Tuesday, 2024-10-15

rinigusKeto: right, so scaling is possible. I wonder what makes our OBS relatively far from upstream?04:24
Ketoit's 2.9... mainly just because there hasn't been time to update it06:50
rubdos[m]Anyone else having troubles with earbud sound quality in calls on the Xperia IV?  Specifically, the microphone. I have several contacts complaining about the sound quality.  It could also be just my new Sennheiser MTW4's, because I basically bought them the same moment I got the IV image flashed.15:26
poetasterrinigus, as I started on this last week in another context, I started snooping in the obs service files and there is docker support to some extent. it looks comparable to what you can achieve with githubs docker support.16:33
poetastersigh. but obs is one giant perl monomaniac. trying to grok: https://github.com/openSUSE/open-build-service/blob/master/src/backend/run-service-containerized16:38
poetasterrinigus I think this is what you're looking for:  The idea is to use virtual16:48
poetaster# machines from IaaS providers as build hosts. This script will fetch metrics16:48
poetaster# of virtual machines from Amazon Web Services (AWS) as well as build job16:48
poetaster# metrics from local OBS server. Based on these metrics this script will16:48
poetaster# decide whether to create or destroy virtual machines from AWS EC2.16:48
riniguspoetaster: yes, in general something like that.16:51
rinigus(right now I am looking into making my qt6 builds working with what I have - tbuilder - and when that is sorted hopefully for a better solution)16:51
poetasterrinigus, it's supported but only for aws elastic build16:51
poetasterok. I'll have a look at tbuilder.16:52
riniguswe can probably cook something together for other providers as well16:52
rinigusif they are better/cheaper16:52
poetasterrinigus, sure. given enough tea and biscuits.16:52
rinigusnot even that much of those16:53
poetasterAh, it's context switching between perl and ruby. maybe more tea :)16:53
riniguspoetaster:  I'll try to keep my context without switching to chat and get qt6 builds running. getting too close ...16:54
poetasterok, I'll leave you alone!16:55
riniguspoetaster: thanks! :)17:50
riniguslooks to building now ...17:50
riniguspoetaster: don't look at tbuilder - its a small project that I wrote to automate builds. it makes more sense to use obs or some other proper build engine18:24
rinigusI'll go through remaining qt6 issues (we need to get older scripts working for qt6/kf6 automated updates)18:26
poetasterOk, got it.18:52
Ketooh, I completely missed that elastic_build_service_manager.py, as I was looking in src/19:54
Ketomaybe not the prettiest code, but probably gives some idea of the logic. which seems to be based on the worker status from the OBS API, and instance metrics from the cloud20:09

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