Friday, 2024-12-27

*** rdr_ is now known as rdr09:13
_David_It's alive!  OK, I need help downgrading an Android app.
b100dian[m]Whats alive?16:10
_David_This IRC!  1st problem is downloading a safe (old) version of  the banking app.  I've seemingly done this16:11
_David_... using Aurora Store16:11
b100dian[m]Yes, you can specify a version if you know the number beforehand16:11
b100dian[m]But you need to uninstall to downgrade I would guess16:12
_David_There may be a way to use adb16:12
_David_So Aurora is now obscuring its download location for security reasons16:12
_David_I think this is one of the files: ./home/.android/data/app/~~QE_b264klFLAYFbD-sSgqQ==/com.revolut.revolut-0qSRFrvwAhWiu3bDrh0Pnw==/split_config.en.apk16:13
_David_Second file: ./home/.android/data/app/~~QE_b264klFLAYFbD-sSgqQ==/com.revolut.revolut-0qSRFrvwAhWiu3bDrh0Pnw==/base.apk16:13
b100dian[m]Yeah pm command but with some sort of transactions to add multiple apks, but still I think you need uninstall first16:13
_David_Third: ./home/.android/data/app/~~QE_b264klFLAYFbD-sSgqQ==/com.revolut.revolut-0qSRFrvwAhWiu3bDrh0Pnw==/split_config.arm64_v8a.apk16:13
_David_This is why I'm hoping I don't have to uninstall first:
_David_It may not be an issue but deleting the data means I have to reverify my identity and they may question why I've downgraded or why I'm on an old version16:15
_David_Another option is to use an unofficial source but that's kinda asking for trouble with a banking app16:16
_David_same directory has an "oat" subdirectory with .odex and .vdex files16:19
_David_They're apparently precompilation files so this may be too difficult16:21
_David_I've found a similar archive on APKmirror.  If the apk files are the same, it should be safe right?16:32
b100dian[m]Just uninstall and install from aurora store the one downloaded with specific version, it is not worth it to try the pm command by hand16:37
_David_If they question it, I will be homeless16:40
_David_So I'd rather avoid dealing with re-verification16:44
_David_For what it's worth, I moved to France, they're stalling on my residency card and I can't open a new French bank account without one.16:47
_David_The APKmirror files are completely different...  Will try copying the official ones over but I don't know if adb needs signed stuff16:53
b100dian[m]Hmm, tarball of /data/data files from that app?16:58
b100dian[m]But they shouldn't re-verify if you just login16:59
b100dian[m]Even if they fail to provide a website they do store through apis on the server your info16:59
_David_there's a website but you need to verify through the app and I never got that to work17:00
b100dian[m]Anyway glad I stayed away from this [cr]app:D17:00
b100dian[m]No, I mean the app can be installed on another devica and you just login no verification I would hope17:01
_David_"Hmm, tarball of /data/data files from that app?"  The installed one that refuses to start cos rooted?17:01
_David_I've done that before and they complain about it17:01
b100dian[m]Yea, maybe the older one can use those files..?17:01
b100dian[m]Then how is it different if you downgrade w/o uninstall?17:02
_David_OIC, yeah I did think about that -- backup the data files17:02
_David_I don't know, that was my question XD17:02
_David_OK so I have to run ADB on a host/server?  I can't run it from Terminal?17:06
_David_OK tarballed.  Let's try that17:15
_David_I suppose the worst case scenario is I buy a freaking Android phone17:15
b100dian[m]Maybe use numeric owner when creating the tarball (or was it when extracting)?17:25
_David_I have a tarball with around 6 directories in it17:30
_David_like cache/17:31
_David_so that didn't work with the older version17:31
_David_(not terribly surprisingly)17:31
_David_The base installation cache is empty17:38
_David_File list of the tarball:
_David_(didn't work when I emptied cache)17:39
_David_MIGRATION_PREFS.xml had version number in.  Got further but still didn't work.  Gave it a pretty good shot -- thanks for help18:06
b100dian[m]maybe try with clearing the data next if you have the tarball ..?18:26
b100dian[m]Next is running apktool to decompile it and modify the test for rooted device in smali18:26
_David_That's possible?18:28
_David_Old version is throwing up an error with default new installation18:28
b100dian[m]That is possible, of course, it is software, it cannot make the water not wet ;) But it is not fun if it is obfuscated and not easy.18:29
b100dian[m]Hmm, so the version you knew should work doesn't either? :-/18:29
_David_Not necessarily should work18:38
_David_I'm not sure when they put the root check in18:38
_David_Trying a November version18:40
_David_what I thought was an error message, isn't.18:44
_David_But the 3rd to last version crashes out whilst starting as does the previous version.  The 2nd to last and latest versions have the root check18:45
b100dian[m]the crash should have info in logcat so you can attempt a fix by decompiling some other day.18:47
b100dian[m]How's the current version that you tried? does it start? ask for verification?18:47
_David_Starts the same way then has login button (with no data) then does root check18:54
_David_Magisk has broken the root check
_David_They're also saying it's searching for apps like Magisk (and presumably MicroG), and refusing to start if it finds them.  So they suggest to install in a different Android user profile.18:58
b100dian[m]gosh, that is badly spent energy, to try to be free under the circumstances.. ;) Buy an android phone, move all revolut stash into another account, return the android phone. or use a friends one. There are definitely other "fintech" solutions that have a website instead of an app that locks you out.19:14
_David_If I can't switch to another android account within Sailfish, how does that help?19:18
_David_Definitely want to switch banks but the other issue is France's makes them check residency and the banks are too lazy to check mine (without a residency card)19:20
b100dian[m]What i'm saying is that  it may be that n26 or wise will treat you better or other alternative not-brick-and-mortar. Get out of this situation somehow, then re-evaluate your options19:22
_David_I tried n26, same issue with residency19:23
b100dian[m]sorry to hear that - I mean, that issue is also with revolut, that's why you try not to uninstall it. Just find a way out, and use a system that is accesible instead of one that is lockked out. Whatever that means for you. Buying a very cheap Android could get you out now I would assume, or using a friend's phone, then make sure you're not into this position19:25
b100dian[m]Alternatively, study keywords such as "root apktool decompile sign" e.g. and make it wet19:28
b100dian[m]I am personally using a bank's app because of the exchange rate and have to put up with this, tried magisk in waydroid but really changing the source code was the solution, after many trials I got it working. Do you have time for this under the circumstances? Why only ever depend on an Android app if they can do this to you?19:29
_David_I have time but I'm not sure about the ability19:31
_David_Like I said, I tried N26 and didn't expect them to block out every non iDroid user without warning19:32
b100dian[m]ok, so they also use app-only access? I didn't know that, sorry19:34
b100dian[m]I do use wise, but was not going to recommend it just because I use it, I tried to suggest that you do your own search on services available without android app19:35
b100dian[m]The only problem with wise is that they need the newer SailfishOS browser, or Angelfish, their site doesn't anymore work in the current 4.6 browser19:36
_David_No, N26 will only give me an account if I have a residency card.19:37
_David_I imagine Wise is the same19:37
b100dian[m]Isn't revolut the same?19:37
_David_I think I got my account before that regulation, or the regulation was updated.  Brexit was a mess and most didn't have a card for a year19:40
b100dian[m]yeah, that's what I read between the lines, the only way revolut is better is because you're already onboarded19:41
b100dian[m]anyway, keep trying different versions and if time allows, find that decompile muscle you didn't know you got ;)19:41
_David_Yes, I have a restricted account under Revolut, but I think it only blocks deposits19:44
_David_I do wonder if I'm missing something because there were half a dozen Sailfish users using Revolut and no-one else seems to have a big problem19:46
_David_I posted again on the forum but I don't think people go there much any more19:47
_David_Apparently microG is playing up.  God I hope it's that.
_David_No fix for it yet20:36

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