Friday, 2024-10-18

T42<XAP2P> (re @bruuuh121: any port for ginkgo)04:59
T42<edp_17> Hi all. Question. dnsmasq service is crashing with "failed to create listening socket for port 53: Address already in use"14:12
T42<edp_17> Checking what's using that port I found connmand :
T42<edp_17> How can I make both connmand and dnsmasq happy but let dnsmasq use port 53?14:13
T42<adampigg> what do you need dnsmasq for?14:13
T42<edp_17> Well, I don't need that. What I'd like to do is starting (which is also crashing)14:15
T42<adampigg> let me point you to the manual ;)
T42<edp_17> Oh, I've missed that part. :) Thanks.14:16
T42<edp_17> Well, the dnsmasq service is still crashing with the same message.14:18
T42<adampigg> if its disabled, it shouldnt start14:19
T42<edp_17> True, but fails to start: No such file or directory - Failed to attach "vethu44EbH" to bridge "waydroid0", bridge interface doesn't exist14:22
T42<edp_17> VETH is in the kernel.14:22
T42<edp_17> Hmm,  CONFIG_SW_SYNC_USER has been removed in .config. Why? As far as I saw it doesn't have dependency.14:29
T42<edp_17> Oh well, it depends on SW_SYNC.14:30
T42<edp_17> So, facepalm and go back to the drawing board. :)14:30
T42<edp_17> Thanks Adam.14:30
T42<edp_17> Interesting. I've turned on CONFIG_SYNC_FILE  &&  CONFIG_DEBUG_FS which are required for CONFIG_SW_SYNC which are required for CONFIG_SW_SYNC_USER.15:02
T42<edp_17> All three: CONFIG_SW_SYNC, CONFIG_SYNC_FILE & CONFIG_DEBUG_FS are on in .config but CONFIG_SW_SYNC_USER is still not there!????15:03
T42<elros34> look into Kconfig file or use xconfig/menuconfig16:13

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