11:00:44 <iekku> #startmeeting Mer Bug Triage 9/7/2012 11:00:44 <MerBot> Meeting started Mon Jul 9 11:00:44 2012 UTC. The chair is iekku. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.merproject.org/wiki/Meetings. 11:00:44 <MerBot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic. 11:00:57 <iekku> #topic We'll start with the new bugs: 11:00:59 <iekku> #link https://bugs.merproject.org/buglist.cgi?bug_severity=critical&bug_severity=major&bug_severity=normal&bug_severity=trivial&bug_severity=enhancement&bug_status=NEEDINFO&bug_status=UNCONFIRMED&bug_status=NEW&bug_status=ASSIGNED&bug_status=TRIAGEDUPSTREAM&bug_status=REOPENED&email1=need-triage&emailassigned_to1=1&emailtype1=substring&query_format=advanced&order=bug_id 11:01:12 <iekku> #topic https://bugs.merproject.org/show_bug.cgi?id=170 contribution_in_detail: [new] git clone / push commands wrong? 11:01:34 <Stskeeps> REMEMBER: if you'd like to take a bug, please just indicate during or after the bug 11:01:40 <iekku> lbt, can you fdo the areed changes? 11:01:49 <lbt> yup 11:01:57 <iekku> agreed and do 11:01:59 <iekku> thanks 11:02:28 <lbt> nb - no-one else should edit these bugs during meeting to avoid in-flight collisions 11:02:56 <iekku> they are so annoying 11:03:38 <iekku> is this still valid? 11:03:57 <lbt> hmm, needs checking against SDK 11:04:00 <Stskeeps> lbt can probably comment 11:04:05 <lbt> it could be a git version issue 11:04:15 <lbt> II'll take it 11:04:42 <iekku> #info needs checking against SDK, lbt taking 11:04:43 <lbt> high as it's a key part of our docs/process 11:04:52 <iekku> #info high 11:05:12 <iekku> #topic https://bugs.merproject.org/show_bug.cgi?id=407 [META] Very essential #topic https://bugs.merproject.org/show_bug.cgi?id=performance tools needs to be included / packaged 11:05:33 <iekku> wasn't sure how to handle metas (i think this is first) so i brought it here 11:06:06 <lbt> feels like we should have someone manage this kind of bug 11:06:14 <lbt> maybe release mgmt? 11:06:40 <lbt> Stskeeps: ? 11:06:50 <Stskeeps> mm, yeah, assign over to me 11:06:58 <Stskeeps> medium prio 11:07:35 <Stskeeps> next? 11:07:44 <iekku> #info assigned to: Stskeeps , normal 11:07:49 <lbt> hmm 11:07:59 <lbt> actually, I'll take it as SDK maintainer 11:08:13 <iekku> #info lbt taking as SDK maintainer 11:08:18 <iekku> #topic https://bugs.merproject.org/show_bug.cgi?id=409 uxlaunch leaves X running when it can't start a session; then cycles, causing focus to swap to X from tty 11:08:40 <Stskeeps> normal, it should raelly behave better 11:08:49 <iekku> #info normal 11:08:57 <iekku> #topic https://bugs.merproject.org/show_bug.cgi?id=410 Do not complain about installing tests to /opt/tests/ 11:09:12 <Sage_> low 11:09:19 <Stskeeps> is it in rpmlint-MeeGo component? 11:09:21 <lbt> iekku: I propose meta bugs are assigned to area maintainers for overseeing during triage - delegated if desired 11:09:36 <Sage_> Stskeeps: yes 11:09:39 <Stskeeps> ok 11:09:53 <iekku> lbt, agreed 11:10:07 <iekku> #info low 11:10:17 <iekku> #topic https://bugs.merproject.org/show_bug.cgi?id=411 Get rid of verbose info of attached input devices 11:10:55 <Stskeeps> normal, pretty annoying 11:10:58 <Stskeeps> fills up xsession-errors 11:11:21 <iekku> #info normal, pretty annoying fills up xsession-errors 11:11:29 <iekku> #topic https://bugs.merproject.org/show_bug.cgi?id=412 openssl is not installable on all architectures 11:11:49 <lbt> this is a major pain 11:11:56 <Stskeeps> high 11:11:59 <iekku> +1 11:11:59 <lbt> seems to break SDK updates too 11:12:01 <Stskeeps> and release blocker OK 11:12:06 <iekku> +1 11:12:06 <lbt> yes 11:12:16 <iekku> #info high, release blocker 11:12:34 <iekku> #topic https://bugs.merproject.org/show_bug.cgi?id=413 Build loops happen 11:13:15 <Stskeeps> build loops will happen, but nss is a bad one 11:13:19 <Stskeeps> there's another bug regarding that 11:13:25 <Stskeeps> low/normal as it affects vendors and QA time 11:13:59 <iekku> normal 11:14:05 <lbt> mmm 11:14:20 <lbt> I think there are higher prio issues 11:14:25 <lbt> so I'd say low 11:14:32 <iekku> :) 11:14:34 <lbt> not many people rebuild mer core a lot 11:14:35 <iekku> #info low 11:14:50 <iekku> #topic https://bugs.merproject.org/show_bug.cgi?id=415 build-compare needs to check for /usr/lib and not only /lib for nss .chk files 11:14:58 <Stskeeps> connected with 413 11:15:03 <Stskeeps> similar issue 11:15:24 <iekku> #info connected to 413, similar issue. low 11:15:40 <iekku> #topic https://bugs.merproject.org/show_bug.cgi?id=416 Mer contribution should not require a OBS in order to do so 11:16:21 <lbt> back to 413 11:16:24 <Stskeeps> normal or low, we need to provide 'offline' 'build' capability 11:16:31 <lbt> 415 I mean 11:16:37 <lbt> should 413 block 415 ? 11:16:48 <iekku> lbt, i think so 11:17:25 <lbt> (inverse ... done, moving on) 11:17:52 <lbt> Stskeeps: ah 11:18:03 <lbt> I completely misunderstood 11:18:05 <iekku> maybe even normal 11:18:11 <lbt> you meant no tcp connection 11:18:14 <lbt> not no OBS 11:18:49 <lbt> "Mer contribution should not require an OBS network connection in order to build" ?? 11:18:57 <Stskeeps> 416 is about that it should be possible to do without osc 11:19:02 <Stskeeps> ie, 'build' calls 11:19:18 <iekku> should the summary be changed? 11:19:42 <lbt> sorry, not sure 11:19:51 <lbt> is this "osc should not be needed" 11:20:05 <Stskeeps> yes, ie, obs account/obs and osc should not be needed 11:20:13 <lbt> why? 11:20:16 <Stskeeps> ie, be able to build a package with use of a mer release 11:20:25 <Stskeeps> because, very simple, not everybody has an obs, or obs account 11:20:26 <lbt> I mean sure ... but looking at the load we have 11:20:55 <Stskeeps> ok, low 11:21:01 <Stskeeps> it's one thing that would be good to have, IMHO 11:21:15 <Stskeeps> and is related to good developer workflow 11:21:16 <lbt> so, acceptance criterea? 11:21:32 <Stskeeps> 'i can build a mer package against mer core without involving a OBS" 11:21:36 <Stskeeps> 'on my local machine' 11:21:39 <Stskeeps> in platform sdk 11:22:08 <lbt> MDS ? 11:22:25 <Stskeeps> MDS may or may not be involved, at least a mer release snapshot of some kind 11:22:27 <lbt> or http repos only 11:22:36 <Stskeeps> anyway, it's low, we can discuss more in bug 11:22:56 <iekku> #info low, more discussion in bug 11:23:06 <iekku> #topic https://bugs.merproject.org/show_bug.cgi?id=417 Remove udev module from repos 11:23:13 <lbt> OK - but I'm doing quickbuild - hence the interest 11:23:28 <Stskeeps> udev will be removed with systemd update 11:23:29 <Stskeeps> assign to me 11:23:32 <Stskeeps> normal prio 11:23:36 <iekku> task? 11:23:50 <Stskeeps> task 11:24:13 <iekku> #info task, Stskeeps takes, will be removed with systemd update. normal 11:24:22 <iekku> #topic https://bugs.merproject.org/show_bug.cgi?id=418 openssl-1.0.1b-1.1.i586 package is not installable - missing libcrypto.so.10 11:25:18 <lbt> dupe 412? 11:25:55 <iekku> mmmm 11:26:03 <Aard> yes, libcrypto missing is the (misleading) error message during install 11:26:23 <iekku> if we resolve it as duplicate, i think the comments needs to be added to 412 11:26:31 <iekku> good info 11:26:49 <lbt> ok 11:27:06 <Aard> iekku: it does not contain additional useful info 11:27:13 <iekku> Aard, ok then 11:27:30 <iekku> #info duplicate for 412 11:27:40 <iekku> #topic https://bugs.merproject.org/show_bug.cgi?id=420 rpmlint says /usr/bin/python is not found when building in OBS 11:27:44 <lbt> Aard: agreed 11:27:52 <Stskeeps> low, cosmetic 11:28:00 <iekku> #info low, cosmetic 11:28:06 <iekku> #topic Moving on to tasks: https://bugs.merproject.org/buglist.cgi?emailassigned_to1=1&query_format=advanced&bug_severity=task&bug_status=NEEDINFO&bug_status=UNCONFIRMED&bug_status=NEW&bug_status=ASSIGNED&bug_status=TRIAGEDUPSTREAM&bug_status=REOPENED&email1=need-triage&emailtype1=substring&order=bug_id 11:28:14 <iekku> #topic https://bugs.merproject.org/show_bug.cgi?id=419 Testrunner results preview should work offline 11:28:31 <lbt> why should it look for python in /opt/testing ? 11:28:41 <Stskeeps> lbt: look at rpmlint-mini at some point 11:28:52 <Stskeeps> and you'd understand 11:29:17 <Stskeeps> it's needed for not insane cycles in base system 11:29:19 <lbt> added to comments :) 11:29:33 <iekku> normal? 11:29:55 <Stskeeps> low, it's simply that when at conferences, or meeting rooms, things don't look good 11:29:59 <Stskeeps> as it fetches resources online 11:30:06 <iekku> ok 11:30:06 <lbt> erm 11:30:09 <Stskeeps> with bad wifi 11:30:12 <lbt> 421 ? 11:30:22 <Stskeeps> 419 11:30:31 <Stskeeps> what about 421? :P 11:30:36 <lbt> I have 421 as an outstanding bug 11:30:49 <iekku> lbt, true 11:31:05 <iekku> #info low 11:31:13 <Stskeeps> let's quickly take 421 11:31:17 <iekku> #info Task list is now: https://bugs.merproject.org/buglist.cgi?bug_severity=task&bug_status=NEW&bug_status=ASSIGNED&bug_status=REOPENED&email1=not-taken%40&emailassigned_to1=1&emailtype1=substring&query_format=advanced&order=priority%2Cbug_id&query_based_on= 11:31:22 <iekku> #info Not taken bugs: https://bugs.merproject.org/buglist.cgi?bug_severity=critical&bug_severity=major&bug_severity=normal&bug_severity=trivial&bug_severity=enhancement&bug_status=NEW&bug_status=ASSIGNED&bug_status=REOPENED&email1=not-taken%40&emailassigned_to1=1&emailtype1=substring&query_format=advanced&order=priority%2Cbug_id&query_based_on= 11:31:39 <iekku> #topic https://bugs.merproject.org/show_bug.cgi?id=421 - bluetoothd complains about missing "/etc/bluetooth/input.conf" 11:32:03 <iekku> low? 11:32:06 <lbt> should this depend on some kind of HA? 11:32:12 <alterego> No 11:32:14 <Stskeeps> maybe, needs to be inspected 11:32:22 <alterego> I think it's just a generic config file. 11:32:38 <lbt> bug in packaging then ? 11:32:48 <alterego> Yeah, should probably just be empty. 11:33:03 <alterego> My input.conf in ubuntu is pretty empty. 11:33:26 <lbt> OK ...I'm looking for HA specific interfaces for packages like this 11:33:32 <lbt> (FYI) 11:34:24 <iekku> so? 11:34:34 <lbt> normal? 11:34:43 <iekku> #info normal 11:34:57 <iekku> #topic review the task list and adjust according to discussion and plans: 11:35:02 <iekku> #link https://bugs.merproject.org/buglist.cgi?bug_severity=task&bug_status=NEEDINFO&bug_status=UNCONFIRMED&bug_status=NEW&bug_status=ASSIGNED&bug_status=TRIAGEDUPSTREAM&bug_status=REOPENED&email1=not-taken&emailassigned_to1=1&emailtype1=substring&query_format=advanced&query_based_on=&columnlist=bug_severity%2Cpriority%2Cshort_desc%2Ccomponent 11:35:07 <lbt> 422 11:35:31 <lbt> sry ... but it just keeps going by itself :) 11:35:47 <iekku> lbt, there's also 423 11:35:51 <iekku> and 242 11:36:12 <alterego> 422 is dependency issues with ofono-tests packing 11:36:12 <iekku> #topic https://bugs.merproject.org/show_bug.cgi?id=422 - ofono-test package requires python dbus bindings. 11:36:15 <lbt> OK - so somehow I guess a list got trimmed 11:36:35 <alterego> ofono-test shoudl depend on python-dbus and pygobject2 11:36:42 <iekku> lbt, they have arrived after i sent invitation 11:36:47 <lbt> ah 11:37:26 <iekku> but let's go them through 11:37:51 <lbt> normal? 11:37:56 <iekku> i think so 11:38:02 <iekku> based on alterego's comment 11:38:23 <iekku> #info normal: ofono-test shoudl depend on python-dbus and pygobject2 11:38:44 <iekku> #topic https://bugs.merproject.org/show_bug.cgi?id=423 - specify uses sys.environ, not os.environ 11:39:02 <lbt> low trivial 11:39:12 <iekku> #info low trivial 11:39:32 <iekku> #topic https://bugs.merproject.org/show_bug.cgi?id=424 - ca-certificates installation problem wthile upgrading SDK 11:39:50 <lbt> release blocker for SDK I think 11:39:55 <Stskeeps> high 11:39:58 <Stskeeps> that's a really annoying one 11:40:01 <iekku> :nod: 11:40:12 <iekku> #info high, release blocker for SDK 11:40:12 <lbt> yep 11:40:38 <iekku> back to agenda 11:40:39 <iekku> #topic review the task list and adjust according to discussion and plans: 11:40:40 <iekku> #link https://bugs.merproject.org/buglist.cgi?bug_severity=task&bug_status=NEEDINFO&bug_status=UNCONFIRMED&bug_status=NEW&bug_status=ASSIGNED&bug_status=TRIAGEDUPSTREAM&bug_status=REOPENED&email1=not-taken&emailassigned_to1=1&emailtype1=substring&query_format=advanced&query_based_on=&columnlist=bug_severity%2Cpriority%2Cshort_desc%2Ccomponent 11:41:40 <iekku> anything to change? 11:42:55 <lbt> not here 11:43:05 <Stskeeps> can we sort that by importance? 11:43:05 <iekku> ok 11:43:13 <Stskeeps> from now on 11:43:20 <iekku> sure! 11:43:49 <lbt> iekku: I put some links + scripts on the bugs wiki page ... do you know about them ? 11:44:05 <iekku> lbt, i have seen them 11:44:13 <lbt> :) 11:44:14 <iekku> not sure how to use them 11:44:25 <lbt> lets take it later 11:44:42 <lbt> prod me 11:45:07 <iekku> https://bugs.merproject.org/buglist.cgi?bug_severity=task&bug_status=NEEDINFO&bug_status=UNCONFIRMED&bug_status=NEW&bug_status=ASSIGNED&bug_status=TRIAGEDUPSTREAM&bug_status=REOPENED&columnlist=bug_severity%2Cpriority%2Cshort_desc%2Ccomponent&email1=not-taken&emailassigned_to1=1&emailtype1=substring&query_format=advanced&order=priority%2Cbug_id&query_based_on= 11:46:22 <lbt> all done on tasks? 11:46:39 <iekku> i think so 11:46:41 <iekku> #topic search for bugs that are assigned: 11:46:43 <iekku> #link https://bugs.merproject.org/buglist.cgi?bug_status=NEW&bug_status=ASSIGNED&bug_status=REOPENED&columnlist=bug_severity%2Cpriority%2Cassigned_to%2Cbug_status%2Cshort_desc%2Ccomponent%2Cchangeddate&field0-0-0=assigned_to&field0-1-0=assigned_to&query_format=advanced&type0-0-0=notequals&type0-1-0=notequals&value0-0-0=need-triage%40merproject.org&value0-1-0=not-taken%40merproject.org&order=changeddate%2Cbug_id&q 11:46:49 <iekku> and that was all 11:47:10 <iekku> if there's nothing else we can close 11:47:19 <lbt> quick bug review 11:47:46 <iekku> going to get my name off the list this week 11:47:48 <iekku> :) 11:48:12 <lbt> I'll check some of the IT ones on an upcoming 'lbt infra day' 11:48:25 <iekku> :nod: 11:49:31 <iekku> are we done with todays meeting? 11:49:38 <Stskeeps> yes think so 11:49:44 <lbt> yeah - that bug list need TLC 11:50:20 <lbt> so... 11:50:34 <lbt> should we arrange a bug squashing session? 11:50:54 <Stskeeps> perhaps a day dedicated to getting some things off the board 11:50:56 <lbt> if we allocate a half day to it and focus 11:50:58 <lbt> hehe 11:51:21 <lbt> yeah - all at the same time so it's more productive 11:51:43 <lbt> how about next wednesday? 11:51:52 <iekku> this week? 11:51:58 <Stskeeps> next wednesday. 11:51:58 <lbt> 18 July 11:52:14 <lbt> gives us some time to tell people and let them free up some time 11:52:43 <iekku> mmm 11:53:09 <iekku> let's have it in 18th then 11:53:16 <iekku> hopefully i'm available 11:54:10 <iekku> #info bug squashing 18th of july 11:54:33 <lbt> can you send out an email too 11:54:50 <iekku> sure i can 11:55:05 <iekku> need to figure out first what to tell 11:55:05 <lbt> I think the focus should be on fixing bugs, not training... thoughts? 11:55:21 <lbt> happy to have another day on handholding 11:55:23 <iekku> and how to organize it 11:55:42 <lbt> *nod* 11:55:42 <iekku> and where 11:55:43 <lbt> thanks 11:55:57 <iekku> let's continue about that on #mer 11:56:33 <iekku> #action iekku to send email info/invitation to bug squashing 11:56:45 <iekku> i think we are donw for today 11:57:11 <lbt> yup - ty 11:57:19 <iekku> thanks! 11:57:22 <iekku> #endmeeting