Friday, 2024-12-06

ecrnsomehow there are services providing android.hardware.power.IPower/default but android.hardware.power.@1.0::IPower/default is needed00:42
ecrncan something be done about this?00:43
ecrnit was ubports repowerd requesting the hidl interface02:07
ecrnI fixed the touchscreen, it requires writing 1,0 to /sys/class/input/sec/tsp/enabled before the lcd is requested to turn off04:14
ecrnand then writing 2,0 and then 2,1, of which the 2,1 must be written when it is already enabled04:15
ecrnI patched repowerd to do this, and normally it is probably done by sysinput or miscpower services on samsung phones04:17
ecrnbut they must be requested to do so using their proprietary interface from what I understand04:17
ecrnit also reloads the firmware on resuming, which causes noticeable delay04:27
ecrnnice thing is the double tap to wake works out of the box12:31
ecrnafter the fix12:31
T42<Walid> I have continued port nexus 5x. What work now:20:13
T42<Walid> - wifi20:13
T42<Walid> - bluetooth (sometimes crash)20:13
T42<Walid> - fingerprint20:13
T42<Walid> - camera: photo and video recording ( audio work)20:13
T42<Walid> - sound20:13
T42<Walid> - gps needs a test20:13
T42<Walid> Only audio calls don't work,20:13
malwhat audio related packages do you have installed?20:20
T42<Walid> audiosystem-passthrough & audiosystem-passthrough-dummy-af20:41
malwhich android base was that?20:56
maltry installing pulseaudio-modules-droid-hidl if you don't have it and you use some relatively recent android base20:57
T42<Walid> lineage-16.0, also i have /vendor/bin/hw/, according to doc20:58
T42<Walid> "Package audiosystem-passthrough-dummy-hw2_0 contains a service file which starts audiosystem-passthrough in dummy mode. This can be used on devices where service needs to be present but isn't used for anything."20:58
malmost of the time devices use that hidl plugin21:00
malin addition to passthrough and dummy-af21:00
T42<mc_lemon> note to myself, i cant prove i'm human on fernschreiber22:19
T42<mc_lemon> has anyone managed to flash android back on postmarket os ? it does not have an usb debugging option and is not recognized by the android flashtool. I need to upgrade the device to android 12 to flash leneage os on it to even start thinking about flashing sfos on it haha23:24

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