11:13:42 <Stskeeps> #startmeeting Nemo Steering Group Meeting 29/11/2011 11:13:42 <MerBot> Meeting started Tue Nov 29 11:13:42 2011 UTC. The chair is Stskeeps. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.merproject.org/wiki/Meetings. 11:13:42 <MerBot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic. 11:13:58 <Stskeeps> welcome to a new location and a new meeting of the steering group :) 11:14:10 <Stskeeps> #topic Status 11:14:15 <Stskeeps> so where are we at? 11:14:15 <jukkaeklund> unbelievable, I am actually present 11:16:56 <jukkaeklund> regarding what? 11:16:58 <jukkaeklund> :) 11:17:13 <Stskeeps> well, Nemo ;) sage - release news? 11:17:24 * jukkaeklund liked the last one a lot 11:18:45 <Sage> ah, sry 11:19:07 <Sage> So we got a great realease last week with meny improvements on general functionality. 11:19:34 <jukkaeklund> yea! 11:20:06 <jukkaeklund> I have been playing on N9 11:20:21 <Sage> Next release should come on Thursday. Atm. it seems that there aren't so many visiable changes this week. 11:20:22 <jukkaeklund> eg. can almost fully use VKB 11:20:44 <Sage> The major changes are in Mer core this week. 11:21:17 * xruxa would like to try pushing themed VKB http://dl.dropbox.com/u/42376952/20110502-133106.png for Thursday 11:21:20 <Sage> of course if someone has patches they will be accepted but the update to systemd etc. are the main things to verify atm. 11:21:30 <Stskeeps> in Mer side, we've been migrating to OBS 2.3 and we can finally get proper compile results 11:21:43 <w00t> from news I know of .. xruxa was working on new vkb theming.. I haven't had a lot of time the past days, next actions for me will be to post about new contacts/messaging UIs to try get interest from people who want to poke at them, and to fix organizer support in qtmobility to enable the qml calendar.. 11:22:34 <jukkaeklund> xruxa, sounds cool 11:22:51 <xruxa> I have also alternative layouts, like Veskuh's and Russian http://dl.dropbox.com/u/42376952/20000102-041237.png 11:23:02 <xruxa> but not happy with the performance on N900 :( 11:23:24 <jukkaeklund> how about the apps client? 11:23:29 <iekku> hi 11:23:34 <w00t> xruxa: which? the vkb in particular? 11:23:36 <lbt> Started work this morning on packaging appsbrowser. 11:23:52 <lbt> currently FTBFS 11:24:11 <xruxa> w00t: current implementation - with any additional available layout it gets visibly slower. With two still oookay, with three no go 11:24:42 <w00t> xruxa: push your code someplace, and I can take a look (and i'll point a few guys who've done a lot of qml performance work at it too to see if they can give feedback) 11:25:06 <xruxa> for the VKB propose to release with one layout and refactor before pushing more layouts. https://github.com/jpavelek/playground 11:25:19 <w00t> sounds like a plan to me :) 11:27:33 <lbt> OK .. some updates here then 11:27:46 <lbt> #info Bugzilla credential sharing is enabled. Mer bugzilla is the main password change and registration location. 11:27:57 <lbt> #info Bugzilla credential sharing is enabled. Mer bugzilla is the main password change and registration location. 11:28:04 <lbt> w/o the space :) 11:28:12 <lbt> Had to write some patches for ldap server (slapd) to support SSHA256 so bugzilla can master the passwords - and they worked so I'm pushing them upstream. 11:28:29 <lbt> #info Mer infrastructure is looking better. VM creation is now easy. Almost completed work on internal LDAP and puppet yesterday. Able to delegate VMs now. 11:28:38 <lbt> #info Working with Stefan Werden who has offered us some hardware for hosting and building. We're very grateful and are looking to understand how best to use this resource. 11:28:57 <w00t> :) 11:29:52 <Stskeeps> we're hoping to set up a proper community obs for many mer-related projects there 11:31:48 <dm8tbr> ah, bot is working, very good :) 11:33:03 <Stskeeps> yes, we finally have a non-meego meeting room ;) 11:33:36 <jukkaeklund> now it's only the root password that reminds us of meego ;) 11:35:14 <dm8tbr> that's a simple fix in the KS file 11:35:28 <jukkaeklund> yea I know 11:36:01 <Stskeeps> we also still say Welcome to MeeGo ;) 11:36:05 <Stskeeps> so if anyone has a boring evening.. 11:36:29 <Sage> dm8tbr: so you would thinkg :) 11:36:50 <Sage> dm8tbr: password is easy to change but the default username isn't. Something breaks when there isn't meego user available in system. 11:37:45 <Stskeeps> :nod: 11:37:48 <mghosaln900> not really a big deal what the username ks it is? 11:37:48 <Stskeeps> we should probably log that bug 11:37:52 <alterego> Guten Tag 11:39:10 <lbt> #info Need to schedule wiki move with alterego but the blockers have been resolved. 11:39:14 <lbt> :D 11:39:47 <alterego> Yay :) 11:40:21 <lbt> yep - let's take this to the chan and make sure we get it done 11:40:44 <lbt> So do we have any targets for next week? 11:40:59 <Sage> alterego: hi :) 11:41:05 <alterego> Hey Sage :) 11:42:10 <jukkaeklund> N9 moslo.. 11:42:44 <Sage> Stskeeps: when do you think the commits at gerrit are merged to mer? And when release with those is coming? 11:43:03 <Stskeeps> Sage: the idea is that things will run with http://wiki.merproject.org/wiki/Process#Release_Process 11:43:12 <Stskeeps> so a regular release schedule, highly automated 11:43:28 <Stskeeps> now we have the new OBS up so we can do releases and testing properly 11:43:45 <Sage> ok 11:45:31 <Sage> Stskeeps: well, that doesn't say when the http://review.merproject.org/#q,status:open,n,z are handled :) 11:45:55 <Sage> I'm mainly interested to see the glib2 change in Mer 11:45:56 <Stskeeps> right, when MERGED (ie, a reviewer says OK), they are able to be included in a pickup 11:45:59 <Stskeeps> yes 11:46:13 <jukkaeklund> how about SGX update? 11:46:24 <jukkaeklund> visible tearing in N9(50) 11:46:39 <Stskeeps> that's on my assigned bugs list 11:47:01 <Stskeeps> i suspect we might be behind in kernel version on n9/n950 11:50:04 <jukkaeklund> very likely.. 11:50:42 <slaine> Is the current plan that fakeobs will still be needed locally for companies wishing to host their own OBS's. Or is there a prospect of linking to a mer community obs ? 11:51:01 <Stskeeps> slaine: fakeobs will be renamed Mer Delivery System or something 11:51:06 <Stskeeps> and made a little more intelligent 11:52:24 <slaine> k 11:53:27 <jukkaeklund> yep 11:53:56 <Stskeeps> generally we learnt the hard way in Nemo that we can't rely on remote obs links 11:54:01 <Stskeeps> it cost us many manhours 11:56:09 <Stskeeps> Veskuh sent this through mail: 11:56:18 <Stskeeps> A bit of feedback. 11:56:18 <Stskeeps> - Releases are getting quite good. Calls, SMS, Camera, WiFi, that is impressive list of features! 11:56:21 <Stskeeps> - Nice that bugzilla is up and running. Good to see activity in bugzilla. 11:56:23 <Stskeeps> - Also Nemo bugzilla could use TASK, it would be nice to get stuff from various backlogs to bugzilla 11:56:26 <Stskeeps> For going forward, I'd see important to have more focus on two things: 11:56:27 <Stskeeps> - Nemo should be usable in real handsets, the bugs preventing that need more attention 11:56:30 <Stskeeps> - Things like: issues in broken notifications, missing alerts, answering calls 11:56:33 <Stskeeps> - Making it easier for new people to contribute and encouraging people to contribute 11:56:36 <Stskeeps> - In addition to code and new apps, also more people to do bug filings, wiki-edits, docs, etc. 11:56:39 <Stskeeps> as he couldn't attend 11:56:58 <iekku> good feedback 11:57:09 <alterego> Yeah, good feedback. 11:57:09 <iekku> and i agree with the TASK 11:57:23 <Stskeeps> severity=task as with merproject bugzilla? 11:57:35 <iekku> :nod: 11:57:49 <lbt> I'd like to see bugs in nemo delegated to mer and tracked 11:57:50 <xruxa> "Nemo should be usable in real handsets" - YES! 11:58:22 <iekku> :D 11:58:22 <lbt> to reflect the fact that it *is* a nemo problem ... and to fix it nemo has to go work on Mer in a mer bug 11:58:23 <Stskeeps> lbt: we have a state for that, i think 11:58:41 <iekku> yes we do 11:58:52 <lbt> we do... and we should have a field to record the upstream bug 11:59:17 <lbt> Nokia did some bz work in this area - I don't know if it was modular or part of a mega-patch 11:59:39 <jukkaeklund> agree with veskuh, well put 12:00:10 <Stskeeps> i'm personally happy to see mer being capable of making actual phonecalls :) 12:00:14 <Stskeeps> it makes a strong case for the core 12:00:30 <jukkaeklund> yeah we did calls eg. last sat 12:01:01 <iekku> lbt, i can take action to investigate 12:01:19 <Stskeeps> iekku: will you add severity=task too? 12:01:33 <lbt> It was around the "see also" ... I think it used ajax to pull back status info on the remote bug 12:01:57 <jukkaeklund> I need to go, any actions for me? 12:02:04 <lbt> I'd like Mer to provide a plugin to enrich a bz with "Mer See Also" 12:02:13 <iekku> Stskeeps, yes 12:02:14 <lbt> maybe that's a feature req iekku 12:02:30 <Stskeeps> jukkaeklund: think we're good - maybe wiki improvements/advertisement material ish 12:02:36 <jukkaeklund> right 12:03:51 <iekku> task is there 12:03:52 <lbt> veskuh_n9_: veskuh_n9_nemo surely .... :D 12:04:01 <Stskeeps> think we're about to wrap up - veskuh_n9_, we screwed the timezones a bit it seems :) 12:04:04 <iekku> hey, we need to think about the triages 12:04:10 <Stskeeps> veskuh_n9_: pasted your feedback though 12:04:24 <veskuh_n9_> ok 12:04:43 <lbt> should we schedule a triage meeting ? 12:04:52 <iekku> yes 12:04:57 <iekku> i can chair 12:05:00 <Sage> that sounds ok. 12:05:01 <iekku> if needed 12:05:05 <Stskeeps> send proposal to meego-handset@ i guess 12:05:21 <Sage> As long as it is not around 10-12 UTC+2 ;) 12:12:12 <lbt> are we done then ? 12:13:15 <Stskeeps> think so 12:13:20 <Stskeeps> thank you all for coming 12:13:24 <Stskeeps> #endmeeting