Thursday, 2025-03-13

T42<adampigg> wdym, im using volte here  ðŸ¤ª MTK FTW (re @SailfishFreenodeIRCBridgeBot: <Mister_Magister>dea...)06:55
T42<adampigg> @Mister_Magister if youd like a project, there is a stalled code base for volte support on qcom06:55
Mister_Magistergot enough of them thanks08:47
T42<Mister_Magister> @b100dian Since you worked with 21 base mind lending me a hand?16:29
T42<b100dian> hmm.. haven't got very far - but what is the question?16:30
T42<b100dian> nagara also has wikis in the repo, maybe there's something already documented there16:30
T42<Mister_Magister> like, how do i flash the darn thing16:36
T42<theRussianFelix> Wait how and why am I here16:42
T42<theRussianFelix> Didn't I get banned for an argument about DEs?16:44
T42<Mister_Magister> no?16:50
T42<Mister_Magister> maybe you're confusing groups16:50
T42<theRussianFelix> I remember you arguing with me about GNOME16:58
T42<theRussianFelix> Then banning me16:58
T42<Mister_Magister> not on this group16:59
T42<theRussianFelix> Oh. It was on the fangroup16:59
T42<theRussianFelix> Not the porters group16:59
T42<Mister_Magister> there you go16:59
T42<theRussianFelix> Shows how much I didn't care about being banned thh16:59
T42<theRussianFelix> Shows how much I didn't care about being banned tbh (edited)16:59
T42<theRussianFelix> I'm thinking about porting sfos to spes17:00
T42<theRussianFelix> (Barry is here. Great.)17:00
T42<b100dian> @Mister_Magister I don't remember precisely, here's from the wiki: 'To flash, use the "alternative" procedure as described in Sake port' 😃
T42<b100dian> I _think_ adb root was only possible with a GSI installed like the Lineage one here
T42<b100dian> There is probably no separate recovery partition, only a boot param booting into the same one17:08
T42<b100dian> Hopefully I will soon recap all those steps myself 🙂17:09
T42<b100dian> Actually, you already have a Lineage system that's built and can be flashed, right?17:13
T42<b100dian> with adb sideload17:13
T42<Mister_Magister> yeah17:13
Mister_Magistergreat i cannot build zip cause gives me 40318:04
Mister_Magisterthey don't like me18:04
Mister_MagisterCloudFront attempted to establish a connection with the origin, but either the attempt failed or the origin closed the connection18:05
malcorrect version set etc?18:05
Mister_Magisteri don't think the server is alive18:05
Mister_Magisterversion didn't change since yesterday so yes it is, try it yourself18:06
Mister_Magisterserver is very much dead18:06
Mister_Magistercan't even respond to https://releases.jolla.com18:07
Mister_Magistermal: confirmed dead?18:11
malreported that18:12
Mister_Magisterjust wanted to make sure its not just me18:12
Mister_Magisterbtw mal would you be so kind as to look at my 21 repos to see if i did everything correctly so far?18:12
malyeah, zypper ref was not working for me either18:12
malmaybe not right now but a bit later18:13
Mister_Magistergimme sec18:13
Mister_Magister you know the other 2 directories so i'm not gonna spam links :P18:13
malMister_Magister: repos seem to be working now18:23
Mister_Magisteralso here are defconfig changes
Mister_Magisterand thankies18:23
Mister_Magisterzip building18:25
Mister_Magisterhm can't get mic to spit out all the boot images18:29
Mister_Magisterit only spits out hybris-boot which isn't even boot and its mighty useless18:30
Mister_Magistereh extracted all 3 img's manually lemme try flashing zip and the like18:34
Mister_Magistereh i can't flash sfos zip using the lineage recovery18:39
Mister_Magisteri should be able to do it manually via db18:40
Mister_Magisteroh wait no its running18:41
Mister_Magisterhm i've formatted data but i dont' think it formatted it cause zip cannot mount it (tho it might not exist)18:42
Mister_Magisteryeah it tries to mount it as ext4 but its f2fs18:43
Mister_Magisterah userdata exists but i cannot mount it either via ext4 or f2fs18:44
Mister_Magisternothing little mkfs can't fix18:45
Mister_Magisterdang still fails to extract18:45
Mister_Magisterwell manual job it is then18:46
Mister_Magistersomething's broken with this recovery and i cannot push any file to it18:58
Mister_Magisterhm techincally i could try installing it via sfos ramdisk if telnet works19:02
Mister_Magisteraaaand nothing in ramdisk19:05
Mister_Magisterit couldn't be simple naah19:05
Mister_Magisteri'm creating image and extracting sfos to it and hopefully i'll be able to flash it19:14
Mister_Magisterthat didn't work19:21
Mister_Magisterof course fastboot images are not plain images and you have to use android binary to convert them to correct image before you can flash them19:54
Mister_Magisterlife couldn't be simple19:54
Mister_Magisterthis tablet is awesome it discharges on charger in recovery/fastboot19:57
Mister_Magisterfinally flashed userdata but even with it its not booting at all20:05
Mister_Magisterapparently i cannot mount the userdata so thats awesome20:07
T42<Mister_Magister> @b100dian did you have any issues getting rndis in ramdisk in xiaomi?20:12
T42<b100dian> Not on xiaomi, but on sake and nagara I did. See hybris boot repo on nagara maybe20:32
T42<Mister_Magister> i'm seeing it and only relevant thing is usleep20:33
T42<b100dian> You need to inspect recovery init.rcs for your device but maybe that'll just work20:33
T42<b100dian> There should be something else, an echo or smth20:33
T42<Mister_Magister> yeah but thats sony specific20:33
T42<Mister_Magister> and this is not sony20:34
T42<b100dian> Write here
T42<Mister_Magister> yes, as you can see its xperia specific20:41
T42<Mister_Magister> and sleep change didn't help20:41
T42<b100dian> Grep your inits?20:48
T42<Mister_Magister> nothing interesting in there20:50
T42<Mister_Magister> also i tried it anyway and it didn't help20:51
T42<Mister_Magister> i'm not sure it even gets to ramdisk at this point20:53
T42<Mister_Magister> hmm `/sys/class/udc/${ro.boot.usbcontroller}/device/../mode peripheral`20:55
T42<Mister_Magister> i don't know what /sys/class/udc/${ro.boot.usbcontroller is though20:57
T42<Mister_Magister> ahh recovery has it20:59
T42<Mister_Magister> `write /sys/class/udc/a600000.dwc3/mode peripheral`21:00
T42<Mister_Magister> sounds promising21:00
T42<Mister_Magister> make -j12 hybris-boot and here i come21:00
T42<Mister_Magister> nnnnnnnnnnnnnno dice21:02
T42<Mister_Magister> i found command for setting backlight brightness, maybe i can use it to debug21:03
T42<Mister_Magister> yo i think it changed21:04
T42<Mister_Magister> aah no it changes on its own21:10
T42<Mister_Magister> okay i tried the sys path in recovery and it works meaning we are not getting into that spot in init script21:11
T42<Mister_Magister> i've put `echo 0 > /sys/class/backlight/panel0-backlight/brightness` right at the beginning of the scipt so we shall see if that does something21:14
T42<Mister_Magister> wait at that point i might not have sysfs so let me recalculate that21:14
T42<Mister_Magister> i've put it right after mounting sysfs and loading kernel modules and nope, it simply doesn't do anything which would suggest the script is not running21:18
T42<Mister_Magister> and thats all sorts of not good21:18
T42<Mister_Magister> CONFIG_USB_RNDIS is enabled21:20
T42<Mister_Magister> oh CONFIG_USB_CONFIGFS_RNDIS is not set21:20
T42<adampigg> rndis is evil and going away .. EEM/ECM is the way forward21:21
T42<Mister_Magister> well for now sfos is using rndis is it not21:21
T42<adampigg> it can use whatever you want .. most my newer ports ive configued for EEM/ECM21:21
T42<adampigg> you just need to alter configfs setup/usb-moded configs21:22
T42<Mister_Magister> share the script then21:22
T42<Mister_Magister> YOOOO21:23
T42<Mister_Magister> I GOT RNDIS21:23
T42<Mister_Magister> this is hype21:23
T42<Mister_Magister> this is so hype21:24
T42<Mister_Magister> `/init: line 187: can't create /sys/class/udc/a600000.dwc3/mode: Permission denied` ouch21:25
T42<b100dian> Need to sleep:p21:27
T42<Mister_Magister> okay writing 0 to backlight brightness does nothing21:27
T42<Mister_Magister> thats why it didn't work21:27
T42<Mister_Magister> (it works in recovery)21:27
T42<Mister_Magister> i need mkfs now21:28
T42<Mister_Magister> oh its there just not in path21:30
T42<Mister_Magister> huh, mkfs says it contains ext4 but mount says invalid argument21:30
T42<Mister_Magister> well one mkfs later im just gonna reinstall it21:32
T42<Mister_Magister> probably sfos has very old ext4 compared to my system21:32
T42<Mister_Magister> yeah its not stopping despite /init_enter_debug221:43
T42<Mister_Magister> ah dummy me i did touch /init_enter_debug2 which is root and not in the directory21:45
T42<Mister_Magister> no dice still :/21:47
T42<Mister_Magister> ok init_enter_debug and i'm back in ramdisk21:53
T42<Mister_Magister> but then it dies anyway21:53
T42<Mister_Magister> oh it doesn't give me ip this time and just dies21:54
T42<Mister_Magister> it's supposed to output ot /boot/systemd_stdouterr but thats not saved22:07
T42<Mister_Magister> idk why it bootloops it should stop22:07
T42<Mister_Magister> wait… could i mount pstore22:09
T42<Mister_Magister> oh it absolutely freaking worked22:12
T42<Mister_Magister> idk why it happens in between switching from one script to another but aight22:14
T42<b100dian> what did you change?22:14
T42<Mister_Magister> enabled rndis (re @b100dian: what did you change?)22:16
T42<Mister_Magister> tried removing bunch of warning flags and that didn't help meaning i sadly gotta dig into it22:24
T42<Mister_Magister> what if the switch_root causes panic22:30
T42<Mister_Magister> (just don't build what causes panic ez)22:42
T42<Mister_Magister> i don't quite understand why its crashing in in between two scripts but well… at least its straightforward to debug now22:51

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