Wednesday, 2025-03-05

*** frojnd1 is now known as frojnd07:43
nephrosmal: just got it into a state where everything seems to compile. Running any of the test programs gives no errors, but *SEVERELY* taxes something on the device, it immediately slows to a crawl.07:58
nephrosBy test program I mean
nephrosThis was on a C2.08:03
nephrosmal: So this compiles and runs, but shows no window:
nephrosI assume it's because of something like the stuff mentioned in
malnephros: I also had issues getting windows to show, I only got window visible in vulkan tests11:52
nephrosmal: woohoo, I got a blue rectangle in a sailfishapp! :)
malnephros: maybe try also porting these
malthose are the ones I usually use for testing sdl16:16
nephrosokay, we'll see. The cool thing is though, merging Qt and SDL3 we can probably do native UI for foreign SDL games.16:16
nephrosBy merging I mean embdding one in the other.16:17
nephrosI want a Silica.SDL3Item { width: 640; height: 400; sdlapplicationpath: "/bin/foo" }16:19
malnephros: or more generic ExternalItem but not sure if those make sense, need to think17:14
nephrospyotherside has this gl drawing thing, something like that.18:15
piggz[m]have built fixed libargon2 on obs18:30
nephrospiggz[m]: cool, that and sodium *should* make ownkeepass compile.19:20

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