Monday, 2024-10-21

T42<edp_17> Thanks @elros34 , I haven't spotted that typo (result of my crappy keyboard). I've got that code from ocean's own kernel from a very old commit here:
*** phlixi is now known as Guest695909:17
*** phlixi_ is now known as phlixi09:17
*** phlixi is now known as Guest697111:43
*** phlixi_ is now known as phlixi11:43
*** amccarthy is now known as Guest697813:11
*** amccarthy_ is now known as amccarthy13:11
T42<edp_17> @elros34 , I've managed to fix that, thanks. What I found was an old commit and since they reshuffled the files in kernel. Now it's all good and I had the SW_SYNC_USER flag in the kernel and the reboot issue is gone.13:15
T42<edp_17> Although, this flag didn't solve the issue I had.13:15

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