Sunday, 2024-12-22

sharks_Trying to debug minimediaservice. Running `/usr/libexec/droid-hybris/system/bin/minimediaservice` manually complains `CANNOT LINK EXECUTABLE: library "" not found`. This library is located at /system/product/lib/, should it be symlinked somewhere else?05:44
sharks_Does it need to be in /odm/lib/?05:48
sharks_Hmm, I think so. Cool - I'll keep doing that until things start working lol05:51
sharks_Alright - I have a number of errors in logcat along the lines of `library "*.so" needed by "something" is not accessible for the namespace "(default)"06:28
sharks_Reading irc logs, it seems I need to fix /system/etc/ld.config.29.txt, though this file doesn't exist - rather, I only have /system/etc/ld.config.txt06:29
sharks_So, do I apply this patch to ld.config.txt, or do I copy /sparse/usr/libexec/droid-hybris/system/etc/ld.config.29.txt to /system/etc/ld.config.29.txt?06:30
T42<elros34> some errors are fake, use strace -f -e file <minimediaservice> to figure out whether it reall can't find library and where it search. ld.config.txt depends on android version, what was yours?07:59
sharks_I'm Android 10 / 17.108:00
*** Mister_Magister_ is now known as Mister_Magister16:42
*** Mister_Magister_ is now known as Mister_Magister23:59

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