Monday, 2025-03-03

T42<adampigg> Ha, i also ship a patched qtbase on the pinetab2 for this reason (re @bouic: Thanks. Right, that ...)08:30
T42<bouic> Is there a reason not to ship it in other ports? (re @adampigg: Ha, i also ship a pa...)10:24
T42<adampigg> Its a bit of a hack, not configurable, and only nescessary for devices where the orientation is wrong (re @bouic: Is there a reason no...)10:25
T42<bouic> Understood, you're right. The third point about necessity could be extended to whether this could be useful on a device, but it's kind of a niche use anyway. Just too bad it doesn't work out of the box with stock SFOS. (re @adampigg: Its a bit of a hack,...)10:33

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