Monday, 2024-10-14

T42<Umeaman> If Android versions constantly change with new updates and releases, why don't we make an installer with gui to make it easier to add support for devices? Otherwise we gonna be behind in the patching process forever. I mean, you are told by Samsung to update to the latest firmware to get better security, and when you update you also make it harder to build a working Sailfish installation.14:35
T42<Umeaman> Has hybris for 14.0 been released yet?14:36
T42<fredldotme> @slavamon are you around for a bit of ofono debugging?15:02
T42<fredldotme> it's related to ofono, ril, status 4100 & our (UBports) own implementation of a qti ext plugin15:08
malmaybe you need dummy_netd?16:31
T42<fredldotme> we have something in Halium called netd_stub which does the same16:36
malok, and it's running correctly?16:42
T42<fredldotme> yep, netmgrd is seeing it and not complaining when calling IPC methods16:46
T42<fredldotme> Happens when activate-context sends the SETUP_DATA_CALL, with ril logging `qcril_data_get_call_end_reason: dsi_get_call_end_reason for IP family [0] returned [242]` during home IP family setup.17:20
malwhat parameters are you sending with setup data call?17:21
T42<fredldotme> Pretty much everything empty as per list-context output17:22
T42<fredldotme> It's the default APN for Magenta (Austria)17:23
T42<fredldotme> profileId is 2, ip families are IPv4, but user, pass etc are empty17:26
T42<fredldotme> mal here are the parameters if you’re interested:
malany idea what that error code 242 could be, is that in any headers?19:45
T42<fredldotme> no clue, haven’t found it anywhere19:47
T42<fredldotme> wait19:51
T42<fredldotme> it could be this:
T42<fredldotme> since that error code is set while processing a DSI_EVT_NET_NO_NET19:51
malcould be20:15
mal@fredldotme does it break only with that other plugin in use?20:35
T42<fredldotme> the issue occurred even with ofono-ril-binder-plugin before we disabled IMS services20:35
T42<fredldotme> the new setup consists of ofono-binder-plugin + our qti extension + IMS services reenabled20:36
T42<fredldotme> and RLF in that enum would probably mean Radio Link Failure20:43
T42<fredldotme> … which all seems to be a followup error. Right after bootup ofono attempts to get the IMS status from ril, which then returns `RIL_E_INVALID_MODEM_STATE`21:24

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