Thursday, 2024-10-31

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rinigus@b100dian: I have just finished the build and I think you could close
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rinigusthe merged PR fixed it07:16
T42<b100dian> rinigus: good job08:58
T42<b100dian> I like that references to r62 appear and the discussions08:59
rinigus@b100dian: looks like there is some progress :)09:04
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rinigus@b100dian: flashed aosp13 with disabled fpc (commented out starting of it) and temp was already fine.19:44
rinigustested wifi and it crashed again. this time have a logcat from crash.19:45
riniguscould be that it is since I had android 14 stock before and switched to asop13. at least I hope so19:45
T42<b100dian> rinigus: nice! any change in camera after that vintf patch?19:46
rinigusthere was some recommendation to use android13 as a base in this case. but hopefully we will get patches for aosp14 soon19:46
T42<b100dian> Is this 5.15 right?19:47
T42<b100dian> I am trying to build mer-kernel-check'd hybris-recovery for 5.15 without much sfossdk, just hybris-boot and deps19:47
T42<b100dian> and to my surprise, `fastboot boot hybris-recovery.img` is not supported19:48
rinigusno, camera still off. I tried to define TARGET_USES_QTI_CAMERA, but it didn't help. even there are some camera blobs in SW_xxx, but couldn't make it work19:48
T42<b100dian> rinigus: it would be a good time to grab some logcat from camera too I guess? Maybe that helps the existing GSM + camera nagara bug19:49
T42<b100dian> (in my experience, logs are so large you need a github gist or the like for them, no paste service copes)19:49
T42<b100dian> so, back to hybris-recovery.img booting: I flashed it, and it didn't boot because your phone cannot be checked / is broken etc. (don't remember the exact message)19:50
T42<b100dian> so I reverted to the stock boot - which I can grab from the device because Lineage GSI has adb root option19:50
rinigusalthough, to boot and pass android logo, I had to add one more catch (...) in device/sony/common/hardware/health/CycleCountBackupRestore.cpp as stoi exception managed to sneak through std::invalid_argument19:50
T42<b100dian> Hmm.. how did you figure that out, do we have /sys/fs/pstore logs?19:51
riniguson aosp13, adb was enabled from boot. so, I could grab while booting and saw this (just a sec)19:52
rinigusit had a message in debug:19:53
rinigusAbort message: 'terminating with uncaught exception of type St16invalid_argument: stoi: no conversion'19:53
rinigusand stack. from that was easy to find19:54
T42<b100dian> weird, I didn't have that - although I kindof dismissed stuck to logo builds - but the initial 5.15 kernel build was booting19:55
T42<b100dian> It's good to know that adb shell is avalable early though19:55
riniguswill check the kernel. should be 5.15.19:56
rinigusLinux version 5.15.9419:56
rinigusas for why boot hybris recovery doesn't work, not sure. there was no boot attempt even?19:59
T42<b100dian> ah, back tot that - there may be other problems (such as mismatching dtbo or modules w.r.t stock) but my first guess would be vbmeta for "device corrupted" or something like that20:01
T42<b100dian> rinigus: so, question, did you have to build/flash a vbmeta previously on tama (or empty vbmeta?)20:02
rinigusyes, we had. looking for script20:03
rinigusprocedure was as in , look towards end20:04
T42<b100dian> rinigus: but the way you build that vbmeta, is it just an empty one or .. ? because building it from make vbmetaimage would probably mean building boot.img (not hybris-boot one) and hashing that..20:10
rinigus@b100dian: it was built using aosp system part. see
rinigusand then used just that20:13
T42<b100dian> thanks, will look into this20:14

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