Sunday, 2025-03-09

T42<Umeaman> Hi! Firefox OS...... Have you tried searching online?08:24
T42<Umeaman> Like archive + Nexus 5 + Firefox + OS08:25
T42<Umeaman> ?08:25
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T42<fredldotme> anybody up for some USB-C audio shenanigans? This is for UT but I am sure you'll want to have the same on SailfishOS.12:19
T42<fredldotme> I have successfully managed to pass audio during calls from the droid sink to the USB-C headset for output, using module-loopback.12:21
T42<fredldotme> the issue I am facing right now is being able to take microphone input from USB-C (on its own card/source) and pass it to the audio chip for processing by the modem.12:21
T42<Telegram User> Yes and nothing (re @Umeaman: Like archive + Nexus...)15:59

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