Tuesday, 2025-02-04

*** amccarthy is now known as Guest796700:52
*** amccarthy_ is now known as amccarthy00:52
T42<HowWof> Hi.17:07
T42<HowWof> I would want to ask if device vndk matters when building hybris.17:07
T42<HowWof> My device has vndk 31 so android 12 but there is no hybris-19.0.17:07
T42<HowWof> Will it be fine if I build hybris-20?17:07
malyour device only has lineage 19.0 available?17:16
T42<HowWof> It has avaliable lineage 19/20/21/22.17:19
T42<HowWof> I asked this question because when porting Ubuntu touch I needed to build same version as my vndk for it to boot.17:20
malwell for sailfish you can use of those lineage versions the ones which have hybris branch in mer-hybris/android repo, so in this case hybris-20.0 is the easiest, when installing sailfish you first flash the matching lineage and then sailfish after that17:54
T42<HowWof> Hm thanks nice thank you for help.18:58
T42<HowWof> Hm nice thank you for help. (edited)18:59

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