Sunday, 2024-09-15

T42<rahulyx> Screen is on!00:00
malcool, to remove the .rc files you added here from droid-configs, keep that spec file change00:00
mal*so remove00:01
T42<rahulyx> I still had to kill vndservicemanager first and wait for it to restart00:01
T42<rahulyx> Will delete them00:01
T42<rahulyx> What does this mean tho? "Expecting header 0x53595354 but found 0x564e4452. Mixing copies of libbinder?"00:01
malit means that when it started linker configuration was not correctly loaded or something and it opened some wrong library and ends up using wrong type of binder00:02
T42<rahulyx> Okay... what's the permanent fix for it?00:03
malI think some kind of preload for vndservicemanager00:04
malneed to figure out which library it needs00:04
T42<rahulyx> Okay00:05
mal@elros34 do you have ideas?00:05
malfor now you can check what works on the device and then fix things that are still broken and we'll figure that vndservicemanager issue at some point00:11
T42<elros34> thats little beyond my knowledge but still he should provide full log with that failure00:13
T42<rahulyx> Alright00:14
T42<rahulyx> I also removed /usr/libexec/droid-hybris/system/etc/init/disabled_services.rc, now the phone freezes. unresponsive telnet.00:16
malI said you keep that00:16
T42<rahulyx> Yes, just wanted to see what happens00:17
maljust remove it from config repo from sparse/usr/libexec/droid-hybris/system/etc/init/00:17
malthat disables various services which cause issues with sailfish00:17
malin 18.1 base that file comes from droid-configs-device submodule in droid-configs repo so it's not needed in sparse/usr/libexec/droid-hybris/system/etc/init/00:18
T42<rahulyx> Got it00:19
T42<rahulyx> Will do that00:19
T42<rahulyx> Also, some of the fonts look tiny. I change pixel ratio in d-c-$D.spec?00:20
T42<rahulyx> Or is it scaling?00:20
malyes, you need to adjust pixel ratio to suit your device00:21
T42<rahulyx> Alright00:21
malhow big is the screen on the device and what resolution?00:22
T42<rahulyx> 5.5" FHD00:22
T42<rahulyx> 1080x192000:23
T42<Mister_Magister> @rahulyx you need pixel ratio of 1.600:24
T42<rahulyx> Okay! Let me make that change00:25
T42<elros34> why do you add this ldconfig mount here?
T42<elros34> btw don't add temporary tmp/ directory to commits00:26
T42<Mister_Magister> add it to .gitignore00:26
T42<rahulyx> @elros34 I dd the hybris-16.0 patches from hadk-faq.00:28
T42<rahulyx> *did00:28
T42<elros34> this is more up-to-date instruction:
T42<rahulyx> I'll add tmp to .gitignore00:29
T42<Mister_Magister> I think you need to do cheeky git rm --cached after adding it to gitignore because its already indexed00:30
T42<rahulyx> @elros34 Will reverse them00:30
T42<rahulyx> @Mister_Magister Will do that, I'll clean the repos shortly00:30
T42<elros34> try to disable this ldconfig mount on device, maybe it mess something up and then get journal/logcat if vndservicemanager fails00:31
T42<rahulyx> @Mister_Magister, can I change the pixel ratio on device? Without rebuilding?00:31
T42<rahulyx> @elros34 let me try that00:31
T42<Mister_Magister> I think yes but you have to google that (or grep irc logs)00:31
T42<rahulyx> Okay00:32
T42<rahulyx> @elros34 removed ldconfig mount files on device. Still seeing "Parcel  : Expecting header 0x53595354 but found 0x564e4452. Mixing copies of libbinder"00:42
T42<elros34> probably strace from failure vs working vndservicemanager could shed some light on this issue00:55
T42<rahulyx> Let me try that. I've cleaned up the droid-config repo and pushed the changes. Winding up for the day00:57
T42<rahulyx> Thanks @elros34 @mal @Mister_Magister for all the help! Everything is broken now... wifi, cellular, BT, camera... Will start looking at them one by one tomorrow!00:58
T42<Mister_Magister> thats classic porting00:58
T42<rahulyx> Yeah!00:58
T42<rahulyx> None of the apps other than settings open, is that expected?01:04
T42<elros34> usually no01:07
T42<Mister_Magister> it means issue with sailjail so either fix kernel config so that sailjail is happy or install dummy-sailjail because sailjail is stupid01:10
T42<rahulyx> Alright, let me try that01:12
*** ggabriel is now known as Guest350201:18
T42<rahulyx> @Mister_Magister I'm trying to fix kernel config for sailjail. hadk-hot says "Some 3.4 and 3.10 kernels requires following patches to  get systemd and sailjail/firejail working". Mine is 3.18. Which ones do I apply?08:47
T42<rahulyx> @elros34, saw your messages from the irc logs. Do I need to apply these old kernel patches? Or is enabling all CONFIG_*_NS in kernel sufficient?08:53
rinigusmy sony tama display is on a way to detach from the rest of the phone and its time to start looking for replacement08:55
riniguslooking for something usable as phone (calls without echo), volte now or a path to make it work, decent camera. probably 8gb+ ram for occasional waydroid. community encryption is a bonus, otherwise can port it myself08:55
rinigusany tips? ideally, some perfectly working port :)08:55
T42<rahulyx> I was trying to fix RIL meanwhile. I tried installing ofono-binder-plugin as suggested for android>=10 (my base is 18.1).  systemctl status ofono looks good, but sim is not detected. I tried ofono-ril-binder-plugin (somewhere I was suspecting this as the vendor's last release was android 9). It worked. I could see the sim being detected (dual sim, second slot is empty). Bar is visble. AP is auto configured. However, no internet. Unable to tes10:11
T42<rahulyx> This is with ofono-ril-binder-plugin:
T42<rahulyx> Also, the sim cards don't come up on device restart. I have to manually systemctl restart ofono on every reboot for the sim to be detected10:17
T42<rahulyx> Okay, slot 2 doesn't work. SIM is detected, but no bar. Says "Network: Denied"
T42<elros34> anything in logcat?10:24
T42<rahulyx> Checking. How do I stop the SMBCHG spam on logcat? Makes it difficult to readf10:34
T42<elros34> i do not know what is smbchg spam10:37
T42<rahulyx> I see plenty of messages like this on logcat: "SMBCHG  : smbchg_chg_led_brightness_set: set the charger led brightness to value=50"10:38
T42<elros34> value is always the same?10:38
T42<rahulyx> See this:
T42<rahulyx> Looks like logs from charging?10:39
T42<elros34> does it also happen when you unplug usb?10:40
T42<rahulyx> No, goes away on unplug10:43
T42<rahulyx> @elros34, for fixing sailjail, which patches do I apply? My kernel is 3.1810:44

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