Saturday, 2025-01-25

henkok o_O can anyone check whether their phone is using the DNS server supplied via DHCP? is it put in /etc/resolv.conf?20:41
Ketohenk: connman has a local proxy which forwards the queries to the DNS servers supplied via DHCP, that's why resolv.conf points to localhost22:16
henkKeto: hrm, ok. any idea why it doesn’t resolve my internal dns names?
henkor how to debug this further?22:28
Ketono idea22:32
attahmy lan hostnames resolve just fine on my phone22:32
henkthat’s what irritates me the most: this used to work on my phone as well … haven’t used it in quite a while, now it doesn’t work. one of the th22:33
henksorry, ctrl+m vs ctrl+w22:33
henkone of the major things that have possibly changed during that time was installing waydroid. but I thought it still worked after that …22:34
henkI know dnsmasq caused some troubles with DNS while I tried setting up waydroid …22:34
attahwell, there you go22:35
henkhm, ok, switched off mobile data, tried dig again: works. switched mobile data back on again: still works22:35
henkoh, I have already removed dnsmasq and waydroid. didn’t make a difference.22:36
attahlan dns on mobile data, lolwat?22:36
henknot sure what you find irritating/amusing/whateverthatemotioniscalled?22:37
Ketothere might be some bug in connman that the dnsproxy gets slightly confused when switching connections22:43
henksounds like a plausible explanation22:46
henkattah: please let me know if you think anything is wrong with this setup … your comment made me doubtful and concerned22:48

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