11:00:34 <lbt> #startmeeting Mer Bug Triage 21 May 2012 11:00:34 <MerBot> Meeting started Mon May 21 11:00:34 2012 UTC. The chair is lbt. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.merproject.org/wiki/Meetings. 11:00:34 <MerBot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic. 11:01:24 <lbt> welcome all 11:01:34 <lbt> Stskeeps prod 11:01:41 <Sage> thanks for the invite :) 11:02:02 <lbt> who invited you? :P 11:02:18 <lbt> *sigh* ... we let any riff-raff in nowadays 11:02:47 <phaeron1> I am too fat to be riff-raff 11:02:55 <Stskeeps> i'm here 11:02:56 <Stskeeps> :P 11:03:00 <lbt> hehe 11:03:02 * lbt hunts for link 11:03:08 <lbt> #info We'll start with the bugs: https://bugs.merproject.org/buglist.cgi?bug_severity=critical&bug_severity=major&bug_severity=normal&bug_severity=trivial&bug_severity=enhancement&bug_status=NEEDINFO&bug_status=UNCONFIRMED&bug_status=NEW&bug_status=ASSIGNED&bug_status=TRIAGEDUPSTREAM&bug_status=REOPENED&email1=need-triage&emailassigned_to1=1&emailtype1=substring&query_format=advanced&order=bug_id 11:03:53 <lbt> #topic https://bugs.merproject.org/show_bug.cgi?id=329 - CPIO of project ends at 899MB size 11:04:18 <Stskeeps> in mer release we pull 40 packages at a time 11:04:26 <Stskeeps> as the cpio sender isn't terribly reliable 11:05:06 <phaeron1> 899Mb usually points that a proxy inbetween is giving up in the midst of the request 11:05:35 * lbt isn't massively worried about this bug 11:06:16 <lbt> using the api to do a cpio dowload of an entire repo isn't what it's designed for 11:06:33 <Stskeeps> low ? 11:06:42 <Stskeeps> or wontfix with workaround? 11:06:42 <lbt> so unless it's blocking something serious ... low and suggest reporting it upstream 11:07:07 <phaeron1> I don't think it is an upstream issue 11:07:23 <Stskeeps> i had it happen in mer CI too but .. yeah 11:07:26 <phaeron1> but low if you say so 11:08:24 <Stskeeps> i think it's just important to track the issue and perhaps have a workaround listed on 'best practice' to deal with it 11:09:29 <lbt> and this is for harmattan to get at source that's not published by OBS as it's kinda DoD 11:10:40 <lbt> #topic https://bugs.merproject.org/show_bug.cgi?id=334 - Community OBS repos are not signed 11:11:31 <Stskeeps> medium 11:11:46 <lbt> I think the fix is gpgcheck=0 ? 11:11:49 <Sage> annoying for developers but not blocking 11:11:54 <Sage> lbt: yes that would do it 11:12:07 <lbt> right now I'm not sure about doing signing on meego.com stuff 11:12:11 <Sage> I'm using sed on the device to drop that from all repos :) 11:12:21 <Stskeeps> it's more of a OBS bug 11:12:30 <Stskeeps> it shouldn't make gpgcheck=1 .repo files when it doesn't sign the repos 11:12:41 <lbt> ah - that's worth fixing 11:12:54 <phaeron1> agree 11:14:18 <Stskeeps> so, normal prio, must be in MINT/OBS/ 11:14:20 <Stskeeps> ? 11:14:41 <lbt> new bug for it shouldn't be gpgcheck=1 for unsigned repos? 11:15:34 <Stskeeps> yes, change summary 11:16:17 <Stskeeps> next? 11:16:34 <lbt> #topic https://bugs.merproject.org/show_bug.cgi?id=336 - update openssl to 1.0.0j (or 1.0.1c) [CVE-2012-2333] 11:16:52 <Sage> :P 11:17:02 <lbt> thick+fast eh? 11:17:04 <Sage> the old openssl is still in review? 11:17:10 <Stskeeps> yes, though getting OK'ed soon 11:17:52 <Stskeeps> let's wait for this one to be OK'ed, then we can go to j 11:18:45 <lbt> high 11:18:45 <Stskeeps> high prio 11:18:56 <lbt> #info previous ssl CVE is being reviewed then this will be actioned. 11:19:10 <lbt> #topic https://bugs.merproject.org/show_bug.cgi?id=337 - update mpfr to 3.1.0 [license change?] 11:19:33 <Stskeeps> OK for gplv3, it does not go on device 11:19:36 <Stskeeps> GCC is already gplv3 11:19:57 <Stskeeps> we can state that in bug 11:20:13 <lbt> I did :) 11:20:16 <Stskeeps> ok 11:20:19 <Stskeeps> normal then 11:20:20 <Stskeeps> next? 11:20:25 <Stskeeps> alsdo 11:20:25 <Stskeeps> task 11:20:32 <Stskeeps> so was the previous one 11:20:33 <lbt> #topic https://bugs.merproject.org/show_bug.cgi?id=339 - update mpc to 0.9 11:20:49 <Stskeeps> simialr 11:21:47 <lbt> #topic https://bugs.merproject.org/show_bug.cgi?id=340 - update perl-XML-Parser to 2.41 11:22:19 <lbt> ditto 11:22:23 <Stskeeps> yeah 11:22:25 <Stskeeps> given extreme age 11:22:48 <lbt> XML is fairly stable though :) 11:23:07 <lbt> #topic https://bugs.merproject.org/show_bug.cgi?id=341 - update perl-HTML-Parser to 3.69 11:23:33 <lbt> low? 11:23:38 <Stskeeps> low 11:24:09 <Stskeeps> again, if there's any takers for these, assign them to yourself on bugtracker 11:24:10 <lbt> #topic https://bugs.merproject.org/show_bug.cgi?id=342 - update perl-Test-Pod to 1.45 11:24:31 <lbt> same 11:24:35 * Sage should take an evening at some point and do some of these 11:24:59 <lbt> sounds like something spectacle could do 11:25:08 <lbt> spectacle CPAN parser ... 11:25:25 <Stskeeps> no objections to same, next? 11:25:31 <Sage> net 11:25:33 <Sage> next 11:25:37 <lbt> just typing 11:25:40 <lbt> #topic https://bugs.merproject.org/show_bug.cgi?id=343 - update perl-libwww-perl to 6.04 11:26:11 <Stskeeps> normal, given age 11:26:12 <lbt> normal? 11:26:21 <Stskeeps> man, this is like visiting the elderly home.. 11:26:27 <Sage> :) 11:26:31 <Stskeeps> it makes me wonder how out of date tizen is 11:27:02 <Stskeeps> next 11:27:11 <Stskeeps> all of the above are tasks, naturally 11:27:11 <Sage> keeping up with 300 packages is quite a job in the end. 11:27:23 <lbt> #topic https://bugs.merproject.org/show_bug.cgi?id=344 - update perl-URI to 1.60 11:27:27 <Stskeeps> yes, hence why we're working to automate a lot of it 11:27:40 <Stskeeps> 2 years, normal 11:27:49 <Sage> next 11:27:50 <lbt> #topic https://bugs.merproject.org/show_bug.cgi?id=345 - update perl to 5.14 (or at least 5.12.4) 11:28:21 <Stskeeps> low 11:29:22 <lbt> 5.12.1 is 3 behind stable 11:29:29 <lbt> which is a lot for perl 11:29:36 <Stskeeps> ok 11:29:39 <Stskeeps> so normal? 11:29:43 <lbt> y 11:29:58 * Stskeeps needs interactive whiteboard.. 11:30:26 <lbt> ok 11:30:41 <lbt> #topic Moving on to tasks: https://bugs.merproject.org/buglist.cgi?emailassigned_to1=1&query_format=advanced&bug_severity=task&bug_status=NEEDINFO&bug_status=UNCONFIRMED&bug_status=NEW&bug_status=ASSIGNED&bug_status=TRIAGEDUPSTREAM&bug_status=REOPENED&email1=need-triage&emailtype1=substring&order=bug_id 11:30:52 <lbt> #topic https://bugs.merproject.org/show_bug.cgi?id=330 - update pacrunner to recent version 0.5 11:31:37 <lbt> low? 11:31:44 <Sage> oh, I missed that one. 11:31:45 <Stskeeps> moment 11:32:01 <Stskeeps> ver 0.5: Add support for manual configuration handling. Add support for set of unit tests. 11:32:05 <lbt> mmm 11:32:07 <Stskeeps> i'd say normal 11:32:08 <lbt> normal then 11:33:18 <lbt> #topic https://bugs.merproject.org/show_bug.cgi?id=331 - update openvpn to Version 2.2.2 11:33:28 <lbt> low 11:34:05 <lbt> #topic https://bugs.merproject.org/show_bug.cgi?id=332 - update ntp to 4.2.6p5 11:34:10 <Sage> invalid 11:34:18 <Sage> we are dropping ntp, right? 11:34:25 <lbt> ! 11:34:33 <Sage> connman doesn't depend on it anymore and has the same functionality. 11:34:36 <lbt> ah 11:34:52 <Sage> at least that is my opinion. 11:35:11 <Stskeeps> i'd say 'low' initially 11:35:19 <Stskeeps> i'm not 100% convinced of dropping ntp just yet 11:35:26 <lbt> agree unless there's any chance people will have conman-less setup 11:36:06 <lbt> so won't systemd do it? 11:36:18 <Stskeeps> systemd do ntp? :P 11:36:22 <Sage> well, people want to do gtk based setup and we don't supply gtk ;) 11:36:40 <Stskeeps> perhaps we can move to tools initially 11:36:48 <Sage> I would reason removign ntp with the same thing here. 11:37:02 <phaeron1> or utils 11:37:07 <lbt> utils :) 11:37:08 <Sage> movint to tools isn't probably ok as people would need to build against it anyway 11:37:19 <Sage> so they would need to pick it up anyway 11:37:55 <Stskeeps> ok, so low 11:37:58 <lbt> how likely is a setup w/o connman 11:38:02 <Stskeeps> lbt: very 11:38:06 <Stskeeps> plasma is connman less 11:38:08 <Stskeeps> or wants to go to NM 11:38:08 <Sage> PlasmaActive is doing that 11:39:06 <Sage> on my opensuse nothing deps on ntp 11:39:37 <Sage> ok, next? 11:40:03 <lbt> #info dropping ntp from core is being considered as connman now provides this functionality. However some vendors do use it. 11:40:19 <lbt> #topic https://bugs.merproject.org/show_bug.cgi?id=333 - QEMU should be updated to version 1.0.1 or newer 11:40:39 <lbt> sounds high ? 11:40:53 * Stskeeps looks 11:40:56 <lbt> is it in core? 11:41:06 <Stskeeps> that's incorrect 11:41:15 <Stskeeps> we use qemu-linaro 1.0 2012.03 11:41:22 <Stskeeps> http://gitweb.merproject.org/gitweb?p=mer-core/qemu-usermode.git;a=tree 11:41:36 <lbt> and in Tools/MINT/,,, ? 11:41:47 <lbt> another sync issue like 'build' ? 11:41:53 <Stskeeps> we use project wide qemu in mer 11:42:12 <Stskeeps> 2012.05 exists 11:42:29 <Stskeeps> so we can rename to linaro 2012.05 instead of 1.0.1 11:42:45 <lbt> Stskeeps: so because of SB2 we use mer-core qemu in obs workers? 11:43:11 <Stskeeps> yes, it doesn't use binfmt_misc at all 11:43:21 <Stskeeps> and because of it being in mer-core, we use it in mic to 11:43:21 <Stskeeps> o 11:43:33 <lbt> hmmm fremantle may be an issue for cobs though 11:43:46 <lbt> since it uses mer-obs packages 11:43:47 <Stskeeps> well, not a mer bug 11:43:55 <Stskeeps> as in 11:43:58 <lbt> yep 11:44:02 <Stskeeps> when sb2 isn't in use, it uses the worker qemu 11:44:09 <Stskeeps> low prio 11:44:15 <Stskeeps> there's not really any interesting changed 03 -> 05 11:44:26 <lbt> phaeron1: we should check this in mer-obs in MINT 11:44:35 <lbt> phaeron1: can you take that? 11:45:01 <Sage> hmmp 11:45:06 <phaeron1> what does mint have to do with that 11:45:06 <Sage> does sdk have that same qemu? 11:45:11 <Stskeeps> should have 11:45:14 <Stskeeps> qemu-usermode-static 11:45:24 <Sage> I though that I had qemu 0.x in sdk 11:45:32 <lbt> phaeron1: erm mer-obs 11:46:04 <Sage> qemu-usermode-static-1.0.2011.12-1.2.i486 11:46:06 <lbt> which runs on cobs and needs to support non-sb2 arm cross builds for fremantle so needs suse qemu to be > 11:46:13 <Sage> that is in sdk 11:46:17 <phaeron1> fremantle/harmattan 11:46:25 <lbt> yea 11:46:26 <Stskeeps> Sage: there should be a more up to date one.. 11:46:26 <Stskeeps> sec 11:47:00 <Sage> No update candidate for 'qemu-usermode-static-1.0.2011.12-1.2.i486'. The highest available version is already installed. 11:47:04 <phaeron1> lbt: ok we can check the worker code and see howit behaves 11:47:06 <Stskeeps> Sage: qemu-usermode-static- in latest 11:47:17 <Sage> hmmp 11:47:26 <Stskeeps> http://releases.merproject.org/releases/0.20120517.1/builds/i486/packages/i486/qemu-usermode-static- 11:47:43 <Sage> hmmp... does sdk build against latest? 11:48:01 <lbt> erm 11:48:01 <Sage> ie., sdk has static mer release repos but actual repos builds against latest? 11:48:13 <Sage> sdk has static mer release .repo file that is 11:48:25 <Sage> so update might screw things up quite badly 11:48:27 <lbt> actually it has 'latest' which is not -next 11:48:29 <lbt> yeah 11:48:44 <lbt> I have a task for today to fix that 11:48:57 <Sage> baseurl=http://releases.merproject.org/releases/latest/builds/i486/packages 11:49:05 <Sage> I have that bug still can't get newer qemu 11:49:08 <Stskeeps> 'latest' can do bad things too, fwiw 11:49:17 <Stskeeps> as we saw with the sb2 rules mess 11:49:24 <Sage> Stskeeps: I know, what I mean that both should be using same method 11:49:27 <Stskeeps> ok 11:49:30 <lbt> yeah - the task is to remove 'latest' 11:50:00 <Sage> lbt: then also the cobs project baseurl=http://repo.pub.meego.com/Mer:/Tools:/Testing/Mer_Core_i486/ should not build against latest 11:50:36 <Sage> but out of the bug triage convo maybe :) 11:50:41 <lbt> yeah :) 11:50:50 <lbt> it's a funny topic 11:51:00 <Stskeeps> next? 11:51:01 <Stskeeps> :P 11:51:08 <lbt> #topic https://bugs.merproject.org/show_bug.cgi?id=335 - How to setup static IP with connman 11:51:34 <Stskeeps> they're trying to figure out how we can do this for test images, for example 11:51:37 <Stskeeps> in best way 11:51:39 <Stskeeps> systemd, perhaps? 11:51:48 <Sage> hmmp... 11:52:24 <E-P> yep 11:53:23 <lbt> needs to cope with eth0, usb0, wlan0 etc 11:53:27 <Stskeeps> :nod: 11:53:38 <Stskeeps> normal prio? 11:53:44 <lbt> yeah 11:53:53 <Stskeeps> E-P: can we in any way make it 'smart' with for example avahi? 11:53:55 <Stskeeps> as well 11:53:56 <lbt> should be driven by a conf file inserted into image? 11:54:00 <Stskeeps> :nod: 11:54:29 <E-P> Stskeeps: i don't know 11:54:56 <lbt> a systemd unit doesn't sound insane 11:55:20 <Stskeeps> ok 11:55:22 <lbt> next? 11:55:26 <Stskeeps> let's write this into bug 11:55:27 <Stskeeps> next 11:55:32 <lbt> #topic https://bugs.merproject.org/show_bug.cgi?id=338 - update patchelf to 0.6 11:55:45 <Stskeeps> low 11:55:51 <Stskeeps> it's not really in use anymore 11:55:58 <Stskeeps> it was extensively used for old-cross 11:56:15 <lbt> oh yeah 11:56:54 <lbt> #topic https://bugs.merproject.org/show_bug.cgi?id=348 - Test case(s) for measuring image loading benchmark 11:57:09 <Stskeeps> normal prio 11:57:13 <lbt> y 11:57:22 <Stskeeps> it'd be useful to test some changes i've done as well 11:57:28 <Stskeeps> and marketing is always good 11:57:33 <lbt> useful for regressions 11:58:31 <lbt> OK 11:58:54 <lbt> #info Task list is now: https://bugs.merproject.org/buglist.cgi?bug_severity=task&bug_status=NEW&bug_status=ASSIGNED&bug_status=REOPENED&email1=not-taken%40&emailassigned_to1=1&emailtype1=substring&query_format=advanced&order=priority%2Cbug_id&query_based_on= 11:59:17 <lbt> #info Not taken bugs: https://bugs.merproject.org/buglist.cgi?bug_severity=critical&bug_severity=major&bug_severity=normal&bug_severity=trivial&bug_severity=enhancement&bug_status=NEW&bug_status=ASSIGNED&bug_status=REOPENED&email1=not-taken%40&emailassigned_to1=1&emailtype1=substring&query_format=advanced&order=priority%2Cbug_id&query_based_on= 11:59:29 <Stskeeps> let's move 226 (libxcb) down a notch to normal 11:59:33 <lbt> it's been a long one so anything blindingly wrong there? 11:59:48 <Stskeeps> same with 53, 85 to low 12:00:48 <Stskeeps> 147 as well 12:01:31 <lbt> done 12:01:47 <lbt> OK ... I need to go ... anything else? 12:01:52 <Stskeeps> 230 (bug) should be a task 12:02:31 <Stskeeps> besides that nothing 12:02:43 <lbt> OK ... thanks for coming everyone 12:02:44 <Sleepy_Coder> pretty pro task manager thar 12:02:54 <Sleepy_Coder> lbt++ :] 12:02:56 <lbt> hope iekku is feeling better for next week :) 12:03:00 <Stskeeps> :nod: 12:03:04 <lbt> #endmeeting