Tuesday, 2024-09-10

*** poetaster is now known as Guest304608:13
b100dian[m]<piggz[m]> "https://gitlab.com/android_trans..." <- How many ways to run Android:) Doesn't this require Gtk and X11?15:53
attahIs it adhesive-week? Poetaster starred+forked hotglue2 and pvuorela created packaging for duktape...15:58
poetasterattah, well, yes, in fact it is!18:17
poetasterI spent the day, beside setting up hotglue for an artist fiend, removing silicone, various kinds of glue, tape and gunk from: 1. 2 lenovo laptops (x220/x230) replacing the fan/heat sink from one with the other ....18:18
poetaster2. dissassembling a jbl go 3 and hotgun removing the glue on the battery connector ...18:18
poetaster3. dissassembling a jbl go (1) with hotgun application and pen knife, ... etc ...18:19
attahSounds productive18:19
poetasteryeah, sorta was. unexpected. I'm waiting for PCBs for a batch of things to build ....18:20
poetasterhotglue is kinda fun. it's a php hack, but it's fun to use. had to use a patched version (more glue) ... but, hej!18:21
attahI was going to do cathartic work with my team... but instead i got roped in to meetings18:21
poetasterah, shit.18:21
poetasterI have to admit, the angst bits of being 100% solo are more than compensated for by just filling my time as I see fit. or fullfilling orders ...18:22
poetasterbut then, I'll die poor. or a kept man.18:23
attahKids don't need big inheritances anyway (:18:25
poetasterheh. well, I've sorted that in advance. If the timetable holds, he'll get an apartment for his 18th and I'm running away to St. Lucia.18:26
poetasterOr where ever my better half permits me to go.18:26
poetasterwhat's your team working on?18:27
attahI/we do test tools you-know-where18:27
attahCurrently cleaning up after low-cost18:27
poetasterOk, so refactoring the outsourced stuff?18:28
attahand removing the crap that isn't needed18:28
attahThese people never think anything else than that code must be added18:29
poetasterlesson number one. less is more.18:29
attahthis end of the world... because you generally need to clean up after yourself18:30
poetasteryes. which leads me to think, I should just stay home and CLEAN UP instead of running to prague for a hackathon!18:31
attahIf i'd lived that close i'd gone too18:31
attah(flying from here with one stop takes the same amount of time, but shhh)18:32
poetasterI sorta hate travel, but it was really nice to see some sailors in Brussels in Feb.18:33
poetasterI was doing the thinkpad gluework since it dawned on me that I didn't have a functional machine to hack with :)18:33

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