Wednesday, 2024-10-23

T42<edp_17> Mal: I need sw_sync_user05:09
T42<elros34> @bruuuh121 follow instruction
T42<adampigg> @edp_17  wasnt being sarcastic, happy  you solved it :)07:15
T42<edp_17> @adampigg  :)07:25
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T42<Umeaman> Am I the only one getting confused as to why there aren't clearer instructions in the HADK pdf on when to actually add repo to path in the host system path or to the HABUILD_SDK path? Can the host system repo be linked into /usr/bin in the HABUILD_SDK or is that stupid?12:12
T42<elros34> there isn't any instruction about repo in hadk pdf, there is only link to android guide (which used to have intruction about installing it to ~/bin/)16:46
T42<elros34> I don't think mixing 2 different evironments is good idea. If you have repo on host then use it on host, it doesn't matter how you will download android sources16:49
T42<WunderW_PL> ```16:57
T42<WunderW_PL> 16:57
T42<WunderW_PL> Redirects to:16:57
T42<WunderW_PL> ```16:57
T42<WunderW_PL> 16:57
T42<WunderW_PL> Not available anymore (HADK FAQ)16:57
T42<WunderW_PL> Anyone saved it?16:58
malwhat should that contain?17:00
malyou are doing some hybris-14.1 port? which device?17:01
T42<WunderW_PL> Xperia M2 (eagle)17:02
T42<WunderW_PL> and yeah, i'm using los 14.1 sources17:02
T42<WunderW_PL> and yeah, i'm using los 14.1 branches (edited)17:02
T42<WunderW_PL> and hybris-14.117:02
malyou can see in faq what the script did17:02
malso you can run the needed "ln -s" commands manually17:03
T42<WunderW_PL> I see, just don't know where. It says in $ANDROID_ROOT, but I see /usr and /system directories?17:04
T42<WunderW_PL> 17:04
T42<WunderW_PL> ```17:04
T42<WunderW_PL> Symlinks for services: ::sh-3.2# ls -lh /usr/libexec/droid-hybris/system/etc/init/17:04
T42<WunderW_PL> total 4.0K17:04
T42<WunderW_PL> lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root   26 Oct  6 20:52 atrace.rc -> /system/etc/init/atrace.rc```17:04
T42<WunderW_PL> I see, just don't know where. It says in $ANDROID_ROOT, but I see /usr and /system directories? dunno if i get it right17:04
T42<WunderW_PL> 17:04
T42<WunderW_PL> ```17:04
T42<WunderW_PL> Symlinks for services: ::sh-3.2# ls -lh /usr/libexec/droid-hybris/system/etc/init/17:04
T42<WunderW_PL> total 4.0K17:04
T42<WunderW_PL> lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root   26 Oct  6 20:52 atrace.rc -> /system/etc/init/atrace.rc```17:04
T42<WunderW_PL>  (edited)17:04
T42<WunderW_PL> or these dirs exist in platform_sdk?17:05
malon device those are in /usr/libexec/droid-hybris/system/etc/init/ but in config repo (hybris/droid-configs/) it's sparse/usr/libexec/droid-hybris/system/etc/init/17:15
T42<WunderW_PL> wait17:50
T42<WunderW_PL> the files don't exist when just being there, or what? i mean, i even built rootfs but no files in sparse dir17:50
T42<WunderW_PL> am i supposed to run those commands anyway? like:17:51
T42<WunderW_PL> 17:51
T42<WunderW_PL> ```17:51
T42<WunderW_PL> ln -s usr/libexec/droid-hybris/system/etc/init/atrace.rc /system/etc/init/atrace.rc /system/etc/init/atrace.rc```17:52
T42<elros34> ln -s <source> <symlink> not the other way around17:57
T42<WunderW_PL> so opposite and it's fine?18:05
T42<elros34> check what you have in /system/etc/init and create symlinks for some services in /usr/libexec/droid-hybris/system/etc/init/18:08
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