Friday, 2024-08-02

TominI started a new game last year and now I got it to a stage I felt I could finally release something
TominI should push myself a bit to finish the missing features so I'd get it to harbour. Also for some reason x86 didn't build, I suspect it's that python code I'm running in the build10:37
Tominbtw, if anyone feels like taking the time to the add data for some other language, contributions are very welcome :) However I have to warn that going through wikipedia for those is a lot of effort10:38
teveCompass does not work on my Xperia 10 III, CSD test fails too. Is it known issue or is it just my device?12:21
direc85[m]I'll have to give you the least useful answer: it works for me...12:48
teveOk, but it's not the OS fault then if it wfu.12:50
teveIf I rotate device 360° pointer moves between 250°-315°.12:55
attahThere should be some figure-eight pattern to move it in that makes it understand that current calibration is off12:57
teveCSD test shows after moving 20s figure-eight pattern that calibration level is 0.3333, should be 113:03
direc85[m]Instead of figure eight, you can try to rotate the device over all its axises15:16
direc85[m]Or just tumble it arounnd15:16
teveWow, it's actually much better now, CSD test passes. Thanks for the hint.15:20
direc85[m]You're welcome :)16:38

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