Wednesday, 2024-11-06

rinigus@b100dian: started working on droid-hal-sony-nagara18:31
rinigustook zambezi as a base and will adjust the submodules accordingly18:32
T42<b100dian> rinigus: thank you, I will not be able to contribute tonight but will add pdx224 when you have something18:43
T42<b100dian> Looks like you started the droid-hal-sony-nagara, good!18:45
T42<b100dian> You're keeping the Android build around right? I'm gonna use a different machine/podman for hybris18:47
rinigus@b100dian: no worries. pdx224 will be sharing repos with pdx223, as we had for tama devices18:54
rinigusyes, android builds are going to stay18:54
rinigusfor now :)18:54
rinigusfor hybris we need separate checkout.18:55
nephros[c2]hi, can I kick droid-hal-init on a running device after editing an rc file, or is reboot mandatory?19:01
malI think usually droid-hal-init restart will not work19:21
nephros[c2]yes well that segfaulted :)19:58

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