Thursday, 2025-03-06

*** amccarthy is now known as Guest1075307:47
*** amccarthy_ is now known as amccarthy07:47
Mister_Magisterany package versions changes required for 5.0?20:35
Mister_Magistersibon is not on 5.0 yet so i have no reference xd20:35
Mister_Magistermal: is fp2 devel on 5.0?20:36
malas my PSA said earlier do not update device with kernel <= 3.10 to 5.020:39
malwlan will be broken20:39
Mister_Magisterany fix for that planned?20:39
malI need to fix it20:40
malit just takes some work to go through which wpa_supplicant build config option breaks it20:40
Mister_Magisterno worries20:40
Mister_Magisteri can wait as long as its not infinity20:40
malyeah, I want to get it working on fp220:41
Mister_Magisteri want g2 to be supported forever :P20:41
Mister_Magistermal: i guess you don't have update on the number of issues i sent your way? xd20:49
malwhich issues?20:51
Mister_Magisteri don't even remember xd20:52
malI remember that one video issue20:53
Mister_Magisterthe video issue got solved20:54
Mister_Magisterwith 4.6 update20:54
Mister_Magisteroh mal uhh… manifest?21:38
Mister_Magisterpretty please <321:38
malI'll try to get it cleaned up this weekend21:57
Mister_Magisterthanks a ton21:57

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