Tuesday, 2025-02-18

T42<btchdRPR> @elros34 Thanks - I missed that :P17:12
T42<btchdRPR> 17:12
T42<btchdRPR> I get to a Sailfish OS logo!!!17:12
T42<btchdRPR> 17:12
T42<btchdRPR> The device however restarts after ~15-20s, and I can't get on telnet.17:12
malmight be that droid-hal-init is failing and causing a reboot17:15
T42<btchdRPR> persistant journal time?17:15
malfirst thing to try is to mask droid-hal-init, if you can do that in recovery17:17
T42<btchdRPR> sure17:17
malif you keep having issues with telnet then maybe also mask usb-moded17:17
malI mean after masking droid-hal-init first17:18
T42<elros34> create /init_enter_debug2 so you can stop using recovery and read journal directly17:19
T42<btchdRPR> I still get a reboot after masking droid-hal-init17:20
T42<btchdRPR> @elros34: with init_enter_debug2 I get no SFOS logo, and a device, but nada on telnet17:21
T42<elros34> are you sure? ifconfig -a doesn't show new device?17:22
T42<btchdRPR> I get a device, but no IP assigned17:22
T42<elros34> assign it17:22
T42<btchdRPR> ah yeah got back in. weird.17:24
T42<btchdRPR> dhcp USED to work :P17:24
T42<btchdRPR> what to do now? can gt a telnet in the new root17:25
T42<btchdRPR> ahh got it in hadk_hot17:26
malI have also had that issue with non-working dhcp on some devices, not sure what causes it17:30
T42<elros34> it's common, would be great if that can be fixed17:32
malhopefully I can find some time to debug it17:33
T42<btchdRPR> i'm unsure what to do from now, i cannot seemingly logcat, i can continue but even with droid-hal-init masked i get a reboot after ~15s17:33
mallogcat is only possible if droid-hal-init is working17:33
T42<btchdRPR> yes, I have unmasked it for now17:33
maldo you have persistent journal?17:34
malcheck what you see in journal17:34
T42<elros34> if not then even /sys/fs/pstore/console-ramops17:34
T42<elros34> oo*17:35
T42<btchdRPR> it's a samsung device, so last_kmsg, and that unfortunately doesn't reveal anything17:35
T42<elros34> dmesg -w? something must be in logs.17:36
T42<btchdRPR> droid-load-firmware is failing17:36
T42<btchdRPR> ```17:37
T42<btchdRPR> Feb 18 17:36:46 localhost firmware[2097]: Failed to find firmware abox_tplg.bin for /devices/platform/18c50000.abox/0.abox-tplg/firmware/abox_tplg.bin17:37
T42<btchdRPR> Feb 18 17:36:46 localhost kernel: firmware abox_tplg.bin: firmware_loading_store: unexpected value (0)17:37
T42<btchdRPR> Feb 18 17:36:46 localhost systemd-udevd[2094]: Process '/usr/bin/droid/droid-load-firmware.sh' failed with exit code 1.```17:37
T42<btchdRPR> hmm. i wonder if some mounts are failig17:37
T42<btchdRPR> hmm. i wonder if some mounts are failing (edited)17:37
T42<elros34> show full logs17:38
T42<btchdRPR> oh god, there's a lot of failing symlinks lol17:39
T42<btchdRPR> https://katb.in/veqazohatix17:40
T42<btchdRPR> and it's in vendor...17:41
T42<btchdRPR> 17:41
T42<btchdRPR> ```17:41
T42<btchdRPR> 130|z3s:/ # find / | grep abox_tplg.bin17:41
T42<btchdRPR> /vendor/firmware/abox_tplg.bin```17:41
T42<btchdRPR> i wonder how it's even reaching splash, lol17:41
T42<elros34> is that dmesg or what?17:43
T42<btchdRPR> it's journal17:43
T42<elros34> Please follow instruction and include full command you use https://sailfishos.wiki/books/hadk/page/hadk-hot#bkmrk-2022.07.31%3A-generati. Did you enable watchdog_nowayout in kernel config?17:48
T42<btchdRPR> yes, I did.17:49
T42<btchdRPR> 17:49
T42<btchdRPR> for the journal, I continued boot and simply ran journalctl. I'll get persistent just in case if something happened after usb died17:49
T42<btchdRPR> 🤦‍♂️17:51
T42<btchdRPR> 17:51
T42<btchdRPR> it failed to mount odm at the end, and that's why it rebooted17:51
T42<elros34> I thought you have it already enabled like mal said if not then do it and revert this nowayout change17:51
T42<btchdRPR> let me grab you the full logs17:51
T42<btchdRPR> https://katb.in/ziruwiziwan17:51
T42<btchdRPR> reverting nowayout now17:52
T42<elros34> dont you have anything more than that in dmesg -w?17:57
T42<btchdRPR> i don't think so. let me check it out. got nowayout reverted.17:58
T42<btchdRPR> https://katb.in/okewiwumexa -> dmesg -w18:00
T42<btchdRPR> i cut the devicetree probe stuff and early boot out18:00
T42<btchdRPR> seems like it's still failing on firmware18:00
T42<elros34> not sure about that but you can mask user@100000. dmesg vs journal is slightly different there is 20s more. what about journal -f. Do you even have /sys/fs/pstore?18:12
T42<elros34> most importatn do you have this reboot even if you are not continue booting?18:13
T42<btchdRPR> elros: I don't have pstore. The system doesn't reboot if i don't continue18:14
T42<elros34> can you show your kenrel sources?18:17
T42<elros34> this logs seems to be a little bit inconsistence to me: in first one you have droid-load-firmware but not in later18:26
T42<btchdRPR> elros: all I did was restart the device a few times :P20:53
T42<elros34> no, you use different command. That is why I asked for journal -f20:57
T42<elros34> also masking firmware load service could be good idea20:58
T42<elros34> and make sure you really masked droid-hal-init21:06
T42<Umeaman> Just out of curiosity, is the HADK PDF file updated with the latest hybris branches available?22:36

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