15. but that would be rather strange to have devices on platform in such state for so long18:43
rinigusso, if it worked in april, then those audio changes may have made some of it.18:44
rinigus@b100dian: but there are rather large number of guesses over here. and not sure how was it impacting gsm18:48
T42<b100dian> There's also the fact that I had to revert a commit in device-sony-common18:51
T42<b100dian> so basically I should try to navigate a bit back down the lane in those three repositories. Or are there more?18:51
rinigus@b100dian: maybe device-sony-sepolicy, but that can probably be ignored as it is mainly about camera18:58
rinigusand who cares about camera if you cannot use it as a phone? :)18:58
rinigus@b100dian: others, as far as I looked, seem to be changing less19:01
T42<b100dian> Ok, taking a shot at picking some april-ish commits, mainly 5.10 is the next target19:24
rinigus@b100dian: thanks for trying. note that in april and already before that the blobs were for kernel 5.15. so, its bit strange that corresponding change for kernel was done on apr 4 (
rinigusthus, you could choose the kernel (and blobs) based on whether you use earlier or later state :)19:38
rinigusgood luck!19:38
T42<b100dian> Thaodan: you seem to have had a stab at nagara around 5 month ago, did you build AOSP for it and if so, did it worked and what is your `repo status` ?19:53
T42<b100dian> rinigus: yes, thanks for the hint. It would make sense to try 5.15 first and switch only that (and odm) if failed19:54
T42<b100dian> rinigus: what do you think it's this TARGET_VENDOR_VERSION ?20:37
T42<b100dian> I wonder if I should go before that commit or after20:37
T42<edp_17> Any advise on the fingerprint related error on my port? Can I get an example where it is implemented and I can check repos/commits/etc?20:41
T42<b100dian> @edp_17 what is your kernel source? Maybe something is missing20:45
T42<b100dian> I did not have to do any more than the packaging part for my xiaomi20:45
T42<b100dian> (actually I had to change the sources to fit the optical in-screen sensor, but nothing that was not present out of the box in the droid layer)20:46
T42<edp_17> @b100dian : Ocean kernel :
T42<edp_17> Branch : lineage-17.120:48
T42<edp_17> Thanks in advance.20:49
T42<b100dian> do you have `/data/vendor/.fps` folder?21:09
T42<b100dian> also `/data/misc/keystore`21:11
T42<b100dian> These are from your previous paste at
T42<b100dian> also gatekeeper seems to be used, and `/data/misc/gatekeeper` is also missing?21:30
T42<b100dian> I have these folders on tucana, except .fps, I have fpc for example (empty)21:37
T42<edp_17> None of these exist on my device. No /data/misc/keystore  no /data/misc/gatekeeper  and no /data/vendor/.fps22:28
T42<edp_17> Should I just create those folders?22:30
T42<edp_17> Or change something in kernel/device and that will automatically create them?22:30

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