Monday, 2025-01-20

nephrosOK good. I thought it would be a bit too taxing. OpenSuSE has something like 32G RAM, 50G disk in _constraints.07:46
*** funderscore is now known as f_08:47
malnephros: that is a bit overkill, we have disk 16G and memory 8G10:18
x2sIs there a way to sort the forum by topic start date?10:56
x2sWould be great for the community news section10:56
makrolonI guess there isn't any way to sort the list of topics in a category by date.  You can do a search with a category filter and then sort the results by "Latest Topic" though11:41
x2scumbersome, but works. Thanks11:46
makrolonnp, too bad the search results view does not include any info about activity inside the topics11:54
gv2hey mal, long time no see (: I have a quick question; i thought jolla completely abandonded Xperia phones after the release of C2 but now i saw the trial versions of sailfishos for 10IV and 10V, good news :) Now my question is, the full version will definitely be released for these phones, right? If yes, can I ask approximately when it will be published? Thank you.12:09
malit's about getting those to have good enough hardware support, currently some issues which are not very nice, like that lack of battery status updates on x10v12:19
gv2Oh, got it. good luck getting everything working. hopefully I can get a 10v soon, I would like to contribute to the development (at least by testing)12:26
nephrosmal: thanks for the info. And just because I love this and is's somewhat related:

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