Sunday, 2024-12-08

T42<exynos7> Hello, I'm try to build SailfishOS image like in official instructions for Sony XPERIA X, and I have this error:08:40
T42<exynos7> make: no rule to make target droidmedia.08:40
T42<exynos7> I have cloned repository to external/droidmedia.08:40
T42<exynos7> SDK was setted up normally. How I can fix this error?08:40
T42<Akatsu39> just saw jolla made new device09:09
T42<Akatsu39> who right on their mind decided to charge 300Eur for t606+HD+ display.09:09
T42<Walid> if anyone want test sailfish os for device Nexus 5X (bullhead), you can find instruction in xda09:46
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T42<edp_17> Walid : Did you need to backport bluez5 for that port?12:23
T42<Walid> Bluetooth I think work without back port . I test it with android phone to send file and work (re @edp_17: Walid : Did you need...)12:31
T42<Walid> Only issue is audio call12:32
T42<elros34> @Akatsu39 say that to all small companies: fxtec or any other non mobile phones related14:05
T42<TheVancedGamer> at least they didn't ship out phones with dead batteries14:07
T42<elros34> that is different issue. Complaing about price for small company is usually unjustified14:09
T42<elros34> @exynos7 are you sure you have droidmedia in $ANDROID_ROOT/external?14:10
T42<exynos7> Yes, I have14:10
T42<elros34> exit and reenter sdk, then run usuall source/breakfast command and try make droidmedia14:12
T42<elros34> of course in HABUILD14:12
T42<elros34> do you have hybris-boot cloned?14:15
T42<exynos7> Yes, I have. Trying to re-enter.14:27
T42<edp_17> Walid : the old bt driver (blues4) stops me in building 4.5 & 4.6 for nexus5 (hammerhead). Unfortunately, didn't have time for looking into that.16:21
T42<edp_17> What android base did you use in your port?16:21
T42<edp_17> Walid : What's the issue with audio call?16:22
mal@edp_17 which bt chip does it have?16:42
T42<Walid> lineange-16.0 (android 9), for bullhead kernel version is 3.10.16:45
T42<Walid> Audio work perfect (also when record video) except in call. When make call there is no audio, (re @edp_17: Walid : the old bt d...)16:45
malso those audiosystem-passthrough changes did not help? meaning that hidl plugin16:50
T42<Walid> yes, i enable af, hw_02 (qti my device dose not support it), also added this config16:53
T42<Walid> in /etc/sysconfig/pulseaudio16:53
malif you have actual af running have you removed dummy af?17:02
T42<Walid> wil try now,17:04
T42<Walid> same, dmesg log i see this17:23
T42<Walid> voice_get_idx_for_session: Invalid session_id : 1417:23
T42<Walid> its in q6voice.c file17:23
T42<exynos7> This didn't help. I have error too.19:03
T42<edp_17> Walid : The Bt chip is bcm4339 (at least this is its kernel driver)19:21
malso there is no backport of bluez5 support for broadcom bt?19:53
malwondering how well this works
T42<edp_17> Thanks mal. I'll take a closer look.20:03
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mal@edp_17 which android base was that again?20:27
T42<b100dian> rinigus: late reply - last time I followed the gki build with our defconfig but I didn't manage to boot it with an ext4 data with contents as the stock recovery is not root. I have to make an userdata img which I believe mic can do, but I broke my sdks by copying them and not enough suids set, I need to probably reinstall. It was a very busy week in my.. country and I am still recovering:) Hope Sony will make blobs sooner for nagara, rather21:07
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T42<edp_17> mal: android base is cm12.1 (quite old one)21:40
T42<edp_17> I've planned to use newer base but that would require re-do the port.21:41
malok, I was just wonder how lineage has done bluetooth in those newer bases, if they happened to use binder passthrough service22:01

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