Wednesday, 2024-11-27

logoutmay I have a question about SailfishOS licence and Android App support?13:49
logoutI already tried some googling and it made me even more confused13:49
attahFirst rule of IRC: don't ask to ask - just ask.13:50
logoutwell, I met channels where questions were unwanted :)13:51
logoutso the question: I bought a second-hand Xperia X with Sailfish already installed and then bought a licence for the system on the jolla shop13:52
logoutwhat have I to do to be able to use the add-ons like Android App Support, because nothing seems to help to get them to the phone13:52
attahasking to ask where questions are not welcome is just as disturbing there, and it will have been specified in topic, like underlining that it is a devel channel only13:53
attahisn't Xperia X dropped now? If this was recently, i'm pretty sure you didn't get a Xperia X license13:54
logoutit was recently, this week13:55
attahWell, that would be your issue then13:55
attahThe Android support on the X wouldn't have done you any good anyway (4.4)13:56
logoutthanks for the clarification, so I now have a surplus licence13:57
logoutwell, that happens13:57
logouthave a nice day, all!14:02

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