Monday, 2025-02-17

ohnonotI would like to contact Keto (@Keto?) about a login for SailfishOS Open Build Service.09:54
_ohnonot_I would like to contact Keto (@Keto?) about a login for SailfishOS Open Build Service.11:26
nephrosKeto: ^^12:10
nephros_ohnonot_: to "ping" someone on IRC, make their nich the first word, and add a colon (:)12:10
_ohnonot_Thanks! they already answered.14:01
enderno need for a colon, just use the nickname everywhere19:43
Ketoyeah, I get hilight for things like postmarKETOs... would need to tune the regexes, but meh :)20:46
enderwow, I've never seen an IRC client that highlights on partial match21:33
x2s.oO( not by default, but, uh, I can have highlights on anything. )21:36
f_Keto: your client might need fixing :)22:25
Ketopebkac, irssi is fine :)23:25

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