Thursday, 2024-11-07

TomGodden[m]I had to fix my Xperia 10 after last upgrade and part of that was reinstalling android. Now I have a /opt/alien and /opt/appsupport. Does anyone know which is the correct one?... (full message at <>)07:56
TomGodden[m] * I had to fix my Xperia 10 after last upgrade and part of that was reinstalling android. Now I have a /opt/alien and /opt/appsupport. Does anyone know which is the correct one?... (full message at <>)07:56
poetasterpiggz[m], I was debugging and ran across this one browser crashing:
poetasterpiggz[m], I think it's video related (the Volla22 port running on a rephone).07:57
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malTomGodden[m]: what do you have in those folders?13:23
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Renaud[m]I had to reflash my 10 III to the latest version and I don't have the folder /opt/alien anymore but I know I had it on 4.5 version14:49
malTomGodden[m]: which sailfish version do you have now? also check output of "mount" for things related to /opt14:57
TomGodden[m]<mal> "Tom Godden: what do you have..." <- Very similar folder structure, both have an image:... (full message at <>)15:13
TomGodden[m]<mal> "Tom Godden: which sailfish..." <- I assume this means that opt/appsupport is the right one?15:14
TomGodden[m]`/opt/appsupport/system.img on /opt/appsupport/rootfs type squashfs (ro,relatime,seclabel)`15:14
malyes, appsupport is the new one, just to be safe you could just move that /opt/alien to somewhere safe like home folder and then make sure things still work15:19
TomGodden[m]mal: Thanks for the help, I'll try that :)15:23
nephrosAre there any SailfishOS devices with working FM Radio?16:05
b100dian[m]there are some, according to
nephros... because the C2 does have an FMRadio tuner, and an Android service running for it :) it doesn'y even crash and burn if you try to use it. (Doesn't do anything either.)16:54
b100dian[m]I think I'll add that to an app's release notes: does not crash and burn:)16:57
b100dian[m]Interesting, it came pre-installed?16:57
nephrosb100dian[m]: I'd say it came pre-not-disabled :)16:58
nephrosbut there's packages for a plugin to sfos media player, plus that old IRIS qtmultimedia plugin.16:58
b100dian[m]What about csd?16:58
nephrosOf course, those apps don't do anything useful, BUT the kernel starts complaiing a lot about wrong IOCTLs while they run.16:59
nephrosb100dian[m]: There's no test for radio. I seem do remember they can be toggled in some config file?17:00
nephrosAh yes, /usr/share/csd/settings.d/10-hw-settings.ini17:04
nephrosAs expected, that test fails, because it also need that qtmultimedia plugin.17:07
malwhat are you trying to do?17:07
maland on what device?17:07
nephrosmal: just toying around with the JollaC217:08
nephrosnoticed it has an broadcastradio android service and wanted to see if I can get it to do anythin.17:08
malhmm, does it have fm radio, need to check a bit17:09
malthat iris plugin for sure won't work17:09
malthat iris plugin is qcom specific17:09
nephrosyes it does have FMradio.17:09
nephrosmal: yeah, and that other branch is broadcom17:09
malyou mean halradio?17:12
nephrosmal: Ph, what's halradio?17:12
nephrosmal I meant the fmdrv branch from
malthat device has the lib for it17:13
nephrosAaah cool.17:13
malI'm about to test it once I get it built first17:13
nephrosThanks, I'll try that as well17:15
nephrosmal: Oh, can't build it on OBS. ok.17:20
malwhy not?17:22
malah, it probably needs adaptation stuff there17:22
malbut anyway it failed17:22
nephrosmal: no need to waste time on it, just was curious.17:23
malthere is binder service for fm radio in there also, wondering if that is working, need to check in android17:32
malbut anyway fm radio is not very high priority17:34

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