15:01:23 <iekku> #startmeeting SailfishOS, open source, collaboration meeting: 7-January 2015 15:01:23 <merbot`> Meeting started Wed Jan 7 15:01:23 2015 UTC. The chair is iekku. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.merproject.org/wiki/Meetings. 15:01:23 <merbot`> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic. 15:01:41 <iekku> Welcome and happy new year 15:01:48 <iekku> #topic Introduction of meeting participants (5 min) 15:01:48 <iekku> start with #info 15:01:49 <cybette> happy new year! 15:01:50 <iekku> #info Iekku Pylkk�, developer community sailor @jolla, today chairing 15:02:04 <alterego> lol, read that as "Celebration Meeting" :) 15:02:29 <cybette> #info Carol Chen, community chef @ Jolla 15:02:31 <iekku> alterego, we can do that also :) 15:02:37 <kimmoli> #info Kimmo Lindholm, tohs and stuff 15:02:39 <lbt> #info David Greaves, Mer guy and sailor 15:02:54 <JvD_> #info Tommi Keisala, SW developer and Jolla fan 15:03:05 <sledges> #info Simonas Leleiva, sailor, HADK & Sailfish for Everyone (Android devices) 15:03:08 <tbr> #info thomas ruecker, community 15:03:26 <dpurgin> #info Dmitriy Purgin, Qt professional, Sailfish enthusiast 15:03:30 <Yaniel> #info Jan solanti, community 15:04:12 <alterego> #info Tom Swindell, sailor, SfE, telephony, etc. :) 15:04:31 <alterego> This connection seems unstable, you'll have to be patient if I suddenly become unresponsive :S 15:06:01 <SK_work> #info Lucien Xu, Community 15:06:41 <iekku> #topic SIP integration into closed source parts of SailfishOS -Thomas B. R�cker (20 min?) 15:06:57 <iekku> tbr, could you please? 15:06:57 <tbr> so, yeah, quick info summary fo rthis 15:07:03 <locusf> #info Aleksi Suomalainen, community 15:07:13 <tbr> The stack is there for SIP (telepathy supports it) 15:07:36 <tbr> audio routing is partly there with a hack, needs to be redone properly but likely needs prolog work (sic!) 15:08:06 <tbr> we also verified you can make incoming calls 15:08:23 <tbr> the dialer will show them and you can talk (if you hold the phone upside down, broken audio routing) 15:08:45 <tbr> outgoing calls locusf helped to verify with the nemo dialer on the jolla device 15:08:48 <tbr> works too 15:08:59 <tbr> so what's missing and needs help from Jolla is: 15:09:00 <nsa-rep> this seems like a feature so you know you are on SIP instead of a normal call 15:09:04 <tbr> a) dialer integration 15:09:06 <alterego> tbr: what dialer s/w is inuse? voicecall-ui-reference? 15:09:17 <tbr> b) audio routing 15:09:46 <tbr> alterego: I think locusf used the old mtf(?) based one for testing, it showed the techonology as a choser 15:09:49 <dpurgin> prolog - like in a "prolog programming language"? 15:09:57 <sledges> dpurgin: yes 15:10:02 <tbr> dpurgin: correct, the audio policy is written in PROLOG 15:10:09 <alterego> tbr: no, that's QML, so yeah the reference one I wrote ;) 15:10:23 <alterego> dpurgin: yes, that's how audio policy is coded. 15:10:34 <tbr> originated in Nokia Research Center as a research project... 15:10:38 <tbr> alterego: ah :) 15:10:55 <sebsebseb> hi 15:10:55 <tbr> alterego: I'm happy to supply whatever test accounts etc you need 15:11:23 <tbr> problem currently is, that the sailfish dialer will freak out completely if the remote party ends the call 15:11:31 <kimmoli> isn't integration of SIP accounts to 'accounts' one needed thing? 15:11:33 <alterego> Yes, i remember that issue. 15:11:43 <dpurgin> someone wanted to try Prolog, I bet =) does the audio go the normal pulseaudio way? I mean using sources and sinks 15:11:43 <alterego> kimmoli: that's the last thing I was looking at about a month ago. 15:11:46 <tbr> kimmoli: yes, but that I suspect could be done by the community 15:11:58 <alterego> dpurgin: yes, but it's pretty complicated ;) 15:12:00 <sledges> sebsebseb: backlog available: http://merproject.org/meetings/mer-meeting/2015/mer-meeting.2015-01-07-15.01.log.txt 15:12:21 <alterego> I have a feeling we need to tag the audio as a "call" in the farstream code in voicecall manager. 15:12:26 <locusf> alterego: yes it was voicecall-ui-reference 15:12:28 <tbr> jusa_ did some work on the PROLOG stuff and knows his way around that. I'm willing to sponsor him some beverages of choice 15:12:48 <sebsebseb> sledges: ok thanks, here to idle 15:12:55 <alterego> tbr: I had it on my agenda to sync with him and work through it. It's very high on my current work priority. 15:13:06 <tbr> alterego: that's very nice to hear 15:13:16 <alterego> tbr: As in, I'm going to be doing it from now, basically. ;) 15:13:30 <tbr> alterego: and if you need any help, test accounts, setups, etc, let me know 15:13:33 <tbr> alterego: ah, ok 15:13:37 <jusa_> tbr: hm? 15:13:46 <tbr> jusa_: SIP voice call audio routing :) 15:13:55 <jusa_> tbr: ah yes. 15:14:13 <cybette> #info The stack is there for SIP (telepathy supports it), audio routing partly there with hack, incoming + outgoing calls possible 15:14:22 <alterego> jusa_: am I write in thinking I need to tag the audio stream as "call" so policy recognises it correctly? 15:14:32 <cybette> #info What's missing and need help from Jolla: a) dialer integration, b) audio routing 15:14:34 <alterego> s/write/right/ 15:15:02 <tbr> #info accounts integration is also necessary, could be done by community or jolla 15:15:26 <Yaniel> speaking of accounts ntegration 15:15:57 <SK_work> I can help on doing account integration part. It's not documented, but won't be too hard 15:16:02 <alterego> tbr: is accounts backend FOSS? 15:16:03 <SK_work> (if the stack don't change too much) 15:16:08 <jusa_> alterego: best would be that telephony-plugin (OHM) would recognise the sip call and would create call entry to OHM databade 15:16:10 <Yaniel> is that allowed for 3rd party apps (harbour) and if so how well/where is it documented? 15:16:13 <SK_work> alterego: backend, yes, ui no 15:16:13 <jusa_> *database 15:16:29 <alterego> SK_work: okay, thanks. 15:16:35 <tbr> alterego: not sure, SK_work might know. but accouns sso is open 15:16:40 <faenil> hola o/ 15:16:41 <alterego> tbr: answered ;) 15:16:46 <tbr> yup 15:16:52 <dr_gogeta86> hi faenil 15:17:03 <nsa-rep> the thing is we should have that available easily and not through aptch managers and such stuff. So there is where jolla must step it up 15:17:04 <iekku> 10 minutes 15:17:12 <tbr> It's very nice to see movement on this one, as it might enable some other use cases too 15:17:20 <tbr> XMPP-jingle should start working too 15:17:34 <SK_work> nsa-rep: what should be available ? 15:17:41 <tbr> and other telepathy voip stuff might too, like the MOC/Lync SIPe thing 15:18:14 <nsa-rep> SK_work: i mean be something that is enabled by default and not expect the average user to intall warehouse and such 15:18:18 <alterego> tbr: indeed, the bits we're talking about here, the only real SIP specific stuff is actually accounts ;) 15:18:41 <cybette> #info SK_work can help with accounts integration 15:18:50 <SK_work> nsa-rep: what should be enabled by default ? 15:19:06 <alterego> nsa-rep: it will be part of official update, there's no 3rd party repo involved with this. 15:19:11 <nsa-rep> SIP stuff. 15:19:29 <nsa-rep> alterego: if it becomes part of an official update i am fine :) 15:19:34 <alterego> nsa-rep: It's been planned core functionality since the beginning, just lack of developer hours and me being a bit lazy and working on other stuff, distractions, etc. 15:20:00 <nsa-rep> even thought i'd prefer WebRTC tyoe communications over SIP 15:20:16 <SK_work> nsa-rep: ah ok 15:20:40 <dr_gogeta86> nsa-rep, web-rtc is just an enabler technology 15:20:46 <alterego> nsa-rep: write a webrtc telepathy client? ;) 15:21:00 <tbr> exactly what alterego says 15:21:05 <dr_gogeta86> you need webrtc enabled on sailfish browser 15:21:20 <alterego> And yeah, that's not really a protocol in itself, it's a HTML5 technology and has nothing to do with any kind of voice or video comms. (Off topic now) 15:21:36 <tbr> even Hangouts might be possible to hack, someone wrote a reverse engineered client for the hangouts web API 15:21:42 <alterego> This is a bit off topic. 15:21:49 <SK_work> tbr: really, that's cool 15:21:53 <SK_work> even if, offtopic 15:21:55 <iekku> 5 minutes 15:22:17 <tbr> SK_work: well, SIP is just the enabler vehicle for all those things 15:22:22 <SK_work> tbr: indeed 15:22:26 <dr_gogeta86> any hint for cryptos rtp ? 15:22:36 <SK_work> speaking of this, should we discuss about accounts API ? 15:22:38 <alterego> dr_gogeta86, nsa-rep: Browser is FOSS, if there are HTML5 bits missing, that's the place to go ;) 15:22:40 <dr_gogeta86> like zrtp and others are supported on telepathys 15:22:40 <tbr> SK_work: https://github.com/tdryer/hangups 15:22:50 <SK_work> will they stabilize, be opened etc ? 15:22:54 <nsa-rep> alterego: i am no coder sadly 15:22:57 <SK_work> backend is rather stable, but UI no 15:23:07 <SK_work> maybe a question to aussies 15:23:49 <SK_work> tbr: thanks 15:23:59 <kimmoli> then, which community-project-jolla-support would be prioritized? keyboard support or SIP ? or can these be progressed parallel? (from community, tbr did get involved in both...) 15:24:23 <tbr> kimmoli: I'm just pushing SIP, not much that I actually can/need to do there 15:24:25 <alterego> #info action: alterego to look at audio stream call tag and work with jusa to see if any prolog or other policy needs fixing. 15:24:51 <iekku> #action alterego to look at audio stream call tag and work with jusa to see if any prolog or other policy needs fixing. 15:24:59 <alterego> Ah, ;) 15:25:06 <alterego> tbr: so you'd like to help with accounts? 15:25:27 <iekku> 1 minute 15:25:28 <tbr> alterego: I can give you test accounts for SIP and things 15:25:44 <alterego> Not so much of an issue. 15:26:05 <cybette> #info tbr can provide SIP test accounts 15:26:11 <alterego> #action alterego to continue working on accounts integration, maybe utilising work from community members where available. 15:26:14 <alterego> faenil: ? 15:26:24 <faenil> alterego, ? :D 15:26:25 <iekku> :) 15:26:27 <tbr> alterego: I think SK_work wanted to help with accounts UI 15:26:30 <iekku> next topic 15:26:34 <alterego> faenil: did you have interest in accounts? Can't remember where you came in. 15:26:34 <tbr> ack 15:26:49 <iekku> #topic Nemo / Mer / Sailfish at FOSDEM 2015 -Thomas B. R�cker (20 min) 15:26:51 <faenil> alterego, ah, nope, I don't know much about sip :/ 15:26:51 <alterego> #action alterego to make sure jolla phone application works with different accounts 15:27:03 <alterego> faenil: my mistake, I thought you were some how involved ;) 15:27:11 <faenil> np ;) 15:27:19 <iekku> tbr, could you please? :) 15:27:28 <tbr> OK, so everyone: BRACE! FOSDEM IS COMING! 15:27:33 <alterego> wooooo! :) 15:27:36 <tbr> there are a couple of things to consider: 15:27:45 <sledges> fosdem has to brace for us intead :D 15:27:49 <tbr> a) a community round table discussion 15:27:53 <alterego> Hah 15:28:17 <tbr> b) a discussion around the tablet story with Stskeeps (he showed some interest, also cf his blog) 15:28:24 <cybette> #info FOSDEM 2015, https://fosdem.org/2015/ January 31 - February 1, 2015 in Brussels, Belgium 15:28:25 <tbr> c) community dinner on saturday 15:28:37 * M4rtinK_jolla_ is actually booking flights for FOSDEM at this very moment :-) 15:28:53 <tbr> #info three things for consideration: a) a community round table discussion b) a discussion around the tablet story with Stskeeps c) community dinner on saturday 15:29:03 * tbr needs to book flights ASAP 15:29:08 * tbr has a hotel reservation 15:29:08 * SK_work thinks of driving to Bruxells, from Paris 15:29:17 <tbr> or take the TGV :) 15:29:18 <cybette> #info Few considerations: a) community round table discussion, b) discussion around the tablet story with Stskeeps, c) community dinner on Saturday Feb 1 15:29:28 <SK_work> maybe discussion about logistics afterwards ? 15:29:29 <cybette> #undo 15:29:30 <tbr> cybette: I was faster ;-þ 15:29:32 * faenil is considering attending, would love to 15:29:34 <iekku> :) 15:29:43 <cybette> oops. it should be saturday jan 31 15:29:51 * JvD_ has hotel booked need to book a flight 15:29:59 <cybette> iekku: please undo my last comment 15:30:07 <tbr> #info inofficial gathering as always on Friday at the Delirium Bar 15:30:13 <iekku> cybette, how :D 15:30:17 <cybette> iekku: #undo 15:30:27 <iekku> #undo 15:30:27 <merbot`> Removing item from minutes: <MeetBot.items.Info object at 0x948cd90> 15:30:33 <tbr> :) 15:30:34 <iekku> #undo 15:30:34 <merbot`> Removing item from minutes: <MeetBot.items.Info object at 0x8f80790> 15:30:39 <tbr> erm 15:30:43 <iekku> tbr, could you please 15:30:52 <iekku> i assume i took yours too 15:30:53 <tbr> #info three things for consideration: a) a community round table discussion b) a discussion around the tablet story with Stskeeps c) community dinner on saturday 15:30:59 <kimmoli> i can hear tbr LOL 15:31:01 <dr_gogeta86> most of you stays on saturday or sunday 15:31:01 <dr_gogeta86> ? 15:31:11 <tbr> (I can fix the minutes on the server later) ;-p 15:31:17 <cybette> :D 15:31:20 <iekku> tbr, hahahahah 15:31:21 * tbr is there friday - sunday 15:31:28 <iekku> tbr, that's cheating 15:31:36 <tbr> as probably most people are 15:31:52 * iekku isn't coming if there isn't miracle happening 15:31:52 <tbr> if you arrive on friday, be there in the afternoon, so you don't miss the beer event 15:31:56 <tbr> :( 15:31:57 <iekku> unfortunately :( 15:32:10 <sledges> :( 15:32:17 <faenil> iekku, aw :( 15:32:21 <tbr> but what is the interest of the assembled people in options A B and C? 15:32:32 <tbr> I'm going to put up A TJC item like last year 15:32:38 <tbr> but want to gauge interest here 15:32:43 <tbr> and have it in the minutes 15:32:47 <tbr> so people see it :) 15:33:03 <faenil> If I were to be able to attend, I'd be quite interested in all of those .) 15:33:11 <SK_work> tbr: friday afternoon for the beer event ? 15:33:12 <SK_work> damn 15:33:24 <dr_gogeta86> faenil, the real boss says no :-( 15:33:30 <sledges> starts from 6pm to infinity, can't miss it SK_work ;) 15:33:41 <tbr> SK_work: yes, goes well into the night, but you don't want to be too wasted on saturday morning 15:34:17 <iekku> tbr, too wasted or having hang over? 15:34:30 <iekku> if still wasted that's easy... 15:34:38 <tbr> iekku: hehehe 15:34:40 <phdeswer> Better BEFORE the beer event ;) 15:35:08 <tbr> phdeswer: btw, any suggestions for the community dinner, good restaurants that can accomodate 20 people? 15:35:19 <sledges> lbt: ^ 15:35:39 <cybette> ok from Jolla side some sailors are planning to go, final numbers yet to be confirmed, if i'm going i'm interested in all 3 15:36:30 <tbr> ok 15:36:34 <SK_work> +1 for all 3 btw 15:36:35 <alterego> #info Stskeeps, sledges, lbt, alterego confirmed attending 15:37:03 <JvD_> me too 15:37:12 <alterego> Ah yeah, sorry ;) 15:37:16 <JvD_> =) 15:37:18 <sledges> #info vgrade too 15:37:27 <alterego> sledges: I was just mentioning sailors :P 15:37:35 <tbr> #info and tbr and JvD_ and others 15:37:41 <sledges> ^ :P 15:37:43 <phdeswer> tbr: well there was the restaurant nearby where we went sometimes with the staff. I'll look up what it was 15:37:47 <phdeswer> Was not too bad 15:37:57 <alterego> phdeswer: the place we sat upstairs? 15:37:58 * JvD_ != sailor 15:38:00 <sledges> phdeswer: we found a steakhouse with marine theme inside, lbt is inquiring about numbers 15:38:03 * tbr neither 15:38:04 <alterego> I dunno, the food was somewhat limited .. 15:38:04 <iekku> 10 minutes 15:38:13 <alterego> sledges: +1 that place was v'nice, though a bit pricey? 15:38:16 <faenil> just pick up something from tripadvisor's top10? :) 15:38:25 <tbr> sledges: good, we can take that to the TJC item 15:38:35 <phdeswer> alterego: No it was more basement stuff close to the ULB 15:38:44 <iekku> #info more planning will follow at TJC 15:38:44 <alterego> phdeswer: think I missed that then 15:38:45 <tbr> faenil: a large group has its specifics 15:38:58 <faenil> sure, just pick a few and then call :) 15:39:01 <iekku> tbr, do we have link available already? 15:39:11 <iekku> tbr, to TJC 15:39:13 <tbr> iekku: preparing right now :)( 15:39:17 <alterego> We'd need to book in advance if we go to that marine place, lbt I think has a card or should maybe know the details to do that "remotely" 15:39:21 <iekku> tbr, thanks <3 15:39:30 <cybette> #action tbr to create TJC topic for FOSDEM planning and discussion 15:39:31 <iekku> tbr, would be good to have it to minutes 15:39:38 <sledges> alterego: he already contacted them this morning 15:40:37 <alterego> sledges: awesome 15:40:59 <tbr> #info tbr has created a TJC topic for FOSDEM 2015 https://together.jolla.com/question/75543/fosdem-2015-community-events/ 15:41:08 <iekku> 5 minutes 15:41:19 <iekku> #link https://together.jolla.com/question/75543/fosdem-2015-community-events/ 15:42:14 <tbr> phdeswer: I guess we can just reserve some of the ad hoc rooms like last year for A and B 15:42:23 <tbr> phdeswer: or are there better options? 15:42:46 <phdeswer> Not that I know of 15:42:54 <tbr> roger 15:43:26 <phdeswer> alterego: I think this was the one : http://en.yelp.be/biz/les-caves-du-picotin-ixelles 15:44:13 <prplmnky> tbr: Will the TJC discussions at FOSDEM be documented and posted online? 15:44:22 * lbt got called away - back now 15:44:49 <alterego> phdeswer: I only care if it does steak ;) 15:44:55 <tbr> prplmnky: we'll try our best 15:45:00 <iekku> 2 minutes 15:45:08 <prplmnky> tbr: That's all I can ask. :-) 15:45:41 <phdeswer> alterego: I am pretty sure they do, and well they were group friendly 15:46:12 <iekku> ok, next topic? 15:46:22 <tbr> iekku: yes 15:46:26 <lbt> Yep. http://www.restaurantvincent.com/ main concern is the price. The group menu price is high. I sent an email around xmas but not had a reply, I actually resent this morning. 15:46:28 <iekku> #topic General discussions - everyone (10 min) 15:46:38 <iekku> #info as announced in http://merproject.org/meetings/mer-meeting/2014/mer-meeting.2014-11-25-15.00.html and https://lists.sailfishos.org/pipermail/devel/2015-January/005435.html (and other places) 15:46:42 <iekku> #info continue: Starting from today 7. Jan 2015 our Harbour QA team allows new the following libraries: libssl, libcrypto, liblzma, libxml2, libogg, libvorbis, QtGraphicalEffects. Also allowed is now the QML import: io.thp.pyotherside which allows QML modules written in Python. 15:46:47 <iekku> #info continue: The FAQs regarding Python are outdated now a little and will be updated soon. 15:46:49 <nsa-rep> question. Has there been any progress in enabling more keyboards or translating the os with the help of the community 15:46:50 <iekku> #info due to the holiday season the submission queue in Harbour piled up. It will take a few days until we are back on track and can process submissions on time. Thanks for being patient :) 15:47:50 <iekku> nsa-rep, i assume not during vacation season. but i will try to find out now 15:48:48 <nsa-rep> its been quite a long time since this was discussed and havent heard anything since. Languages are missing keyboards also. Hence the question. 15:49:18 <iekku> nsa-rep, :nod: you aren't only one. we receive questions also in devel-care 15:49:23 <Yaniel> question: which libssl are you using? 15:49:27 <M4rtinK_jolla_> asking again if there has been any progress in enabling about QtPositioning in Harbor ? 15:49:40 <nsa-rep> also what happened to the usual bijjal whats coming next update 15:49:43 <dpurgin> yeah, Russian translation is sometimes not very good. I've seen a remorse with every word clipped, so I didn't even understand what it meant 15:49:45 <iekku> people are eager to help and i hope we can get tools for them soon 15:50:12 <dr_gogeta86> iekku but any outlook for 2015 15:50:19 <SK_work> yep, the what's coming in next update mail is very welcomed 15:50:20 <dr_gogeta86> ? 15:50:27 <SK_work> + if it can be posted in jolla blog :) 15:50:32 <dr_gogeta86> +1 15:50:42 <iekku> #action iekku to remind bijjal about "what's coming in next update" -mail 15:51:19 <faenil> yeah, blog post probably makes sense, since there is a blog now :) 15:52:24 <iekku> we have next iteration day 13th, so bijjal will tell more after that 15:52:32 <SK_work> :) 15:53:11 <sledges> true, wasn't there her email after the past iteration last month? 15:53:20 <nsa-rep> so target for next update is early Feb? 15:53:24 <sledges> (as it's per iteration, not per update) 15:54:42 <cybette> yeap the "what's coming" is per iteration, which does not necessarily correspond to sailfish OS updates 15:54:47 <dpurgin> a question to Jolla guys. what's the policy on choosing between taking parts of Nemo or using Qt counterparts? Recently I've met a FolderListModel implemented for both nemomobile and Qt.labs. The latest SailfishOS update includes Qt.labs version but doesn't even has a nemo plugin in repos 15:55:31 <nsa-rep> is there any plan for avahi integration in SFOS. 15:56:03 <iekku> dpurgin, might be good idea to have that as a seperate topic for next meeting? 15:56:13 <phdeswer> nsa-rep: no integration needed afaik. Just compile and install no? 15:56:28 <iekku> 1 minute 15:57:07 <prplmnky> For what it's worth, +1 for more info regarding upcoming input methods and translations. 15:57:08 <dpurgin> iekku, sure if someone has anything to add, I just met it once =) 15:57:13 <nsa-rep> is there a guide on how to compile stuff for SFOS? 15:57:29 <beidl> just read the backlog. Delirium Bar.. sounds promising. 15:57:38 <nsa-rep> i suppose its not something like ./confiug make make install 15:57:44 <Yaniel> nsa-rep: it is 15:57:45 <iekku> ok, we are running out of time 15:57:57 <phdeswer> nsa-rep: well 9/10 it is already in nemomobile so you just need to get it from there. 15:57:57 <iekku> for the rest, please visit TJC and propose topics 15:58:13 <iekku> #topic Wrap up and next meeting (5 min) 15:58:44 <iekku> Tuesday 20th? same time? 15:59:10 <cybette> iekku: +1 15:59:15 <nsa-rep> iekku: could you update us on the translation think on TJC? 15:59:16 <tbr> ok 15:59:29 <tbr> if you need a chair I might be able to (need to verify calendar) 15:59:33 <sledges> what about australians? 15:59:46 <tbr> is there interest from the australians? 16:00:18 <sledges> they came back from hols, and are sleeping atm, cant ask;) 16:00:28 <iekku> at least 15UTC is too hard for them 16:00:31 <Yaniel> nsa-rep: details on #sailfishos 16:00:31 <tbr> also applies to people from hongkong and china 16:00:36 <iekku> :nod: 16:00:50 <tbr> but would need to know there is interest from them 16:00:55 <iekku> #action iekku to check for next meeting if we should start rolling times again 16:01:05 <sledges> +1 16:01:54 <iekku> #info available chairs: iekku, tbr (needs verify calendar) 16:02:14 <iekku> how about others, is my proposal ok? 16:02:34 <faenil> ok to me 16:03:10 <sledges> M4rtinK_jolla_: QtPositioning has gone a step closer, I'll poke the right parties (sorry stemming from past topic, but I know how sore this is) 16:03:13 <dpurgin> ok to me but I'm between Europe and Australian guys, so anything is fine 16:03:36 <M4rtinK_jolla_> sledges: thanks! :-) 16:03:58 <iekku> #info next meeting Mon 20th January 2015 15:00 UTC 16:04:06 <iekku> thank you all <3 16:04:16 <cybette> thanks iekku ! 16:04:26 <iekku> #endmeeting