Friday, 2024-10-11

rinigus@rfasciani: your porter ( Thaodan ) should make sure it is supported. what's the status of waydroid on xperia 5, I don't know. then act as described at
rinigus@b100dian: looking at . maybe they shift focus now to aosp14 ... no idea what is sony's asap; could be similar to jolla's soon06:34
T42<edp_17> @b100dian : strace /vendor/bin/hw/android.hardware.biometrics.fingerprint@2.1-fpcservice:
T42<edp_17> There are a few (Permission denied) like: openat(AT_FDCWD, "/dev/qseecom", O_RDWR) = -1 EACCES (Permission denied)07:41
T42<edp_17> and a Error::Failed to open /dev/qseec07:41
T42<edp_17> this ^^ was when I run the strace as defaultuser07:42
T42<edp_17> However, when I ran it as root, those errors are gone:
T42<edp_17> Both errors ("fpc_hal_open failed\0" and "sensor_command, Failed to send command") are there but for me there is no details about the root cause.07:45
T42<edp_17> @elros34 : Do you know how can I expand that suppressed errors? Like: "chatty  : uid=1000(system) /vendor/bin/hw/android.hardware.biometrics.fingerprint@2.1-fpcservice expire 30 lines"07:47
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T42<edp_17> Since I reflashed sfos with formatted /data, the /sys/devices/platform/soc/6019000.jtagmm is gone. Now I do have all sort of 6*.cti folders in /sys/devices/platform/soc/, but 6019000.jtagmm is no longer there.10:12
T42<edp_17> However, the fingerprint service is still complaining about Unable to open /sys/devices/platform/soc/6*.cti/modalias:
T42<edp_17> And this modalias do exist in some folders in there:
T42<edp_17> Mostly in /sys/devices/platform/soc/6*.jtagmm/ folders.10:19
T42<edp_17> Is it possible to amend the service to look for that modalias in these 6*.jtagmm folders instead of 6*.cti ?10:20
T42<edp_17> I think those "Unable to open '/sys/devices/platform/soc/6*.cti/modalias" messages are red herring because strace shows those "openat(AT_FDCWD, "/sys/devices/platform/soc/6*.jtagmm/modalias".10:50
T42<edp_17> Should I see something fingerprint related in binder-list?
T42<edp_17> Looks like ServiceManagemet is waiting for Could not find 'android.hardware.biometrics.fingerprint@2.1::IBiometricsFingerprint/default then moves on. Line 2488 :
T42<edp_17> @b100dian ^^12:50
T42<edp_17> I've seen mal has had issues with fingerprint on fp4 and he said: "I have the service in /vendor/odm/etc/vintf/manifest.xml but still I get the manifest error in logcat and then "Unable to get FP service""12:51
T42<edp_17> On my device, I don't have /vendor/odm/etc/vintf/manifest.xml. Could it be the issue?12:51
T42<edp_17> In device on my host, I've found "vendor/etc/vintf/manifest/vendor.qti.gnss@3.0-service.xml"12:52
T42<edp_17> Wait, no. That is only listed in device/motorola/sdm632-common/proprietary-files.txt.12:54
T42<edp_17> I cannot find this vendor.qti.gnss@3.0-service.xml in dev environment.12:57
malhmm, forgot about that fp4 issues, need to test in my latest build13:32
T42<b100dian> rinigus: indeed, that means that we migh want to wait. You mentioned custom ROMs for nagara, did you find any?13:32
T42<b100dian> @edp_17 I'm reading now your messages.13:32
T42<b100dian> From the root strace: ioctl commands sent to fd 6 are to /dev/qseecom, when fpc_hal_open failed is logged. This means that you could have dmesg -w messages from kernel as I believe that device should have a kernel driver.13:41
T42<b100dian> If it's not a kernel driver, you have qseecom process I guess?13:42
rinigus@b100dian: no, I haven't found any when briefly looking around at xda13:42
riniguslet's see when they publish new blobs13:43
T42<b100dian> rinigus: yeah. Unfortunately the builds I've tried and the last 3 oem SW versions  + the 5.10 on did not fare better14:06
T42<b100dian> @edp_17 this is my binder list - of course you won't have xiaomi or inscreen14:07
rinigus@b100dian: thank you very much for trying!14:08
T42<edp_17> @b100dian , Thanks. I did a grep and find in kernel tree for qseecom. It seems it is not in defconfig:
T42<b100dian> I think you have it
T42<b100dian> So what does dmesg say when you try to start that service you straced earlier?15:13
T42<elros34> I think it would be better to fix /dev/qseecom permission and strace this fingerprint exe with correct user instead as root or defaultuser  Also use strace -f argument16:34
T42<elros34> -s 256 would be nice, at least to see generated logs if you don't include fresh logcat16:39
T42<b100dian> rinigus: I see XperiFirm can be run under mono:) I have downloaded a 64.0 FW, but it's all .sin files (which seem to be e.g. oem*.sin is a .tar with three oem.001|002|cms files.. Do you have experience with switching the base FW on Sony?16:41
T42<b100dian> ah nevermind, probably Emma is needed for flashing :-S16:49
rinigus@b100dian: emma is safer bet, I think.16:56
rinigusthere is also Newflasher. that's the one I used long time ago as it runs on linux16:58
rinigusbut note that this bricking issue while flashing of xperia was reported with that16:59
malwhat bricking issue?17:13
malyou mean because vendor_boot cannot be flashed from normal fastboot17:13
malthat is annoying17:13
rinigusmal: no, its about
rinigusbasically boot partition was different probably due to use of Newflasher17:15
riniguswhat about vendor_boot? what is "normal" fastboot?17:15
rinigusthe fact that you have to do "fastboot reboot fastboot​"17:17
malyes, userspace fastboot i.e. that "fastboot reboot fastboot​" is needed on newer sonys to flash vendor_boot17:21
T42<edp_17> @elros34 : what should be the correct permission of /dev/qseecom? Its current system : drmrpc17:29
rinigusmal: it was already needed for tama. but at that time it was attributed to some bug, at least I thought so17:32
T42<elros34> @edp_17 ah right maybe it's correct but stracing as user was incorrect18:12
T42<edp_17> Thanks, will try that you suggested.18:15
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