Wednesday, 2024-10-23

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rubdosnino: it's very much IRC culture to lurk a lot! :-)09:38
rubdosWelcome to the club.09:38
ninothnx! :-)09:47
ninocurrently awaiting a new toy from .fi, lets see if it will replace my venerable xperia09:49
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rubdosMine is also on the road :)09:56
rubdossporting my Xperia IV now though! :)09:56
ninoyup - for sure some testing and a proper comparison needs to take place10:02
ninoit will be fun10:03
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Mister_Magisterhmmm mal i don't know who to ask so i'm asking you for help. I'm struggling with voicecall-manager. When launched directly, it loads my plugin and my plugin registers dbus interface all good, but its normally launched via invoker and when i launch it via invoker, the dbus interface is no longer being registered and i have no clue why or how to workaround it12:36
Mister_Magisteror correction it might be registered but perhaps i can't connect to it?12:37
Mister_Magisterah no, its not12:38
Mister_Magisterlets try strace12:41
Mister_Magisteroh wait, if i add QT_LOGGING_RULES it outputs to journal12:43
Mister_Magister /usr/lib64/voicecall/plugins/ undefined symbol: _ZTI24AbstractVoiceCallHandler&12:43
Mister_Magisterbut it works without invoker what the hell12:43
Mister_Magisterit seems to me like when launched by invoker it doesn't load some library?12:44
Mister_Magisterhuh, fixed it12:58
Mister_Magisternevermind i guess12:58
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