Thursday, 2025-01-09

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svartoygGreetings. Does somebody have a hint for me how to make deep links to Android apps (Alien Dalvik) work? Concretely, i want to do an OIDC login.17:41
attahsvartoyg: what is a deep link?17:57
svartoyga link with a special scheme, which is supposed to be handled by a certain application17:58
svartoygsome applications require user interaction in a browser. when the required action is done, there needs to be a way to convey the result to the application. this is often done via deep links17:59
attahI tend to just select a Android browser for those, and then it just works18:00
svartoygah, that sounds like a promising approach18:00
svartoygany recommendation for an Android browser?18:00
attahFirefox, possibly the Focus version18:01
attahsupposedly these schemes should work from the outside too, but i have only ever had marginal success18:02
attahi once wrote aq .desktop file declaring the relevant scheme and invoking the proper Android intent via apkd-launcher18:03
attahi even wrote one for my desktop that would ssh over and invoke it on the phone... but i no longer have that use-case18:05
svartoygattah: that does the trick!! thanks a lot18:12
attahno worries18:12

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