Sunday, 2024-07-21

*** makrolon_ is now known as makrolon05:22
jakob_morning , I am reaching out since I am plague with an issue which I cannot seem to resolve easily, I am constantly being bombarded with this "select a certificate to authenticate yourself to" on vivaldi browser running Win11, and I don't recall installing anything that would be causing this, some weeks ago I took a look at the website as I am interesting in purchasing phone with this OS and that was about it , any ideas?07:56
henkonly vivaldi?09:04
rubdoshenk: Whisperfish is a good one on Sailfish ;-)10:10
entilI was just about to say whisperfish is dope10:10
henkrubdos: ah, the wink is because you are the author, I take it? I was wondering until I found it on (:10:11
henkrubdos, entil: thanks, will look into it10:11
rubdosIf you want to take the plunge on Signal/Whisperfish, I'd advice you to wait until is merged10:11
rubdos(and published on OR)10:11
rubdosit'll fix a lot of issues that popped up with the new protocols and privacy features :)10:12
entilhenk: I'm less so and thought of bumping whisperfish before rubdos said it ;P10:12
rubdosindeed, and entil was an early contributor too10:12
rubdosfeel free to ping me here if you have problems with it, by the way. Or direc85[m]10:12
entildo be warned it doesn't do voice calls (((yet)))10:12
rubdosyet, indeed10:13
rubdosIf I find some courage, it actually might in a few weeks from now.10:13
entilwhich is first, a caveat-emptor-style installable xperia 10iv image or voice on whisperfish? :D10:14
henkmain usecase would probably be sharing anything other than text, voice, or video, i.e. mainly for sending pictures … I tend to use traditional sms, phone calls, or jitsi (from my laptop, though) for these things.10:14
entilthe 10iv image would only take a political decision to happen, whisperfish requires actual work, but still I'd place my money on rubdos10:15
entilhenk: yeah, I'm in multiple groups on signal that basically share memes and other phunnies a lot, got tens of thousands of images on my phone, most through wf10:15
rubdosSignal is great for sharing pictures :)10:16
rubdosHmm, does Signal have private attachment uploading yet? 🤔10:16
entiland wf has the kick-ass multiple-images-in-one-sent-message feature for grouping this things together10:16
entils/this/these/g sheesh10:17
henkhm, how do those mentioned changes affect this usage? or signup? because it would be great if I found something in the next few days, to better communicate with someone currently on a trip …10:19
rubdoshenk: may I advice to install either Signal Android or Molly on your Android App Support, if you have that?  You can later link Whisperfish to it. Alternatively, you can just install Signal right now; registration should work fine currently iirc.10:20
henkrubdos: no, I don’t really have android. not on sailfish and the only android device I have runs lineageos without gapp support …10:24
rubdosThen just go for it, and let me know if something goes haywire :)10:25
rubdosAlthough initial messages currently have bugs, so you may want to get Signal Desktop alongside it too to get started.10:26
rubdosugh, if I'm explaining it like this, it sounds a lot more work than it should be :'-)10:26
henkhm, it’s not in chum, is it?10:34
rubdos[m]no, openrepos. We're often running ahead on Jolla on Rust versions, so we don't currently bother with building on Chum10:43
rubdos[m]although these days it should actually become possible10:43
rubdos[m]My goal would be to throw releases on Chum and nightlies on OR, but we're not at that point yet :'-)10:43
rubdos[m]ah, and releases on the Jolla store, of course, too :p10:45
henkOR means storeman, right?10:47
rubdos[m]yes indeed10:49
henkoh, you are not in #whisperfish@libera yourself?10:50
rubdos[m]... I'm not? :O10:50
jrgIs there any word on whether or not fxtec will ever make devices again?12:22

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