Tuesday, 2024-12-24

coffeecreatureSo I need an outside opinion: should I grab an Xperia 10 III now or should I wait for the full SFOS release on the IV/V if I just want to get away from iOS/Android but still need certain Android apps to get by?06:19
coffeecreatureAlso an unrelated question but I read that the battery indicator is broken on the IV/V, does that mean that the phone outright doesn't return a battery voltage value, or that the voltage it returns is useless?06:21
x2scoffeecreature: It's hard to say.08:03
x2sWe have no date for the official IV/V release. Could be next month, could be next summer, could be never (from what I fear)08:03
koutsieI didn't get Waydroid working on Xperia 10 IV, It's just in the Chum repos and in github!08:09
koutsietho, "de-rooting" it is a bit of a hazzle08:10
koutsieI do wonder of what the buglist is for the 10 IV08:18
koutsieahaa, im a bit of a goof it seems: https://forum.sailfishos.org/t/feedback-on-xperia-10-iv/20113/2308:24
b100dian[m]mal: did you re-enable android vibration service? https://forum.sailfishos.org/t/what-would-be-required-for-a-port-to-fairphone-5/17870/62?u=vlagged10:33
malb100dian[m]: I didn't try that yet11:12
coffeecreaturex2s: That actually makes it a fairly easy choice. With no certainty in regards to the IV/V future, and with how cheap IIIs are getting on ebay, I think it's easier to just grab the III now and deal with the slightly dated hardware.11:24
x2sas much as it hurts me, you are right here.11:25
x2sI already have a V, which sits around and collects dust. I hope the release will be soon.11:25
koutsiewhy are people so weary of SFOS on 10 IV? its in beta and already on the roadmap?12:32
coffeecreatureJolla is still focused on C2 and does not appear to be able to stick to schedules very well, from an outsider's point of view. I've been wanting to get a Linux phone for months now, and for months IV/V support has been "just around the corner", with the only tangible improvement to the situation happening this month when the binary blobs were published (which turned out to still be broken and in need of more work)12:48
x2skoutsie: because beta is not a release and we have no release date. Last news was: We are waiting for Sony. Sony did update the binaries, but we didn't get an update what it means for the IV and V.12:54
Miika[m]Thank you attah for seaprint, it was true christmas savior!13:19
Miika[m]Im visiting my parents and printing with that worked oob, now the kids are busy coloring all the printed pictures :D13:20
Miika[m]Merry christmas to you and all other sfos users/developers too!13:20
ninothnx Miika[m]15:01
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koutsiex2s: in fedi: "IV/V Updates soon" so... but then again yes, there's no deadlines and seeing that jolla as a company is governed by ability rather than *some other way* - i believe if someones working on that - itll happen lol17:55
koutsiealso, happy holidays everyone!17:55

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