Wednesday, 2024-10-30

rubdos[m]C2 charging!16:47
ninoits a beauty16:48
rubdos[m]It's kinda big, but it has its beauty indeed :)16:51
ninogive it four feet and it's a small table17:08
ninolike most mobile phones17:08
ninoI remember a joke in a Bangkok newspaper suggesting our mouths and ears would grow together in ten years time, but I guess not.17:09
rubdos[m]"[..] Sailfish OSgebruikersvoorwaarden te accepteren [..]" on the first boot screen, missing a space17:35
rubdos[m]in the Dutch translation. Is that publicly accessible?17:35
piggz[m]Keto: mal why does this say all build hosts are idle, but there are packages waiting?
malpiggz[m]: ? seems to build many packages now18:02
piggz[m]mal: this has been scheduled for 2 hours now
Ketopiggz[m]: due to failures, all suitable workes were marked as bad for that package20:57

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