Wednesday, 2024-12-18

maltry changing it00:00
sharks_why is it looking in lib64?00:00
sharks_That folder doesn't exist lol00:00
malI think we might have assumed devices using hybris-17.1 are 64-bit most of the time00:00
malis there /usr/libexec/droid-hybris/system/lib/ ?00:00
sharks_Just checked that, yeh there is00:01
malcheck the other .rc files in /usr/libexec/droid-hybris/system/etc for stubs and fix the paths00:01
sharks_Will do00:02
sharks_Okay, the only other file looking at lib64 was vndservicemanager.rc00:05
sharks_Changed that, now reboot and see what happens?00:05
sharks_Still the same issue in logcat, though now journal says hwservicemanager exited 4 times in 4 minutes rather than 4 times before boot completed00:10
sharks_And it's no longer spamming that it's waiting a second00:10
sharks_logcat & journal ->,
sharks_oh wait, wrong links sorry00:11
sharks_that was logcat, this is journal:
ecrnJun 14 01:23:21 GalaxyTabA9.7 droid-hal-init: /system/etc/init/hwservicemanager.rc: 1: ignored duplicate definition of service 'hwservicemanager'00:20
malecrn: that is normal00:20
sharks_I think I worked out what at least part of the problem may be00:20
malit happens because it had already loaded the custom .rc from usr/libexec00:20
malsharks_: ?00:20
sharks_The hybris-16 changes in the hadk faq00:21
sharks_I don't have those lines in logcat00:21
sharks_and droid-hal-init has failed00:21
sharks_ergo I need to add the files and symlinks, rebuild config packages, etc.00:21
malwhat files?00:22
malthose parts of 16.0 are not relevant00:22
sharks_Oh bugger.00:23
sharks_Nevermind then. I'd got all excited I'd found something to fix00:23
malonly part of 16.0 instructions you do for 17.1 is "Before building hybris-hal run the following commands:"00:23
sharks_Yeh I did that00:23
malhow you have "Service 'hwservicemanager' (pid 893) received signal 6"00:24
malso at least a different issue00:24
sharks_Yeh, but I can't find any other logs relating to hwservicemanager, so I don't know why it's being killed00:25
malI was trying to check where to stubs came to the .rc files, were those there all the time?00:25
sharks_Yeah, actually I think they came from the hybris-16 faq too00:26
sharks_Maybe I did that wrong00:27
malyeah, that is wrong00:27
malremove the custom stuff you added manually to /usr/libexec/droid-hybris/system/etc/init00:28
sharks_Bugger, okay. So I need to delete those from sparse, re-run ` -c`, and make a new image?00:28
malyou can remove manually from device first00:28
sharks_Oh okay, just delete those files on-device and reboot?00:28
malyes, the two servicemanager files00:29
malassuming you had copied the whole files there00:29
sharks_But not ofono and disabled_services?00:29
malofono can go also00:29
malthere is supposed to be this
sharks_Right, hang on and I'll fix that. My bad. Thanks00:30
maland ecclist.rc00:30
sharks_Still got defaultservicemanager() is null :(00:35
ecrnif they got signal 6 (abort), it should be possible to get coredump00:36
sharks_logcat ->
sharks_journal ->
malso you removed the /usr/libexec/droid-hybris/system/etc/init/hwservicemanager.rc file?00:39
sharks_Sure did00:39
malwondering if trying to start hwservicemanager manually maybe even with gdb would reveal something00:45
malanyway let's continue tomorrow00:47
sharks_Yeh, I really appreciate your help mal. Get some rest, I've already had too many late nights due to this!00:48
sharks_Hey Presto! I've got Lipstick!
sharks_Touchscreen is dead, can't do anything with it, but at least I have a picture!01:54
sharks_So `$ cat /sys/class/input/event1/device/name` returns 'sec_touchscreen', presumably that means the touch module exists02:01
sharks_but `cat /dev/input/event1` has no output02:02
ecrnwhat was the issue?02:02
sharks_Issue is the touchscreen is not responding02:02
ecrnbut what was the issue that caused the hwservicemanager to abort?02:03
sharks_Oh - I think there must have been an issue in how I set up the sparse directory. Mal had noticed I included some files from hybris-16 and missed some from hybris-17, so I started again, built a new image and made sure to include all the correct files. After re-creating my udev rules, now hwservicemanager works!02:04
ecrnthe touch screen, well, I have a samsung device too, and had issues with the touch screen too02:06
ecrnbut it worked until the lcd panel was turned off and then back on02:06
sharks_Hang on - I closed the flip cover and opened it again, not only did the screen turn off and on again as it should, but now touch works?02:06
ecrnso the opposite what I had02:07
sharks_Lol. Thanks, I'll see if I can go through the setup...02:07
sharks_Okay, I have the y-axis inverted. This is a common problem on this model02:08
sharks_If I click the left half of the screen, it registers a button on the right side02:08
sharks_The guy who ported Lineage to this device had the same issue, I'll see if I can fix it the same way he did02:09
sharks_wlan seems dead too, not terribly surprising02:10
ecrnthere is also touchscreen-invert-x/y option in the device tree02:10
sharks_Oh? That might be easier, thanks. I'll see if I can find it...02:11
ecrnwhich kernel version is that?02:11
sharks_Okay, device basically works, just need to fix the inverted touchscreen, wifi, audio, etc.
ecrnso the device tree properties wasn't probably implemented yet in the 3.10.108, so you need something else02:17
sharks_Yeah that's okay, I think I have a solution for the inverted touch. The other issues are probably related to my defconfig still having many warnings, etc.02:18
sharks_Oh, I actually have audio working already. Great!02:23
ecrnthere is this thing in the kernel02:24
sharks_Do you think it is the reason that touch requires the lcd to turn off and on again?02:25
ecrnmaybe, you could try echo 1 > /sys/class/touch_disabler/control ; echo 1 > /sys/class/touch_disabler/enabled02:26
ecrnafter reboot02:26
ecrnif it works then yes02:26
sharks_Okay, just in the process of fixing the inverted touch, give me a few minutes.02:27
sharks_Awesome, inverted touch is fixed.02:31
T42<birdzhang> Cheers, haven't seen a new tablet port 🎉02:36
T42<birdzhang> in a while02:36
sharks_Hmm, not sure. The paths are actually /sys/class/touch_disabler/touch_screen/control and /sys/class/touch_disabler/touch_screen/enabled, but the device fell asleep before I could type the commands! Anyway, not too worried about that at the minute, got bigger fish to fry02:36
sharks_@birdzhang I only wanted to do it because I had two of these tablets in a drawer lol.02:37
T42<birdzhang> XD02:40
ecrnthe module would enable the touch screen on boot but only when touchscreen driver loads and probes the device before the lcd panel driver turns the lcd panel on02:40
ecrnthat seems rather fragile condition if not enforced somehow02:40
sharks_Do you know how to set the UI to tablet mode?02:45
T42<elros34> I am not aware any tablet mode, what do you want to achieve?07:01
sharks_This sort of thing?07:03
T42<elros34> I wonder whether this still works. What pixel ratio do you have set?07:05
sharks_Honestly I can't even remember where that was set, but it's definitely wrong lol07:06
T42<elros34> fix that first and maybe ui will change07:08
T42<elros34> IIRC this should be in droid-config07:09
sharks_I'm sure I gave it a value at some point early on, but I can't find it in the HADK now. Thanks - I'll have a poke around in droid-config...07:09
sharks_ah - droid-configs/rpm/droid-config-$DEVICE.spec07:10
sharks_pixel_ratio 1.007:11
T42<Walid> first i loved the new background image and colors for sfos, fingerprint work on sfos 4.6.0 but in no12:36
T42<fredldotme> mind if I propose a build-time flag to allow overriding the HYBRIS_LINKER_DIR? getauxval(AT_SECURE) seems to screw around with my initial libvulkan + Snaps enablement.15:32
mal@fredldotme you mean also when AT_SECURE is set?15:36
T42<fredldotme> still investigating, but it seems getenv("HYBRIS_LINKER_DIR") is not taken into account precisely because AT_SECURE is triggering to point it to NULL, which might be related to some setuid debugging happenings with Snaps15:38
T42<fredldotme> afaict AppArmor on Ubuntu Touch causes AT_SECURE to be set after environment scrubbing, which might be why getenv() is ignored.15:54
T42<fredldotme> okay no, something is definitely clearing environment variables, even SDL_VIDEODRIVER gets misdetected.17:47
T42<fredldotme> test scenario: Snapped up vkQuake running confined, with libhybris loaded as a separate snap17:47
T42<fredldotme> is something mucking around with environ in libhybris? It's the only real difference between my laptop and my smartphone.17:47
malI think it should not do that, not sure what is happening17:55
T42<xo0on> @Thaodan thanks! Do you actually have the xperia 5 II? did you read about the folks getting rid of their echos on 10 III by installing over A12?20:26

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