Saturday, 2024-12-14

ecrnthe message is from /vendor/lib64/libvpl.so00:01
ecrnoh, ok, I scrolled further00:03
ecrnand there is camera_service segfaulting00:04
malthere is the problem then, not sure why it crashes though00:14
ecrncamera_service_64 does similar thing except all the libraries are from lib6400:50
ecrnprior to the segfault there is one more suspicious thing02:04
ecrn12-14 01:32:17.755   715   716 I ServiceManager: Waiting for service '' on '/dev/binder'...02:04
ecrnwhich probably takes about 5 seconds if the segfault happens just after the interface becomes available02:05
ecrnI have a feeling this supposed to be much faster02:06
ecrnstrace of camera_service, the process was waiting on the first syscall (ioctl(5, BINDER_WRITE_READ, 0x7ff82d7dc8) = 0) until the record button was pressed02:51
ecrnopenat(AT_FDCWD, "/dev/__properties__/u:object_r:boot_status_prop:s0", O_RDONLY|O_NOFOLLOW|O_CLOEXEC) = 602:52
ecrnif this is related... then would be second thing today which was caused by boot status properties02:53
ecrnthe first one was gps02:53
sharksCould I please have some help? I'm trying to `make hybris-boot`, but the output of `mer_verify_kernel_config` always shows "CONFIG_IKCONFIG_PROC is invalid", even though I have set it to "y" in my defconfig. Other errors (such as "CONFIG_QUOTACTL", "CONFIG_VT", etc.) have been resolved, but can't seem to fix this one. Any clues?03:25
ecrnthe defconfig is not necessarily what the final config will be like, because the Kconfig system solves dependencies03:34
ecrnyou may need to set CONFIG_IKCONFIG=y also03:35
ecrnbecause CONFIG_IKCONFIG_PROC depends on it03:36
sharksThanks ecrn. I did not have "CONFIG_IKCONFIG=y03:45
sharksSo that's rookie mistake number one. Mistake number two is that I'm not familiar with Kconfig. Will have to learn how to fix that...03:45
sharksSeeing as setting "CONFIG_IKCONFIG=y" did not solve the issue03:46
ecrnI'm not sure if order matters, but try with CONFIG_IKCONFIG=y above the CONFIG_IKCONFIG_PROC03:53
sharksMan, I ought to buy you a beer. That was it! Thanks a ton. One step closer!03:56
ecrnglad it worked04:16
sharksSorry to be a pain again - I have run into a new snag. Trying to run `rpm/dhd/helpers/ --droid-hal` in the PlatformSDK, we're failing with "/usr/bin/env: ‘python’: No such file or directory // Bad exit status". My first step was to check Python was installed with `sudo zypper in python`, but that's not got me any further. I'm not really sure I know what I'm doing now...05:18
sharksTrying to build configs also fails, I don't have dependencies community-adaptation, pkgconfig(android-headers) or ssu-kickstart-configuration. Feel like I've missed an obvious step. Might have to take another crack at it tomorrow.05:55
ecrnmal: the camera_service segfault was due to MediaRecorderObserver not instantiated - I grepped /usr for android_media_recorder_observer_new and sure enough, there is a service in ubports which is supposed to call it - media-hub-server07:50
ecrnand it didn't start due to being unavailable for it due to apparmor configuration not including /apex/ where it resides07:51
ecrnnext thing was mediaserver service, or "media.resource_manager" as it was referred to when requested to be loaded to service manager07:55
ecrnand lastly, I had to return to camera_service without the _6407:55
ecrnnow it works properly07:56
T42<elros34> @sharks: this missing python is probably some issue in target:
sharks@elros34, lifesaver, thanks. `sb2 -t $VENDOR-$DEVICE-$PORT_ARCH -m sdk-install -R zypper in python` did the trick. Never would have guessed that one! Now I've got a different error, but at least I'm another step closer.10:43
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sharksNew day, new error. I got 'droid-hal', 'configs' and 'mw' built, but can't get 'gg'. It's complaining that I didn't build droidmedia, though I was under the impression that I did that much earlier on with `make -j$(nproc --all) hybris-hal droidmedia`.22:25
malcheck if you have for example minimediaservice in out/target/product/$DEVICE/system/bin/22:42
malthat tells if it got built22:42
sharksNo, mal - I don't have minimediaservice in there. Why would that be missing?22:48
malwell one option is that you didn't have PORT_ARCH env var exported when you tried to build droidmedia23:24
malI mean when you ran that make droidmedia command23:25
T42<elros34> how did you fix your previous issue with make droidmedia command?23:26
sharksThanks mal - I had PORT_ARCH set in the platformSDK, but not in the HABUILD_SDK. Set that properly and tried again, now it works. I'm learning lots of tricks for new players!23:59

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