15:00:25 <iekku> #startmeeting SailfishOS, open source, collaboration meeting: 20-January 2015 15:00:25 <merbot> Meeting started Tue Jan 20 15:00:25 2015 UTC. The chair is iekku. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.merproject.org/wiki/Meetings. 15:00:25 <merbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic. 15:00:31 <iekku> Welcome :) 15:00:36 <tbr> \o 15:00:37 <iekku> #topic Introduction of meeting participants (5 min) 15:00:52 <tbr> please op merbot 15:00:55 <sledges> o/ 15:00:57 <iekku> #info iekku pylkk�, developer community & developer care @ jolla, chairing today 15:00:58 <faenil> o/ 15:01:03 <tbr> #info Thomas Ruecker, community member 15:01:10 <faenil> #info Andrea Bernabei, nemomobile contributor and jolla user 15:01:29 <situ> #info Siteshwar, community 15:02:00 <sledges> #info Simonas Leleiva, sailor, #sailfishos-porters 15:02:10 <phdeswer> #info Philippe De Swert, Jolla 15:02:16 <cybette> #info Carol Chen, community chef @ jolla 15:02:19 <iekku> oh yes, remember to use #info in the beginning 15:03:01 <iekku> what :o 15:03:19 <iekku> hope that fixed it 15:03:25 <pketolai> #info Pami Ketolainen, developer @ Jolla 15:03:39 <iekku> now 15:04:20 <M4rtinK_jolla_> #info Martin Kolman, community member 15:04:33 <dr_gogeta86> #info Fabio Isgrò, community 15:04:39 <Joe____> #info Joe Justen, community 15:04:53 <sledges> :) 15:05:04 <iekku> sledges, i'm bit tired 15:05:23 <iekku> ok, moving on 15:05:24 <daitheflu> #info François Kubler, community (France) 15:05:31 * phdeswer sends iekku a comfy pillow that will only be usable after the meeting 15:05:31 <SK_work> #info Lucien Xu, France 15:05:38 <SK_work> #info Lucien Xu, community 15:05:39 <iekku> phdeswer, :D 15:05:45 <iekku> SK_work, :D 15:05:48 <SK_work> damn you daitheflu 15:05:52 <SK_work> iekku: :P 15:05:54 <iekku> is lbt around? 15:06:04 <daitheflu> SK_work: ? :) 15:06:16 <cybette> SK_work: :D 15:06:17 <locusf> #info Aleksi Suomalainen, nemomobile contributor 15:06:41 <iekku> hmmm, since lbt isn't yet here, could we take faenil's topic first? 15:06:49 <MSameer> #info Mohammed Hassan, FOSS guy and Jolla guy! 15:07:01 <tbr> no objections 15:07:10 <iekku> faenil, ok to you? 15:07:11 <artemma> #info Artem, greedy app guy on the wait for developer program 15:07:17 <faenil> sure 15:07:28 <iekku> #topic Bring back Nemo middleware discussions to public places -Andrea Bernabei / faenil (20 min) 15:07:35 <faenil> even though it contains references to lbt :D 15:08:04 <iekku> faenil, if we say his name 3 times, he will show up? 15:08:16 <iekku> faenil, stage is yours 15:08:22 <tbr> is that like saying "hastur" 3 times? SCNR 15:08:34 <faenil> just a few secs 15:09:01 <SK_work> daitheflu: you said community, france, and my brain focused on the fact that there is one word I need to extract from your intro, to put in mine ... too bad I picked the wrong one 15:09:04 <tbr> either people are just late or they saw my tweet ;) 15:09:29 <kimmoli> #info Kimmo Lindholm , late? 15:09:33 <faenil> so, basically, Once Upon a Time 15:09:40 <dirkvl> #info Dirk, also late 15:09:47 <faenil> middleware discussions used to happen in #nemomobile 15:10:04 <faenil> the channel was always very active and there were always people discussing code and implementations/ideas 15:10:05 <iekku> #info middleware discussions used to happen in #nemomobile 15:10:17 <faenil> this was before jolla came out on the market 15:10:27 <cybette> kimmoli, dirkvl: that's your intro? you guys will now be known as "the late ones" ;) 15:10:37 <faenil> from that point, they slowly started closing the doors, and brought everything their private IRC walls 15:10:44 <tbr> let's hope that's not an omen for tohkbdv2 15:10:59 <iekku> let's stay on topic 15:10:59 <tbr> and private OBS and private gits and private... 15:11:02 <faenil> nowadays, all of the middleware discussion by sailors happen behind their closed doors 15:11:24 <faenil> It is cool that Jolla still "commits in the open" 15:11:38 <faenil> and not with codedrop, but that is only part of the game 15:11:58 <faenil> the fundamental problem here is probably that sailors are afraid of talking about private stuff in public places 15:12:10 <faenil> so they take the shortcut and only use Jolla's chats 15:12:25 <daitheflu> SK_work: both are equally important, the first one explains why we are here, and the second one why we have a sh*tty english (the second one also gives us an excuse to complain about everything :D ) 15:12:31 <tbr> to summarize this long story short: This is a friendly reminder to be more open, more visible, more proactive. 15:12:31 <SK_work> (tbr: not true for private OBS and git. All the nemo MW is on github and built on merproject.org) 15:12:37 <iekku> #info it is cool that Jolla still "commits in the open", but that is only part of the game. discussion should be also done in public. 15:12:38 <faenil> It would be lovely to see Jolla enforce their employeers to use the public channels to discuss public matters 15:12:48 <ljo_> #info Leif-Jöran Olsson, the even later one 15:12:55 <SK_work> tbr: I would say that it's a bit more than that 15:13:08 <SK_work> it is an invitation to go back to the good old days of public infra 15:13:08 <tbr> SK_work: prove that people don't do stuff on jolla OBS and bitbucket before it ends up on nemomobile github/merobs 15:13:11 <SK_work> (public bz) 15:13:16 <faenil> I've been meaning to do this for a very long time, but I postponed this and here we are 15:13:25 <SK_work> tbr: maybe the OBS, but see the commits on github 15:13:26 <faenil> nothing changed since I noticed nothing was happening in the public anymore 15:13:37 <tbr> SK_work: the problem lis larger than commits 15:13:37 <faenil> so the "we're working on it" approach is missing here, imho 15:13:52 <SK_work> +1 about the "working on it" 15:13:54 <tbr> the "we're working on this" has stagnated once again 15:14:05 <faenil> there are no steps towards this direction, and it would be great to see this happening because I'm sure many of the sailors would like too see that happening as well 15:14:07 <iekku> faenil, if i didn't catch your points, please add more #infos 15:14:12 <SK_work> since Jolla guys starts to communicate more, what about giving some deadlines and timelines etc ? 15:14:12 <tbr> I suspect it died the quick death of "we have a product and software for it to ship" 15:14:23 <SK_work> tbr: me too 15:14:27 <tbr> #info to summarize this long story short: This is a friendly reminder to be more open, more visible, more proactive. 15:14:37 <faenil> iekku, right, I'll try 15:14:45 <iekku> tbr, thanks 15:15:04 <tbr> #info long story in the full log, see faenil's introduction 15:15:31 <faenil> #info in the last few months nothing at all happened in this direction, it would be cool to see Jolla asking their employees to discuss public matters in public places, like it used to happen before Jolla launched 15:15:56 <tbr> #info there were mentions of "we're working on it" but the momentum seems to have died down again 15:16:13 <tbr> this would be the moment where Stskeeps shows up to shed some light 15:16:46 <SK_work> yep 15:16:51 <faenil> just to add some juice, there's still no repo->maintainer list, just a very simple example of something that was "wip" many many months ago 15:16:54 <faenil> maybe a year ago? 15:16:55 <SK_work> I would like to have these two questions answered 15:17:21 <SK_work> 1. what technically prevents Jolla to use public BZ to track their tasks or bugs for MW ? 15:17:27 <M4rtinK_jolla_> I gues that could help to get more community contributions and general help 15:17:43 <faenil> SK_work, that comes later, as a consequence, let's not focus on bugzilla just yet :) 15:18:01 <SK_work> 2. what prevents Jolla to publish their iteration planning results, at least on the open part 15:18:06 <tbr> M4rtinK_jolla_: yes, as visibility that a bug blocks certain features often solicits patches from people who want those features 15:18:12 <M4rtinK_jolla_> if people don't feel that the actual development happens "somewhere up thete" 15:18:17 <SK_work> faenil: I'm a bit focus on how the project management is done actually 15:18:27 <tbr> M4rtinK_jolla_: we saw some things in this aspect when we dragged things out into the open with e.g. caldav 15:18:48 <iekku> SK_work, so you would like to have more detailed planning result than what we are having now? 15:18:49 <faenil> tbr, right 15:19:23 <tbr> but the accessibility of the middleware remains rather oblique and hard 15:19:36 <tbr> there are no roadmaps, no plans 15:19:59 <SK_work> iekku: well, it is in a project (code) level, not high level. For example, the high level plan could be: "adding weather app", while in project level, there could be: someone will work on a weather related middleware, with this feature and this one etc. 15:20:18 <iekku> SK_work, thanks for good example 15:20:31 <SK_work> so that community can step up and say that they will work on another feature, in parallel, or to complete something 15:20:42 <SK_work> you give visibility to your work, so community can adapt 15:20:50 <tbr> iekku: or the certificate management topic that soumya shmentioned on a TJC item 15:20:55 * lbt arrives 15:21:14 <iekku> tbr, another good one, thanks 15:21:17 <sledges> ahoy 15:21:19 <tbr> iekku: IF that will be open, then it would fit with nemo middleware and probably would attract contributions 15:21:20 <cybette> roadmap/plan: https://lists.sailfishos.org/pipermail/devel/2015-January/005512.html 15:21:29 <SK_work> tbr: indeed 15:21:34 <SK_work> cybette: this is a high level 15:21:35 <tbr> iekku: as the blocked topic: WPA enterprise is very hot for many people 15:21:43 <kimmoli> tbr: + 15:21:51 <dr_gogeta86> tbr, also for me 15:21:58 <tbr> iekku: also this blocks other things like custom certs for mail app, etc 15:22:06 <SK_work> cybette: simple example: the roadmap mentions "* IMAP idle/push support " 15:22:24 <SK_work> that's good, but this don't tell who is in charge, what will be done (limited implem, full implem ?) 15:22:30 <tbr> so visibility of "mer or nemo needs a certificate management middleware" would help. unless ofc it's going to be closed. 15:22:31 <faenil> we're back to square one, we talked about this a year ago :( 15:22:33 <SK_work> not what community can do to help 15:22:38 <cybette> SK_work, I was pointing out that we have been sharing our plans, at least at a high level 15:22:54 <tbr> SK_work: yes, that should be a bz tracker ticket with more info, people cc'd etc 15:23:10 <SK_work> cybette: yep, but just pointing out that for the MW level, this is not enough 15:23:28 <iekku> #info iteration planning results should be shared in more detailed level (= MW level) so community could help 15:23:48 <iekku> ^ long story short? 15:23:55 <SK_work> iekku: long story very short 15:23:59 <tbr> #info preferably they should be translated into mer/nemo bugzilla tickets, to maintain visibility and encourage open work 15:24:31 <tbr> people can still ignore them and just close them together with their commit, but at least they would be there 15:24:40 <sledges> mer bugzilla sync is close to fruition 15:24:46 <tbr> enacting and enforcing policies is homework for jolla, the company 15:25:15 <SK_work> tbr: this is difficult (to do random merge requests) as: 1. they don't know who to ping to review code 2. they don't know if the feature is already at work 15:25:27 <faenil> tbr, +1000 15:25:29 <tbr> SK_work: exactly 15:25:39 <SK_work> tbr: +2 15:25:50 <SK_work> sledges: what will the bz sync cover ? 15:25:52 <iekku> #info action enacting and enforcing policies is homework for jolla, the company 15:26:01 <iekku> #undo 15:26:01 <merbot> Removing item from minutes: <MeetBot.items.Info object at 0x96dda90> 15:26:05 <sledges> SK_work: details not publicly available at the moment 15:26:10 <iekku> #action enacting and enforcing policies is homework for jolla, the company 15:26:32 <iekku> 1 minute remaining 15:26:34 <tbr> jolla, the company, likes to emphasize its open source roots, it would be nice if it would do more to stick with them 15:26:36 <sledges> SK_work: re: 1.: github/gitlab PR/MR is the code review way, it pings maintainers automatically 15:26:53 <sledges> re 2. +1 ;) 15:26:58 <lbt> the bz sync stuff is about working on bugs in mer bz and tracking time and planning stuff internally 15:27:06 <SK_work> sledges: :( 15:27:19 <SK_work> lbt: will the planning part be available ? 15:27:22 <iekku> times out 15:27:29 <lbt> SK_work: not all of it 15:27:29 <SK_work> this could be nice for us to see what happens ? 15:27:43 <SK_work> those related to Mer / Nemo ? 15:27:48 <lbt> yes 15:28:07 <iekku> ok, we need to move to next topic 15:28:16 <iekku> let's revisit this one next time 15:28:19 <SK_work> lbt: good news 15:28:30 <iekku> #topic FOSDEM Mer / SailfishOS meal (10 min) - David Greaves /lbt 15:28:43 <lbt> yeah - this is simple 15:28:55 <lbt> I just want to get some numbers to book a restaurant 15:29:14 <lbt> we can have up to 50 people 15:29:28 <lbt> over 15 and they'd like us to use a menu 15:29:39 <lbt> ie http://www.restaurantvincent.com/groupesEn.php 15:30:06 <SK_work> lbt: don't know if everybody is here 15:30:10 <lbt> I've asked for some more "budget" prices since this is just a community thing - not a jolla paid event 15:30:13 <iekku> lbt, would it be good to have that at TJC 15:30:14 <lbt> SK_work: yep 15:30:15 <tbr> #info https://together.jolla.com/question/75543/fosdem-2015-community-events/?answer=75575#post-id-75575 15:30:22 <faenil> lbt, yeah it's quite expensive :/ 15:30:24 <SK_work> maybe the best is to mail to sailfishos ML / TJC / Twitter ? 15:30:26 <sledges> awesome http://www.restaurantvincent.com/images/header/presentation.jpg 15:31:00 <SK_work> yep some budget menu could be nicer 15:31:17 <lbt> so I was going to ask for a 30/head option - would that be OK ? 15:31:39 <lbt> and make it a 1-course, not a 3 course 15:31:54 <lbt> main thing was to get an idea of numbers 15:31:56 <M4rtinK_jolla_> I have no idea how most of these things on the menu even look like :) 15:32:06 <SK_work> M4rtinK_jolla_: time to discover :) 15:32:15 <cybette> lbt: ok for me 15:32:15 <lbt> it's mainly a steak place 15:32:17 <SK_work> lbt: won't 1-course be too short ? 15:32:35 <tbr> lbt: the TJC answer is currently at 12 upvotes. last time we had 20-30 people. 15:32:42 <lbt> I'm not much of a one for organising this kind of thing 15:32:46 <artemma> Should possible jolla cosponsor some of it? 15:32:51 <lbt> never done it before 15:32:57 <lbt> artemma: nah - this is just a meetup 15:33:04 <sledges> lbt: yet you were amazed by that place ;) 15:33:21 <lbt> sledges: yeah - I enjoyed it 15:33:49 <sledges> and talked to the maitre'd, so we're lookin up to you now;) 15:34:09 <lbt> yeah - not so sure about that - I'm real tight for spare time atm 15:34:15 <lbt> could do with some help 15:34:40 <Beankylla> I have a small question but i'm afraid be a bit out of scope here :p 15:34:52 <lbt> np - ask 15:35:07 <sledges> worst case if they don't accept us, we're out on the street and need a local person to suggeset next best/affordable place 15:35:32 <lbt> I was going to ask for a prelim booking for 30 15:35:56 <Teunwinters> You could start pol on tjc to get an.idea of numbers and set a time limmit to reply 15:36:13 <SK_work> Teunwinters: there is already a pool 15:36:16 <SK_work> or at least upvotes 15:36:29 <SK_work> maybe we should put something like: count the number of replies 15:36:38 <Beankylla> so jolla anounced that sailfish would be ported to some devices some time ago 15:36:46 <Beankylla> and showed demo of jolla on GS3 + stuff 15:36:49 <lbt> Beankylla: ok - too off topic 15:36:52 <Beankylla> lol 15:36:55 <iekku> 2 minutes 15:36:55 <lbt> ask later 15:36:56 <Beankylla> damn knew it 15:36:56 <sledges> Beankylla: offtopic now, wait for next topic here 15:37:03 <Beankylla> ok 15:37:12 <SK_work> Beankylla: or ask on #jollamobile 15:37:21 <sledges> #sailfishos-porters 15:37:22 <Beankylla> but i'm afraid i won't make it to the restaurant/bar hehe 15:37:24 <cybette> Beankylla: better yet #sailfishos-porters 15:37:26 <lbt> I think a wiki with names if you're committed 15:37:33 <tbr> btw: the price range should offer something student friendly 15:37:56 <SK_work> lbt: yeah 15:37:56 <tbr> there are many students in the community who won't spring for a 60€ 3 course meal with everything 15:37:58 <SK_work> that's good 15:38:10 <Teunwinters> anything below 25 will be of doubtful quality 15:38:22 <SK_work> tbr: he said he will try to get a 30#/1 course meal 15:38:25 <SK_work> for group 15:38:26 <SK_work> 30€ 15:38:52 <tbr> lbt: given that we don't have a place yet, I didn't modify the answer, it can be turned into a wiki 15:38:56 <lbt> anyone else volunteer to help get it organised ? 15:39:02 <lbt> tbr: ? 15:39:05 <lbt> :) 15:39:13 <iekku> :D 15:39:17 <tbr> lbt: "wiki with names if you're committed" 15:39:22 <iekku> time's up 15:39:24 <lbt> yep 15:39:36 <cybette> lbt: i'll do that. we can change it to a wiki and add people's names to it 15:39:37 <iekku> tbr, so you can help lbt ? 15:39:51 <tbr> iekku: no, I'm very busy at the moment 15:39:55 <iekku> #info cybette will help with poll 15:40:02 <iekku> ok, next topic then 15:40:12 <iekku> #topic General discussions - everyone (10 min) 15:40:24 <iekku> News from Jolla: 15:40:24 <iekku> #info we will allow from update 11 onwards libsndfile, libbz2 and SDL2 libs, as for the update 10 libs, please allow us a few days to have Harbour QA ready to take them in, after the update 11 release to devices. For details about which SDL2 libs see the following link: 15:40:28 <iekku> #link https://github.com/sailfish-sdk/sdk-harbour-rpmvalidator/commit/d542eee0da4a0c2959fc6ed30073de984454af58 15:40:31 <iekku> #link https://github.com/sailfish-sdk/sdk-harbour-rpmvalidator/commit/0c33b0a29b316efde6a7094d825c388fa51ce949 15:40:34 <iekku> #link https://github.com/sailfish-sdk/sdk-harbour-rpmvalidator/commit/7f77fdfa679a3d1dca47d2589c61389a8d51a1e9 15:40:37 <iekku> #info SDL2 currently suffers from a bug if SDL_Renderer is used. A fix for it will come in a later update, until then avoid using SDL_Renderer. See also https://together.jolla.com/question/55000/sdl2-test-application-wont-render/?answer=76670#post-id-76670 15:40:41 <iekku> #info libbz2 has high chances also to be allowed in update 11, follow https://github.com/sailfish-sdk/sdk-harbour-rpmvalidator/pull/51 15:40:44 <iekku> puuh :D 15:41:08 <faenil> :D 15:41:25 <M4rtinK_jolla_> QtPositioning ? ;-) 15:41:43 <iekku> :D :D 15:41:46 <sledges> M4rtinK_jolla_: movement is happening after last kicking, cause of delay: 3rd party in the picture 15:42:02 <iekku> M4rtinK_jolla_, status quo, we are still discussing 15:42:04 <M4rtinK_jolla_> or I would at least like to know what is still blocking it 15:42:23 * faenil feels M4rtinK_jolla_'s pain :D 15:42:27 <SK_work> +1 for blocking info 15:42:44 <tbr> M4rtinK_jolla_: the third party thing is a big hint and one that makes me afraid 15:42:46 <M4rtinK_jolla_> considering any Android app can use location, it is not a question of access control 15:43:08 <tbr> M4rtinK_jolla_: 3rd parties have their own agenda and don't give a crap about communities of their clients etc 15:43:35 <dr_gogeta86> tbr but push status on mer/nemomobile ? 15:43:42 <sledges> tbr: they are not involved directly, it's our deps that doing best they can, we feel your pain 15:44:02 <M4rtinK_jolla_> I just want to * finaly* present my navigation app to wider audience 15:44:17 <M4rtinK_jolla_> and I'm not alone in this boat 15:44:37 <netvandal> Hi all, are you taliking about accessing gps? 15:44:38 <sledges> ^ my words exactly, in the kicking e-mail 15:44:45 <tbr> dr_gogeta86: I haven't worked much on that. If jolla is interested in it, then I'm open to discussion and a commercial proposal. 15:45:20 <M4rtinK_jolla_> there are multiple gps using apps stuck on OpenRepos due to this 15:46:31 <kontio> iekku: the last #info was too much :) it's already part of the first #info, but thx any way :) 15:47:11 <M4rtinK_jolla_> I guess I should I just submit the android version of modRana to Harbour and be done with it... ;-) 15:47:31 <M4rtinK_jolla_> (so much for native application support) 15:47:38 <tbr> lol 15:47:39 <iekku> kontio, you are welcome :D 15:47:57 <iekku> kontio, i was about to paste it when i noticed last one is missing and added it :D 15:47:59 <tbr> M4rtinK_jolla_: given that you can easily build qt/qml apps for android nowadays... 15:48:10 <tbr> sad but viable 15:48:18 <sledges> his one is written in python 15:48:30 <iekku> 2 minutes 15:48:33 <faenil> M4rtinK_jolla_, then you could advertise that you're publishing an android app when you have one native ready... 15:48:46 <faenil> that could "convince" Jolla that it has to speed up negotiations with this "3rd party" :P 15:48:58 <faenil> (if some tech blogs were to publish your post) 15:49:08 <sledges> faenil: 17:43 <+sledges> tbr: they are not involved directly, it's our deps that doing best they can, we feel your pain 15:49:12 <dr_gogeta86> take leverage 15:49:13 <M4rtinK_jolla_> well you can also do Python 3 + Qt 5 + PyOtherSide for Andriod now :) 15:49:20 <dr_gogeta86> on press .... is a fake move 15:49:29 <dr_gogeta86> back on nemo 15:49:42 <iekku> 1 minute 15:49:42 <dr_gogeta86> some projects are very intresting 15:49:54 <M4rtinK_jolla_> and *I have* an Android version of modRana and it runs fine on the Jolla :) 15:49:54 <dr_gogeta86> almost all 15:50:12 <dr_gogeta86> but some lacks even of README.md 15:50:31 <iekku> closing this topic, time to move to last one 15:50:36 <iekku> #topic Wrap up and next meeting (5 min) 15:50:53 <tbr> it's a bit sad if we have _seriously_ discuss running Qt/QML/etc apps as android apps because the native platform just is too closed in the store 15:50:54 <iekku> i propose we have next meeting 3rd of february 15:51:07 <faenil> tbr, +1 :( 15:51:20 <dr_gogeta86> +1 is not enough 15:51:31 <faenil> anything else we can do? 15:51:38 <M4rtinK_jolla_> faenil: that or sheduling a 'QtPositioning for Harbour' topic for every meeting from now onwards ;-) 15:51:49 <dr_gogeta86> I can't do nothing apart install apps from external repos 15:51:50 <faenil> M4rtinK_jolla_, I vote for the latter ;) 15:51:53 <iekku> hey, we have moved to next topic 15:52:00 <cybette> let's keep on topi 15:52:01 <tbr> that would just devolve into a "dacia sandero" joke :-/ 15:52:03 <cybette> topic 15:52:30 <cybette> +1 for 3rd february 15:52:43 <cybette> i can chair this time 15:52:55 <iekku> cybette, <3 15:53:31 <dr_gogeta86> tbr, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ylxcU7E8if0 15:53:50 * kimmoli trying to make bettter info next time 15:53:58 <iekku> i asked from australians if we should start rotation, and agreed if there's some topic really important for them, we try to arrange meeting so that they could also participate 15:54:03 <cybette> kimmoli: :) 15:54:20 <cybette> iekku: thanks for checking! 15:54:34 <iekku> cybette, that was my action for this meeting :P 15:55:07 <iekku> so, 3-February 15:00 UTC? 15:55:55 <cybette> silence implies consent? 15:56:04 <iekku> i assume so :) 15:56:24 <iekku> #info next meeting in 2 weeks: 3-February 15:00 UTC, chair: cybette 15:56:32 <artemma> tbr: imho underlying reason for not allowing GPS and stuff for Jolla apps is not the app maturity, it is that for some weird reason, Jolla makes it real hard to supply your own libraries with your app. Otherwise you could just ship your own gps plugin with the app 15:56:37 <iekku> thank you all for this meeting 15:56:44 <artemma> that is considering that gps is fine for Android 15:56:57 <cybette> iekku: thank you! 15:57:07 <iekku> #endmeeting