Friday, 2025-03-14

T42<Mister_Magister> maaan, i just grepped for lpm_cpuidle_enter cause "many other people ported xiaomi maybe they encountered this issue"01:35
T42<Mister_Magister> i freaking found myself mentioning that problem01:36
T42<Mister_Magister> maaan xd01:36
T42<Mister_Magister> and it's me from… 7 years ago holy01:39
T42<Mister_Magister> but hey i guessed correctly it was xiaomi01:42
T42<Mister_Magister> so back in 2018 the issue was issue with busybox not being executable, but i doubt thats the issue since i'm in ramdisk no issues01:56
T42<Mister_Magister> this is going to be hard01:57
T42<Mister_Magister> i shuold try and debug switch_root cause it seems to be cause of the issue01:59
T42<Mister_Magister> its not segfault in kernel, but Attempted to kill init01:59
T42<Mister_Magister> which would suggest userspace i think…?01:59
T42<Mister_Magister> if anyone has any idea please help01:59
T42<Mister_Magister> or maybe its selinux thing02:02
T42<Mister_Magister> in that case the problem is that the logs are not being saved and i gotta debug userspace… i think i'll try stopping init script from disabling telnet so that i can see what happens02:03
Mister_Magistermal: hi did you have time to look at the repos?12:59
malsorry was a bit busy yesterday13:01
malwhat is the status of that latest build13:02
Mister_Magisternah no worries just asking13:03
Mister_Magistermal: when it switches root it kills init, before executing the init-done13:03
Mister_Magisterhmm indeed13:04
Mister_Magisteri don't have any logs beside segfault either, currently i'm thinking of modifying init script to not close telnet when switching root and just tail the output13:05
malso it never gets to second telnet13:05
maleven is you have that stop thingy there13:05
Mister_Magisterhence i concluded it never gets to init-done13:05
maland userdata is properly ext4?13:05
Mister_Magisteryeah im in ramdisk i have it mounted its all fine13:06
Mister_Magisterits quite nice debug setup because it enters ramdisk every time and then when it segfaults it just goes back into ramdisk and i have pstore13:06
malanything useful in pstore?13:06
Mister_Magisterthe kernel panic13:06
Mister_Magisterother than that nah13:06
Mister_Magisterbtw mal did they remove the bootctl or something? despite me rebooting way before bootctl service would run it doesn't switch slots like it used to13:07
maldoes it hint anything where is panics?13:07
malbtw, do you know the way to decode kernel backtraces to more readable format?13:07
Mister_Magisteri know addr2line13:08
Mister_Magisterit attemts to kill init and not segfault so i concluded its in userspace13:08
Mister_Magisterand the spot is VERY generic13:09
Mister_Magisterso i don't think its problem with kernel13:09
Mister_Magister enjoy the dmesg13:10
Mister_Magisterthe panic points to CONFIG_MSM_PM so yeah definitely not the kernel fault13:12
Mister_Magisterif it was kernel fault it would be segfault i think13:12
malMister_Magister: does your device have kernel modules in init? i.e. in vendor_boot? btw, did you flash correct vendor_boot also13:18
Mister_Magisteri flashed dtbo, boot and vendor boot13:18
Mister_Magisterall 313:18
Mister_Magisterand as to other question i have no idea13:18
malbecause the issue could be "request_module: modprobe binfmt-0000 cannot be processed, kmod busy with 50 threads for more than 5 seconds now" which suggests init hangs in module loading13:18
Mister_Magisterim not good in this android stuff i leanred about this weird new kernel stuff yesterday13:19
malbut that would not explain that you can get into first telent13:20
Mister_Magistermal: but like, in ramdisk it also loads kernel modules so why would it fail in init13:21
malbecause it should be loading those already in first init13:21
malis the first init stable for long time?13:21
Mister_Magisteri can stay indefinitely13:21
Mister_Magisterand it goes there every time13:21
Mister_Magistervery solid debugging environment13:21
malmaybe try to check if there are some pending kernel stuff, can't remember the path in sys to check that13:22
maldid you have any issues extracting rootfs?13:23
Mister_Magisteri extracted it via the ramdisk and nah13:23
Mister_Magister whachu need :D13:29
Mister_Magisteri tried chrooting target and got chroot: can't execute '/bin/bash': Exec format error13:35
Mister_Magisterthat normal?13:35
Mister_Magisterwhen i try running /target/bin/bash nothing happens13:35
Mister_Magistercould be entirely normal13:36
Mister_Magistermal: i mostly wanted you to check repos cause i might have missed something but also this, i don't know what it is or why it is, i can't find it in any instructions so i don't have that13:42
Mister_Magisteridk if its relevant13:42
Mister_Magisterim just biiiig dummy xd13:42
Mister_Magisteri left the telnet running and tried tailing /target/init-debug-stderrout but nothing ever appeared13:45
Mister_Magisterlet me try chrooting from ramdisk on another phone to see if thats supposed to work13:49
Mister_Magisterhmm, init_enter_debug sadly doesn't freeze the boot13:50
Mister_Magisterwell at least i can chroot from recovery on other phone let me try that on the tablet13:56
Mister_Magistercan't do it from recovery but the error is not the same13:58
Mister_Magisterin recovery it says chroot: exec /bin/sh: No such file or directory14:00
Mister_Magisteri should be able to chroot14:01
Mister_Magistermal: huh, ramdisk has 32bit executables but rootfs has 64bit executables14:04
Mister_Magistershould it be like that?14:04
Mister_Magisterholdon plot thickens, /usr/bin/busybox is empty file14:05
Mister_Magistereyyyyyyyyyyyy i re-extracted the archive and can chroot now14:10
Mister_Magistereyyyyy its not segfaulting now and the screen got brighter14:11
Mister_Magistermeaning something's gotta be haappening14:11
Mister_MagisterI don't have second telnet but thats probably because of messed up init script so let me clean it up and see how it goes14:12
Mister_Magisterlol now it gets stuck in ramdisk14:19

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