Monday, 2025-02-24

nephrosIs there a reasonalbly simple way to test that?08:57
ViGeIf you ask me, nothing concerning sb2 and/or obs is reasonably simple10:01
Ingvixhmm, I kinda went down the audio jack rabbit hole and wonder if xperia 10 still supports the sony trrrs plug or did sony drop the support for it at some point since they started it, with xperia z1 and friends11:08
Ingvixthough realistically I should probably focus on usb-c for any audio gadjetry I might wanna build11:09
ViGeusb-c or bluetooth11:12
Ingvixwell, this is kinda semi-serious music field recording project, so I don't think bluetooth is a good fit. Guess I'll look into usb-c for it11:17

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