Saturday, 2025-02-22

*** amccarthy is now known as Guest973307:46
*** amccarthy_ is now known as amccarthy07:46
b100dian[m]mal: what is the trick behind removing -j1 from cargo/rust in xulrunner-qt5.spec ? I remember there were problems with SB2, where should I look for the fix? (ref: )13:05
malwell based on testing the -j1 didn't really help much13:10
b100dian[m]ok, so nothing was fixed, I thought it was deadlocking when building on multiple cores without this, you're saying it may deadlock on j1 too?13:33
malon obs it does13:52
malI haven't noticed any deadlocks locally when doing those esr102 build, not sure if it's just luck13:52

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