Thursday, 2024-08-08

*** direc85^2 is now known as direc8506:51
pahi folks, sorry for the OT, does anybody remember how to install "iwconfig" onto the N9/Harmattan?08:48
nephrospa: Like this?
nephrospa: deb mirrors at and
nephrospa: there is also
paThank you so much!09:19
paby the way, how to use iptables on the device? even after devel-su, i'm told i must be root09:44
paumh..  looks like not possible.. and the only way to share wifi over usb would be as socks proxy.. :/09:54
paalthough i remember someone writing an app to wrap iptables09:56
paso maybe devel-su doesn't have the rights, but an app with proper manifest could enable masquerading from usb onto wifi?09:57
Mister_Magisterrainemak: happy to see u in jolla vid11:10
rainemakThanks Mister_Magister !17:12

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