Tuesday, 2024-08-27

piggzKeto: ping ... i pushed a repo without updating the submodule, and now i think OBS is stuck even with it updated .. can you check/clear caches for https://build.sailfishos.org/package/show/nemo:devel:hw:pine:dontbeevil/ofono#08:58
Ketopiggz[m]: your submodule in https://github.com/sailfishos-native/ofono/tree/2.10.0%2Bgit2 still points to commit that doesn't exist https://github.com/sailfishos-native/ofono-mirror/commit/425915110:16
piggz[m]keto: ah, yeah i know why now!10:18
piggz[m]keto: it was pointing at the commit after sfdk-build --prepare had applied all the patches, not the commit with the tag10:20
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