Monday, 2024-08-05

rubdos[m]What is a good location to temporarily store a file that I want to share via the share API/transfer engine?11:31
rubdos[m]I currently had one in .cache/be.rubdos/harbour-fisheye, but " It is possible that an application tries to share a file private to that application and that may fail as your application may not have access to it."11:31
rubdos[m]so Sailjail restricts that11:31
rubdos[m]Same docs talk about UserDirs, but I'm not sure what a good location would be for such a file11:31
rubdos[m]Ugh, Whisperfish keep referring to the original file either way, so I'd have to write it in a fixed location anyway11:40
rubdos[m]Went with ~/Downloads/FishEye 🤷12:15
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attahrubdos[m]: i don't think a designed solution exists16:18
attah...or at least that's how i remember the answer when i asked16:18
rubdos[m]You can send the raw bytes too, but the receiving end seems to need support for it too16:22
attahand for plaintext it seems you have no option16:23
attahWould be fun to experiment with file descriptor... but i still haven't reintegrated the core of seaprint after breaking it out to a lib16:26
rubdos[m]... now I wanna try sending a picture straight from my camera to a photo printer via FishEye and SeaPrint16:39
rubdos[m]just for the meme!16:39
attahDo it!17:08
rubdos[m]I'll have to find a photo printer then, but if I come across one, I will! :D17:53
attahI'm preemptively laying the foundation for respecting printer maximum jpeg dimensions as we speak xD17:55
attahOr perhaps not. Libjpeg (and reimplementations) are not exactly making it easy19:03
rubdos[m]My cam only has 20MP, should be fine :'-)19:13
attahLooking over the dumps i have... the by far lowest one is still 50MP19:15

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