Sunday, 2024-09-22

*** ggabriel is now known as Guest416801:10
entilthis may be a silly question, but how important is it an xperia 10iv is really, really up to date? these system updates are killing me, or at least taking way too much time from actually installing the phone... my gut tells me it gotta be up to date, of course06:00
entilit's just the most ridiculous thing that every single little update takes forever to install and there's always more, like wtf sony, not everything should be a stop release06:01
entil65.2.A.2.164 going in now...06:12
entil if this is to be believed, whatever it is, there's gonna be even more joy in store06:18
entilthis is nonsensical, as the update history mentions .137 as the latest one I would have upgraded too, and the phone says it's up to date, wtf06:38
entil... aaaaand now it realized .179 is a thing, sigh06:42
rinigusentil: it makes sense to update as much as possible. just don't expect it to be fast...08:00
entilrinigus: yeah, I got there, and then other fun stuff ensued, like (sms) messages not being restored by the backup08:13
entilI can see how maybe not videos and everything backs up fine, and my 10plus is unusable in many ways, but now I gotta start digging the restore logs to see how to attempt to restore the messages manually and if I have to do some other magic... I have `~nemo` off the old phone (and the old phone of course :D) but I don't think copying an sqlite file is the first resort08:14
entilwhy can't we restore partial backups in the settings ui? lack of dev resources to implement it?08:17
entilis this bs still a thing? ? guess I'll have that homedir symlink and having installed notes, there are no notes, though one might think there'd be08:31
entildidn't apparently restore my calendars either... knew enough to complain nextcloud needs to get signed in but the calendars didn't show up08:36
entilah, scratch that, the calendars did, just with some delay08:37
entilok, the symlink did help09:04
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